
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("a*");Matcher m = p.matcher("aaaa");if (m.find()) {System.out.println(m.group());System.out.println(m.groupCount());}else {System.out.println("not find");}

分析Pattern.compile ()方法

    public static Pattern compile(String regex) {// 只是调用了私有的构造方法return new Pattern(regex, 0);}private Pattern(String p, int f) {pattern = p;flags = f;// to use UNICODE_CASE if UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS presentif ((flags & UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS) != 0)flags |= UNICODE_CASE;// Reset group index countcapturingGroupCount = 1;localCount = 0;if (pattern.length() > 0) {//正则表达式的长度一般都是大于0的,会走compile 方法compile();} else {root = new Start(lastAccept);matchRoot = lastAccept;}}

compile 方法:

compile 方法解析完正则表达式之后,会得到一个root Node节点。匹配的时候,会调用root Node 的match 方法,rootNode 依次调用next 的match 方法,在match 的过程中,记录匹配的开始结束位置,最终得到结果。我们看下这个方法:

    /*** Copies regular expression to an int array and invokes the parsing* of the expression which will create the object tree.*/private void compile() {// Handle canonical equivalencesif (has(CANON_EQ) && !has(LITERAL)) {normalize();} else {normalizedPattern = pattern;}patternLength = normalizedPattern.length();// Copy pattern to int array for convenience// Use double zero to terminate patterntemp = new int[patternLength + 2];hasSupplementary = false;int c, count = 0;// Convert all chars into code pointsfor (int x = 0; x < patternLength; x += Character.charCount(c)) {c = normalizedPattern.codePointAt(x);if (isSupplementary(c)) {hasSupplementary = true;}temp[count++] = c;}patternLength = count;   // patternLength now in code pointsif (! has(LITERAL))RemoveQEQuoting();// Allocate all temporary objects here.buffer = new int[32];// 其实 groupNodes  这个变量没啥用,真正存储的是在Matcher 类的 groups 变量里面groupNodes = new GroupHead[10];namedGroups = null;if (has(LITERAL)) {// Literal pattern handlingmatchRoot = newSlice(temp, patternLength, hasSupplementary);matchRoot.next = lastAccept;} else {// Start recursive descent parsing   这里开始解析正则表达式matchRoot = expr(lastAccept);// Check extra pattern charactersif (patternLength != cursor) {if (peek() == ')') {throw error("Unmatched closing ')'");} else {throw error("Unexpected internal error");}}}// Peephole optimizationif (matchRoot instanceof Slice) {root = BnM.optimize(matchRoot);if (root == matchRoot) {root = hasSupplementary ? new StartS(matchRoot) : new Start(matchRoot);}} else if (matchRoot instanceof Begin || matchRoot instanceof First) {root = matchRoot;} else {root = hasSupplementary ? new StartS(matchRoot) : new Start(matchRoot);}// Release temporary storagetemp = null;buffer = null;groupNodes = null;patternLength = 0;compiled = true;}

里面调用了expr 方法:

这个方法里面有一个for 循环,用来解决| 的逻辑与 的关系。比如a*|b*, 就会执行这里的for 循环。
这个方法是可以用来解析子表达式的,比如() 里面的正则表达式。

当解析() 的时候,要传递一个尾巴到expr() 参数里面。
这个类里面的root 表示当前的最后一个node.遇到() 会重置。

    /***  The following methods handle the main parsing. They are sorted*  according to their precedence order, the lowest one first.*//*** The expression is parsed with branch nodes added for alternations.* This may be called recursively to parse sub expressions that may* contain alternations.*/private Node expr(Node end) {Node prev = null;Node firstTail = null;Branch branch = null;Node branchConn = null;for (;;) {Node node = sequence(end);Node nodeTail = root;      //double returnif (prev == null) {prev = node;firstTail = nodeTail;} else {// Branchif (branchConn == null) {branchConn = new BranchConn();branchConn.next = end;}if (node == end) {// if the node returned from sequence() is "end"// we have an empty expr, set a null atom into// the branch to indicate to go "next" directly.node = null;} else {// the "tail.next" of each atom goes to branchConnnodeTail.next = branchConn;}if (prev == branch) {branch.add(node);} else {if (prev == end) {prev = null;} else {// replace the "end" with "branchConn" at its tail.next// when put the "prev" into the branch as the first atom.firstTail.next = branchConn;}prev = branch = new Branch(prev, node, branchConn);}}//如果不是 | ,那么就直接返回了。if (peek() != '|') {return prev;}next();}}


