已知二叉树,求二叉树中给定的两个节点的最近公共祖先。 最近公共祖先: 两节点v与w的最近公共祖先u,满足在树上最低(离根最 远),且v,w两个节点都是u的子孙。




void getPathToNode(Tree *root, Tree *search,  //root根节点,search为当前节点std::vector<Tree *> &path, //存储临时路径std::vector<Tree *> &result, //存储最终结果int &finish) { //是否找到的状态if (!root || finish ) { //如果找到或者根节点为空,则返回空return;}path.push_back(root); if (root == search) { //发现当前节点为我们要找的路径finish = 1;result = path; //将路径列表给予最终的结果}/*继续后序左右子树的查找*/getPathToNode(root -> left, search, path, result, finish);getPathToNode(root -> right, search, path, result, finish);/*发现没有找到,则将当前节点pop*/result.pop_back();


Tree *getPublicNode(Tree *root, Tree *p, Tree *q) {if (root == NULL) {return NULL;}std::vector<Tree *> p_path;//p的最终路径std::vector<Tree *> q_path;//q节点的最终路径std::vector<Tree *> path;//存储临时路径int finish = 0;getPathToNode(root, p, path, p_path,finish);path.clear();finish = 0;getPathToNode(root, q, path, q_path,finish);int path_len = 0;if (p_path.size() > q_path.size()) { //需要取一个最短的路径进行后序的遍历path_len = q_path.size();}else {path_len = p_path.size();}Tree *result;for (int i = 0;i < path_len; ++i) { //从开始(根节点)遍历到叶子节点,越靠后的节点越为最近的公共祖先节点if (p_path[i] == q_path[i]) {result = p_path[i];}}return result;

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