
by Elijah Valenciano


在女性科技大会上成为男人的感觉 (What It’s Like to be a Man at a Women’s Tech Conference)

To be honest, I was very nervous. A few panicked thoughts started to flood my mind as I prepared myself to enter a conference of 500 or so young female hackers and technology enthusiasts.

老实说,我很紧张。 当我准备参加由500名左右的年轻女性黑客和技术爱好者组成的会议时,一些慌张的想法开始泛滥。

Would I be seen as an outsider? Would people be disappointed to find out their mentor is not a woman?Would people even listen to me during discussions? Would any of my words hold credibility?Would I be judged as being ignorant or unaware?Would all of the men’s bathrooms be temporarily converted to women’s bathrooms?

我会被视为局外人吗? 人们会失望地发现自己的导师不是女人吗? 人们在讨论中还会听我说话吗? 我的话有信誉吗? 我会被判断为无知还是无知? 所有的男用浴室都会暂时改成女用浴室吗?

Earlier this month I had the privilege of attending WECode (Women Engineers Code) — the largest student-run conference for women in computer science conference — held at Harvard University. I was invited through my company as a mentor, along with my Senior Director and the University Relations Tech Recruiter — both of whom are female.

本月初,我有幸参加了在哈佛大学举行的WECode(《妇女工程师法典》) ,这是最大的由学生组织的由计算机科学女性组织的会议。 我是由公司邀请担任导师的,我的高级总监和大学关系技术招聘人员都是女性。

I was confused about being invited — I was both male and a recent college grad — and a bit nervous about attending. But I ended up gaining an invaluable perspective on inclusivity in the tech industry that I would not have experienced at a ‘normal’ conference. And by “normal”, I mean the usual men-dominated gatherings of technologists.

我对被邀请感到困惑-我既是男性,也是应届大学毕业生-对参加会议有点紧张。 但是,我最终获得了对技术行业包容性的宝贵见解,这是我在“正常”会议上所没有的。 “正常”是指通常由男人主导的技术人员聚会。

学习听 (Learning to Listen)

One important thing, if not the most important thing, I learned in this conference was the value of listening.


When I entered different workshops and talks, I usually gravitated towards the back. I was also hesitant to speak up to ask questions. However, during this time of self-conscious sitting, I learned a whole lot about women technologist’s experiences, opinions, and plans for the future. One notable speaker was even setting her stage as being a woman engineer running for Congress.

当我进入不同的研讨会和讲座时,我通常被吸引到后面。 我也很犹豫说出来问问题。 但是,在这段自觉坐着的时间里,我学到了很多关于女技师的经验,观点和对未来的计划。 一位著名的演讲者甚至登台竞选女国会议员 。

I heard stories of conquered obstacles, society-changing successes, and powerfully inspirational women. Surprisingly, by the end of the conference, I had seemed to develop a voice as well. I was ready to ask questions, and ready to offer my own contributions.

我听到了有关克服障碍,改变社会的成就以及富有灵感的女性的故事。 令人惊讶的是,到会议结束时,我似乎也发出了声音。 我准备提出问题,并准备提供自己的贡献。

成为盟友 (Being an Ally)

Prior to the conference, I didn’t understand what it meant to be an ally. And I’m still not sure I know exactly what that means.

在会议召开之前,我不明白成为盟友意味着什么。 而且我仍然不确定我确切知道那是什么意思。

What I can say, at least for now, is that the best I can offer is to be an informed colleague — a friend who listens to the experiences of my colleagues and supports them.


参与解决方案 (Taking Part in the Solution)

One thing that became clear during our discussions is that it takes everyone to solve an issue.

在我们的讨论中变得很清楚的一件事是, 每个人都需要解决一个问题。

Women can’t do it alone. That would only result in an isolated solution. Men definitely can’t do it alone. It will take communication and hard work from both sides to figure out the inclusivity issues that plague the tech industry.

女人不能一个人做。 那只会导致孤立的解决方案。 男人绝对不能独自做到这一点。 双方都需要沟通和努力,才能找出困扰技术行业的包容性问题。

现在怎么办 (What Now)

There’s still much to learn about the obstacles women in tech face. But now at least I’m equipped with some degree of insight into what’s happening in the workplace.

关于女性在技术上面临的障碍,还有很多事情要学习。 但是现在至少我对工作场所中发生的事情有了一定程度的了解。

Will I go to a women’s tech conference again? If I’m invited again, yes. Will the questions of insecurity I held before still float in my mind? Probably. But doing my part to make tech a more inclusive field is much more important than my own insecurities.

我会再次参加女性技术会议吗? 如果再次邀请我,是的。 我之前提出的不安全问题还会浮现在脑海吗? 大概。 但是,尽我所能使技术成为更具包容性的领域比我自己的不安全感更为重要。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/being-a-man-at-a-womens-tech-conference-b567602b59ad/



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