这个方法里面是具体的,某个字符代表什么意思的具体方法。比如\p{Lower} 就会在这里面进行解析,生成具体的Node.
包括\p、\w、\s、\d 等。

用来解析某个具体的正则表达式的分支。比如 a|b ,a 和 b 是两个分支。

/*** Parsing of sequences between alternations.*/private Node sequence(Node end) {Node head = null;Node tail = null;Node node = null;LOOP:for (;;) {int ch = peek();switch (ch) {case '(':// Because group handles its own closure,// we need to treat it differentlynode = group0();// Check for comment or flag groupif (node == null)continue;// 如果没有头节点,那么当前的就赋值为头节点    if (head == null)head = node;else//如果有的话,上次的尾巴节点的下一个是当前解析的节点tail.next = node;// Double return: Tail was returned in roottail = root;continue;case '[':// 如果是[],直接分配一个区间的nodenode = clazz(true);break;case '\\':ch = nextEscaped();if (ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') {boolean oneLetter = true;boolean comp = (ch == 'P');ch = next(); // Consume { if presentif (ch != '{') {unread();} else {oneLetter = false;}node = family(oneLetter, comp);} else {unread();node = atom();}break;case '^':next();if (has(MULTILINE)) {if (has(UNIX_LINES))node = new UnixCaret();elsenode = new Caret();} else {node = new Begin();}break;case '$':next();if (has(UNIX_LINES))node = new UnixDollar(has(MULTILINE));elsenode = new Dollar(has(MULTILINE));break;case '.':next();if (has(DOTALL)) {node = new All();} else {if (has(UNIX_LINES))node = new UnixDot();else {node = new Dot();}}break;case '|':case ')':break LOOP;case ']': // Now interpreting dangling ] and } as literalscase '}':node = atom();break;case '?':case '*':case '+':next();throw error("Dangling meta character '" + ((char)ch) + "'");case 0:if (cursor >= patternLength) {break LOOP;}// Fall throughdefault:node = atom();break;}// closure 里面会对a*这种node 进行处理node = closure(node);if (head == null) {head = tail = node;} else {tail.next = node;tail = node;}}if (head == null) {return end;}tail.next = end;// 其实返回的是两个值,方法返回的是头node, 尾巴node 是赋值到root 里面供后面使用。root = tail;      //double return// 最终返回头nodereturn head;}

里面会执行atom 方法,分派单字符Node 或者普通字符切片的Node 。

atom 方法用来分配单个字符,或者字符切片的Node. 比如a*。
只有字符开始的部分才会进来,比如a*,a+,如果是没有任何字符,上来是个*,在sequence 方法里面就会报错了。

    /*** Parse and add a new Single or Slice.*/private Node atom() {// 记录当前遍历了几个字符,用来解决abc*,这种,需要把ab 放到字符切片里面int first = 0;// 记录上一个索引,用来解决ab* 这种字符问题。//如果是ab*,那么游标要往前返回到上一个字符。int prev = -1;boolean hasSupplementary = false;int ch = peek();for (;;) {switch (ch) {case '*':case '+':case '?':case '{':if (first > 1) {cursor = prev;    // Unwind one characterfirst--;}//遇到* + 就是一个最小的字符切片,需要结束往后面的循环break;case '$':case '.':case '^':case '(':case '[':case '|':case ')':// | 也是一个最小的字符切片,需要结束往后面的循环break;case '\\':ch = nextEscaped();if (ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') { // Propertyif (first > 0) { // Slice is waiting; handle it firstunread();break;} else { // No slice; just return the family nodeboolean comp = (ch == 'P');boolean oneLetter = true;ch = next(); // Consume { if presentif (ch != '{')unread();elseoneLetter = false;return family(oneLetter, comp);}}unread();prev = cursor;ch = escape(false, first == 0, false);if (ch >= 0) {append(ch, first);first++;if (isSupplementary(ch)) {hasSupplementary = true;}ch = peek();continue;} else if (first == 0) {return root;}// Unwind meta escape sequencecursor = prev;break;case 0:if (cursor >= patternLength) {break;}// Fall throughdefault:prev = cursor;append(ch, first);first++;if (isSupplementary(ch)) {hasSupplementary = true;}ch = next();continue;}break;}if (first == 1) {return newSingle(buffer[0]);} else {return newSlice(buffer, first, hasSupplementary);}}

