在Mac OS X 10.10.5学习hadoop的过程中,输入命令ssh localhost得到
ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused
然后再输入命令ssh localhost发现已经解决问题找到解决方案来自于

mac connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused相关推荐

  1. mac下ssh 报错:localhost: ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused

    1.美图 2.背景 mac下本地启动hadoop 本地模式 (base) lcc@lcc hadoop-2.7.4$ sh sbin/start-all.sh This script is Depre ...

  2. 日常问题——解决mac下 ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused

    问题描述: 今天使用ssh 登陆本地时即使用ssh localhost出现了 ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused 错误 ...

  3. Ubuntu下 ssh : connect to host localhost port 22:Connection refused

    Ubuntu下测试ssh时使用ssh localhost 命令,出现错误提示connect to host localhost port 22:Connection refused 造成这个错误的原因 ...

  4. vmware中的Ubuntu安装ssh全家桶(解决connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused)...

    2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 网上查询过异常信息后得知系统需要安装ssh服务. 1.重现问题:ssh localhost 报错connect to host ...

  5. ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused 问题

    错误原因: 1.sshd 未安装 2.sshd 未启动 3.防火墙 4需重新启动ssh 服务 解决方法: 1.确定安装sshd: $ sudo apt-get install openssh-serv ...

  6. ssh: connect to host 192.***.*.* port 22: Connection refused

    在从本地电脑连接远程服务器的时候,显示了ssh: connect to host 192.*.. port 22: Connection refused这个问题. 问题出现的原因是:没有安装sshd ...

  7. ssh本机连接connect to host localhost port 2222: Connection refused

    在根据博客[https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/355748937]配置和连接ssh服务的过程中,连接失败. 尝试了很多方法都不行,最后怀疑端口被占用,解决方法: 重新配置/et ...

  8. hadoop : Starting namenodes on [master] master: ssh: connect to host master port 22: Connection refu

    Starting namenodes on [master] master: ssh: connect to host master port 22: Connection refused; 本人启动 ...

  9. ssh:connect to host xxx port 22: Connection refused---------you don‘t have permission to acccess the

    在自己的Ubuntu电脑上,用ssh连接xavier NX板子的时候,突然出现了连接不上的情况,提示you don't have permission to acccess the requested ...


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