
by Jaime J. Rios

由Jaime J. Rios

超越技术面试 (Transcending the Technical Interview)

“Wow. What a chastening and shameful experience that was.”

“哇。 那真是一种令人st目结舌的经历。”

This was my immediate mental reaction after I completed my first technical interview.


I quickly learned after this humbling experience that knowing how to write good code is one thing, but articulating my thought process behind writing that code is a completely different beast.


I vividly recall how confident I was before my interview. But my confidence vanished like a Houdini trick once I was given the task of walking my interviewer through my solution.

我生动地回忆起面试前的自信。 但是一旦我承担了引导面试官解决问题的任务,我的信心就像胡迪尼的把戏一样消失了。

I soon realized that explaining your code verbally is much, much harder than it sounds.


During the interview I froze up a few times. I stuttered. At one point I actually had to ask my interviewer to walk me through my own code.

在面试中,我冻结了几次。 我结结巴巴。 有时候我实际上不得不要求面试官引导我完成自己的代码。

Needless to say, it was a dumbfounding experience.


The painful take-away was that I needed practice explaining my code verbally in interview scenarios.


I managed to line up another technical interview. And this time, I knew that I’d need to find a place where I could improve my technical interviewing skills with other coders.

我设法进行了另一次技术面试。 这次,我知道我需要找到一个可以提高与其他编码员的技术面试技巧的地方。

Low and behold, a friend serendipitously mentioned a Free Code Camp group in my city of Fresno, California. I had nothing to lose at that point, so I decided to make the effort to attend one of their events.

低垂的时候,一个朋友偶然地提到了我在加利福尼亚州弗雷斯诺市的一个Free Code Camp小组。 那时我没有什么可失去的,所以我决定努力参加他们的活动之一。

During the event, I noticed immediately that I was surrounded by collaborative, open-minded, and positive individuals who were as passionate about coding as I was. They were also willing to help with whatever questions I threw at them.

在活动期间,我立即注意到我周围充满了协作,胸怀大志,积极向上的人,他们像我一样热衷于编码。 他们也愿意为我提出的任何问题提供帮助。

I knew right off the bat that I had found an invaluable resource. Participating in this group served to enhance my learning, boost my confidence, and help me transcend the technical interview.

我马上就知道我已经找到了宝贵的资源。 参加该小组有助于增进我的学习,增强我的信心并帮助我超越技术面试。

Recently, our local Free Code Camp organizers put on what was arguably the best event of the year thus far. The event was titled “Whiteboard Interview Challenges.”

最近,我们当地的Free Code Camp组织者举办了迄今为止可以说是今年最好的活动。 该活动的标题为“白板面试挑战”。

As the title suggests, we practiced whiteboard problems that are frequently asked in technical interviews.


What made this particular event a stellar experience was the tremendous support and constructive feedback we received from all the coders who showed up.


It was incredible! We actually had coders who made the trip all the way from Bakersfield (a two-hour trip from Fresno) to attend the event. I thought it was fabulous to see the Bakersfield and Fresno coding communities come together to help, mentor, and support one another.

实在太棒了! 实际上,我们有一些编码员从Bakersfield(从Fresno出发,历时两个小时)一路走来参加活动。 我认为Bakersfield和Fresno编码社区聚在一起互相帮助,指导和支持真是太好了。

The event began with us downloading a Github repo that contained technical interview problems. Then, contrary to a typical lecture-style environment, everyone split up into groups to collaborate and work through an assigned problem from the repo.

活动始于我们下载一个包含技术面试问题的Github存储库。 然后,与典型的演讲风格环境相反,每个人都分成小组进行协作,并通过回购解决分配的问题。

One of the problems we reviewed was implementing an algorithm called “sum of squares.” This entailed taking an array of numbers, squaring each number in the array, and returning the sum of those numbers.

我们审查的问题之一是实现一种称为“平方和”的算法。 这需要获取一个数字数组,对数组中的每个数字求平方,然后返回这些数字的总和。

After solving the algorithm on the whiteboard (or wallboards in our case), we also practiced verbally explaining our solutions and our logical thought process behind our implementations.


Writing down the solutions on the whiteboard wasn’t too bad. I thought I fared pretty well. Although I struggled in the beginning when it came to talking about my code, we had a plethora experienced coders who coached us through the entire process.

在白板上写下解决方案还不错。 我以为我过得很好。 尽管一开始我在谈论我的代码时感到很挣扎,但我们有很多经验丰富的编码员在整个过程中指导我们。

By the time I got to talking about my recursive solution, I felt much more comfortable verbally explaining it, as well as discussing the how’s and why’s surrounding my implementation.


I cannot emphasize enough the amount of educational value and confidence I gained from this event, and from Free Code Camp in general.

我无法从这次活动以及总体上从Free Code Camp获得足够的教育价值和信心。

This has been a massive step toward to breaking into the tech industry as a software engineer.


If there’s any advice that I can give to others who are struggling with technical interviews , please do yourself a favor and collaborate, don’t alienate.


You’ll find that through collaboration, the opportunities for improving your coding skills are boundless.


Thanks to Nelson Esparza, Rick Gomez, and Thomas Klein for reading drafts of this.

感谢 Nelson Esparza,Rick Gomez和Thomas Klein阅读了这份草稿。

Kudos to Bitwise (located in Downtown Fresno) for providing Free Code Camp Fresno the space to throw such awesome coding events!

荣誉对按位 (位于弗雷斯诺市区),提供免费代码营弗雷斯诺的空间抛出这样真棒编码的事件!

If you liked this story and some of the points that I’ve made here, please share this article on Facebook and Twitter.


Last but not least, feel free to click the ? below so that others can see this story on Medium. Thanks for tuning in.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,随时单击? 以便其他人可以在Medium上看到这个故事。 感谢您收看。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/transcending-the-technical-interview-53de65feaafc/



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