
  • 1.过时的llvmpy
  • 2.llvmlite


llvmpy是llvm C ++库的Python包装器,允许简单访问编译器工具。
但是这个库已经不再更新了,只支持LLVM 3.3,不支持更新的版本。
有一篇好文章可以阅读:Let’s Write an LLVM Specializer for Python! (Stephen Diehl)


项目的GitHub地址:numba/llvmlite: A lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers

llvmlite versions compatible LLVM versions
0.29.0 - … 7.0.x, 7.1.x, 8.0.x
0.27.0 - 0.28.0 7.0.x
0.23.0 - 0.26.0 6.0.x
0.21.0 - 0.22.0 5.0.x
0.17.0 - 0.20.0 4.0.x
0.16.0 - 0.17.0 3.9.x
0.13.0 - 0.15.0 3.8.x
0.9.0 - 0.12.1 3.7.x
0.6.0 - 0.8.0 3.6.x
0.1.0 - 0.5.1 3.5.x

我使用的LLVM版本是3.9,所以我下载0.16.0版本的llvmlite :

apt install libedit-dev
alias llvm-config="llvm-config-3.9"
export LLVM_CONFIG="/usr/bin/llvm-config-3.9"
pip3 install llvmlite==0.16.0
python3 -m llvmlite.tests


from __future__ import print_functionfrom ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, c_doubleimport llvmlite.binding as llvm# All these initializations are required for code generation!
llvm.initialize_native_asmprinter()  # yes, even this onellvm_ir = """; ModuleID = "examples/ir_fpadd.py"target triple = "unknown-unknown-unknown"target datalayout = ""define double @"fpadd"(double %".1", double %".2"){entry:%"res" = fadd double %".1", %".2"ret double %"res"}"""def create_execution_engine():"""Create an ExecutionEngine suitable for JIT code generation onthe host CPU.  The engine is reusable for an arbitrary number ofmodules."""# Create a target machine representing the hosttarget = llvm.Target.from_default_triple()target_machine = target.create_target_machine()# And an execution engine with an empty backing modulebacking_mod = llvm.parse_assembly("")engine = llvm.create_mcjit_compiler(backing_mod, target_machine)return enginedef compile_ir(engine, llvm_ir):"""Compile the LLVM IR string with the given engine.The compiled module object is returned."""# Create a LLVM module object from the IRmod = llvm.parse_assembly(llvm_ir)mod.verify()# Now add the module and make sure it is ready for executionengine.add_module(mod)engine.finalize_object()return modengine = create_execution_engine()
mod = compile_ir(engine, llvm_ir)# Look up the function pointer (a Python int)
func_ptr = engine.get_function_address("fpadd")# Run the function via ctypes
cfunc = CFUNCTYPE(c_double, c_double, c_double)(func_ptr)
res = cfunc(1.0, 3.5)
print("fpadd(...) =", res)


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