About Instruments

Instruments是一个强大的和灵活的性能分析和测试工具的Xcode工具集的一部分。它的目的是帮助您配置您的OS X和iOS应用程序、进程和设备,以便更好地理解和优化他们的行为和性能。从应用程序开发过程的开始将工具集成到您的工作流中,可以帮助您在开发周期的早期找到问题。Instruments is a powerful and flexible performance-analysis and testing tool that’s part of the Xcode tool set. It’s designed to help you profile your OS X and iOS apps, processes, and devices in order to better understand and optimize their behavior and performance. Incorporating Instruments into your workflow from the beginning of the app development process can save you time later by helping you find issues early in the development cycle.

image: ../Art/instruments_app_icon_2x.png

在仪器中,您使用专门的工具,即仪器,来跟踪应用程序、进程和设备的不同方面。仪器收集数据作为它的概况,并向您详细介绍分析结果。In Instruments, you use specialized tools, known as instruments, to trace different aspects of your apps, processes, and devices over time. Instruments collects data as it profiles, and presents the results to you in detail for analysis.

与其他性能和调试工具不同,工具允许您收集大量不同类型的数据,并并排查看它们。这使得识别可能被忽略的趋势变得更容易。例如,应用程序可能会显示由于多个开放网络连接而导致的大量内存增长。通过使用分配和连接工具一起,您可以识别不关闭的连接,从而导致快速的内存增长。Unlike other performance and debugging tools, Instruments allows you to gather widely disparate types of data and view them side by side. This makes it easier to identify trends that might otherwise be overlooked. For example, your app may exhibit large memory growth caused by multiple open network connections. By using the Allocations and Connections instruments together, you can identify connections that are not closing and thus resulting in rapid memory growth.

通过有效地使用仪器,您可以:By using Instruments effectively, you can:

  • 检查一个或多个应用程序或进程的行为Examine the behavior of one or more apps or processes

  • 检查设备特定的功能,如Wi-Fi和蓝牙Examine device-specific features, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

  • 在模拟器或物理设备上执行概要分析Perform profiling in a simulator or on a physical device

  • 创建自定义的DTrace仪器分析方面的系统和应用程序的行为Create custom DTrace instruments to analyze aspects of system and app behavior

  • 跟踪源代码中的问题Track down problems in your source code

  • 对应用程序进行性能分析Conduct performance analysis on your app

  • 查找应用程序中的内存问题,如泄漏、废弃内存和僵尸Find memory problems in your app, such as leaks, abandoned memory, and zombies

  • 找出优化你的应用程序以提高电源效率的方法Identify ways to optimize your app for greater power efficiency

  • 执行一般系统级故障排除Perform general system-level troubleshooting

  • 将工具配置保存为模板Save instrument configurations as templates

虽然它是嵌入在可使用Xcode,工具是一个单独的应用程序,这可能需要使用独立。Although it’s embedded within and may be used with Xcode, Instruments is a separate app, which may be used independently as needed.


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