
class ome_xml {


* xml资源


* @var resource

* @see xml_parser_create()


public $parser;


* 资源编码


* @var string


public $srcenc;


* target encoding


* @var string


public $dstenc;


* the original struct


* @access private

* @var array


public $_struct = array();


* Constructor


* @access public

* @param mixed [$srcenc] source encoding

* @param mixed [$dstenc] target encoding

* @return void

* @since


function SofeeXmlParser($srcenc = null, $dstenc = null) {

$this->srcenc = $srcenc;

$this->dstenc = $dstenc;

// initialize the variable.

$this->parser = null;

$this->_struct = array();



* Parses the XML file


* @access public

* @param string [$file] the XML file name

* @return void

* @since


function xml2array($file) {


$data = file_get_contents($file);


return $this->getTree();


function xml3array($file){

$data = file_get_contents($file);


return $this->_struct;



* Parses a string.


* @access public

* @param string data XML data

* @return void


function parseString($data) {

if ($this->srcenc === null) {

$this->parser = xml_parser_create();

} else {

if($this->parser = xml_parser_create($this->srcenc)) {

return 'Unable to create XML parser resource with '. $this->srcenc .' encoding.';



if ($this->dstenc !== null) {

@xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $this->dstenc) or die('Invalid target encoding');


xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); // lowercase tags

xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); // skip empty tags

if (!xml_parse_into_struct($this->parser, $data, $this->_struct)) {

/*printf("XML error: %s at line %d",





return false;


$this->_count = count($this->_struct);




* return the data struction


* @access public

* @return array


function getTree() {

$i = 0;

$tree = array();

$tree = $this->addNode(



(isset($this->_struct[$i]['value'])) ? $this->_struct[$i]['value'] : '',

(isset($this->_struct[$i]['attributes'])) ? $this->_struct[$i]['attributes'] : '',




return $tree;



* recursion the children node data


* @access public

* @param integer [$i] the last struct index

* @return array


function getChild(&$i) {

// contain node data

$children = array();

// loop

while (++$i < $this->_count) {

// node tag name

$tagname = $this->_struct[$i]['tag'];

$value = isset($this->_struct[$i]['value']) ? $this->_struct[$i]['value'] : '';

$attributes = isset($this->_struct[$i]['attributes']) ? $this->_struct[$i]['attributes'] : '';

switch ($this->_struct[$i]['type']) {

case 'open':

// node has more children

$child = $this->getChild($i);

// append the children data to the current node

$children = $this->addNode($children, $tagname, $value, $attributes, $child);


case 'complete':

// at end of current branch

$children = $this->addNode($children, $tagname, $value, $attributes);


case 'cdata':

// node has CDATA after one of it's children

$children['value'] .= $value;


case 'close':

// end of node, return collected data

return $children;




//return $children;



* Appends some values to an array


* @access public

* @param array [$target]

* @param string [$key]

* @param string [$value]

* @param array [$attributes]

* @param array [$inner] the children

* @return void

* @since


function addNode($target, $key, $value = '', $attributes = '', $child = '') {

if (!isset($target[$key]['value']) && !isset($target[$key][0])) {

if ($child != '') {

$target[$key] = $child;


if ($attributes != '') {

foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) {

$target[$key][$k] = $v;



$target[$key]['value'] = $value;

} else {

if (!isset($target[$key][0])) {

// is string or other

$oldvalue = $target[$key];

$target[$key] = array();

$target[$key][0] = $oldvalue;

$index = 1;

} else {

// is array

$index = count($target[$key]);


if ($child != '') {

$target[$key][$index] = $child;


if ($attributes != '') {

foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) {

$target[$key][$index][$k] = $v;



$target[$key][$index]['value'] = $value;


return $target;



* Free the resources


* @access public

* @return void


function free() {

if (isset($this->parser) && is_resource($this->parser)) {









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