


  • FailureDAO
  • KeysDAO
  • QueueInfoDAO
  • WorkerInfoDAO



/*** FailureDAO provides access to job failures.* * @author Greg Haines*/
public interface FailureDAO {/*** @return total number of failures*/long getCount();/*** @param offset offset into the failures* @param count number of failures to return* @return a sub-list of the failures*/List<JobFailure> getFailures(long offset, long count);/*** Clear the list of failures.*/void clear();/*** Re-queue a job for execution.* @param index the index into the failure list* @return the date the job was re-queued*/Date requeue(long index);/*** Remove a failure from the list.* @param index the index of the failure to remove*/void remove(long index);


  • count


  • clear


  • getFailures


  • requeue

根据index取出failed job,重新设定retry时间,放到入队列中

  • remove




/*** KeysDAO provides access to available keys.* * @author Greg Haines*/
public interface KeysDAO {/*** Get basic key info.* @param key the key name* @return the key information or null if the key did not exist*/KeyInfo getKeyInfo(String key);/*** Get basic key info plus a sub-list of the array value for the key, if applicable.* @param key the key name* @param offset the offset into the array* @param count the number of values to return* @return the key information or null if the key did not exist*/KeyInfo getKeyInfo(String key, int offset, int count);/*** Get basic info on all keys.* @return a list of key informations*/List<KeyInfo> getKeyInfos();/*** @return information about the backing Redis database*/Map<String, String> getRedisInfo();
  • getKeyInfo


  • getKeyInfos

使用keys *方法

  • getRedisInfo




/*** QueueInfoDAO provides access to the queues in use by Jesque.* * @author Greg Haines*/
public interface QueueInfoDAO {/*** @return the list of queue names*/List<String> getQueueNames();/*** @return total number of jobs pending in all queues*/long getPendingCount();/*** @return total number of jobs processed*/long getProcessedCount();/*** @return the list of queue informations*/List<QueueInfo> getQueueInfos();/*** @param name the queue name* @param jobOffset the offset into the queue* @param jobCount the number of jobs to return* @return the queue information or null if the queue does not exist*/QueueInfo getQueueInfo(String name, long jobOffset, long jobCount);/*** Delete the given queue.* @param name the name of the queue*/void removeQueue(String name);
  • getQueueNames


  • getPendingCount


private long size(final Jedis jedis, final String queueName) {final String key = key(QUEUE, queueName);final long size;if (JedisUtils.isDelayedQueue(jedis, key)) { // If delayed queue, use ZCARDsize = jedis.zcard(key);} else { // Else, use LLENsize = jedis.llen(key);}return size;}

延时队列使用的是zcard操作SortSet 非延时队列使用llen操作list

  • getProcessedCount


  • getQueueInfos


  • removeQueue
public void removeQueue(final String name) {PoolUtils.doWorkInPoolNicely(this.jedisPool, new PoolWork<Jedis, Void>() {/*** {@inheritDoc}*/@Overridepublic Void doWork(final Jedis jedis) throws Exception {jedis.srem(key(QUEUES), name);jedis.del(key(QUEUE, name));return null;}});}




/*** WorkerInfoDAO provides access to information about workers.* * @author Greg Haines*/
public interface WorkerInfoDAO {/*** @return total number of workers known*/long getWorkerCount();/*** @return number of active workers*/long getActiveWorkerCount();/*** @return number of paused workers*/long getPausedWorkerCount();/*** @return information about all active workers*/List<WorkerInfo> getActiveWorkers();/*** @return information about all paused workers*/List<WorkerInfo> getPausedWorkers();/*** @return information about all workers*/List<WorkerInfo> getAllWorkers();/*** @param workerName the name of the worker* @return information about the given worker or null if that worker does not exist*/WorkerInfo getWorker(String workerName);/*** @return a map of worker informations by hostname*/Map<String, List<WorkerInfo>> getWorkerHostMap();/*** Removes the metadata about a worker.* * @param workerName*            The worker name to remove*/void removeWorker(String workerName);
  • getAllWorkers


  • getActiveWorkers


  • getPausedWorkers


  • getWorkerCount


  • getActiveWorkerCount


  • getPausedWorkerCount


  • getWorkerHostMap

smembers操作namespace:workers,然后按照host来分map 这个基本是万能的,其他的count基本是这个衍生出来

  • removeWorker
public void removeWorker(final String workerName) {PoolUtils.doWorkInPoolNicely(this.jedisPool, new PoolWork<Jedis, Void>() {/*** {@inheritDoc}*/@Overridepublic Void doWork(final Jedis jedis) throws Exception {jedis.srem(key(WORKERS), workerName);jedis.del(key(WORKER, workerName), key(WORKER, workerName, STARTED), key(STAT, FAILED, workerName), key(STAT, PROCESSED, workerName));return null;}});}




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