closure 用来处理a*,a+ 这种情况

    /*** Processes repetition. If the next character peeked is a quantifier* then new nodes must be appended to handle the repetition.* Prev could be a single or a group, so it could be a chain of nodes.*/private Node closure(Node prev) {Node atom;int ch = peek();switch (ch) {case '?':ch = next();if (ch == '?') {next();return new Ques(prev, LAZY);} else if (ch == '+') {next();return new Ques(prev, POSSESSIVE);}return new Ques(prev, GREEDY);case '*':ch = next();if (ch == '?') {next();return new Curly(prev, 0, MAX_REPS, LAZY);} else if (ch == '+') {next();return new Curly(prev, 0, MAX_REPS, POSSESSIVE);}return new Curly(prev, 0, MAX_REPS, GREEDY);case '+':ch = next();if (ch == '?') {next();return new Curly(prev, 1, MAX_REPS, LAZY);} else if (ch == '+') {next();return new Curly(prev, 1, MAX_REPS, POSSESSIVE);}return new Curly(prev, 1, MAX_REPS, GREEDY);case '{':ch = temp[cursor+1];if (ASCII.isDigit(ch)) {skip();int cmin = 0;do {cmin = cmin * 10 + (ch - '0');} while (ASCII.isDigit(ch = read()));int cmax = cmin;if (ch == ',') {ch = read();cmax = MAX_REPS;if (ch != '}') {cmax = 0;while (ASCII.isDigit(ch)) {cmax = cmax * 10 + (ch - '0');ch = read();}}}if (ch != '}')throw error("Unclosed counted closure");if (((cmin) | (cmax) | (cmax - cmin)) < 0)throw error("Illegal repetition range");Curly curly;ch = peek();if (ch == '?') {next();curly = new Curly(prev, cmin, cmax, LAZY);} else if (ch == '+') {next();curly = new Curly(prev, cmin, cmax, POSSESSIVE);} else {curly = new Curly(prev, cmin, cmax, GREEDY);}return curly;} else {throw error("Illegal repetition");}default:return prev;}}


常见的Node 如:

Start node 是正则匹配开始的Node

   static class Start extends Node {int minLength;Start(Node node) {this.next = node;TreeInfo info = new TreeInfo();// study 会遍历每一个节点,把每个节点的最小长度加起来,得到一个整体的最小长度next.study(info);minLength = info.minLength;}boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {if (i > matcher.to - minLength) {matcher.hitEnd = true;return false;}// 如果当前的位置到末尾的长度,小于最小长度,那么就不需要匹配了,肯定不匹配。// 所以这里有一个guard (中文:警卫)int guard = matcher.to - minLength;// 这个for 循环是一个一个字符,往后进行匹配。//用于解决这种情况:正则是:a*,字符串是baaa.第一个字符不匹配,要第二个开始匹配。for (; i <= guard; i++) {if (next.match(matcher, i, seq)) {matcher.first = i;// 这里 matcher.groups[0] 表示第1组 开始匹配的索引,因为第一组是整个匹配,所以赋值为 matcher.first    matcher.groups[0] = matcher.first;//这里 matcher.groups[1] 表示第1组 结束的索引,因为第一组是整个匹配,所以赋值为 matcher.lastmatcher.groups[1] = matcher.last;return true;}}matcher.hitEnd = true;return false;}boolean study(TreeInfo info) {next.study(info);info.maxValid = false;info.deterministic = false;return false;}}

SliceNode // 简单的连续字符匹配,比如aabbcc

    /*** Base class for all Slice nodes*/static class SliceNode extends Node {// 所有的简单字符串匹配其实都是一个字符数据,用buffer 存放int[] buffer;SliceNode(int[] buf) {buffer = buf;}boolean study(TreeInfo info) {//最小长度要加上数组的长度,对于字符类型的节点,最小的长度就是数组的长度info.minLength += buffer.length;info.maxLength += buffer.length;return next.study(info);}}static final class Slice extends SliceNode {Slice(int[] buf) {super(buf);}boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {int[] buf = buffer;int len = buf.length;for (int j=0; j<len; j++) {// 如果长度大于等于字符串的长度,那么就结束啦。if ((i+j) >= matcher.to) {matcher.hitEnd = true;return false;}//如果有任何一个字符和字符类型的node 节点不对应,那么不匹配if (buf[j] != seq.charAt(i+j))return false;}// 如果所有的都匹配,继续匹配下一个节点return next.match(matcher, i+len, seq);}}


    /*** Optimization -- matches a given BMP charactersingle character matcher.*/static final class Single extends BmpCharProperty {final int c;Single(int c) { this.c = c; }// 常见的如a*,a+ 这种会分析称Single 节点。boolean isSatisfiedBy(int ch) {return ch == c;}}

Curly 括号类型的节点,a* 是一个特殊的括号类型节点来处理。

    /*** Handles the curly-brace style repetition with a specified minimum and* maximum occurrences. The * quantifier is handled as a special case.* This class handles the three types.*/static final class Curly extends Node {Node atom;int type;int cmin;int cmax;Curly(Node node, int cmin, int cmax, int type) {this.atom = node;this.type = type;this.cmin = cmin;this.cmax = cmax;}boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {int j;for (j = 0; j < cmin; j++) {if (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) {i = matcher.last;continue;}return false;}if (type == GREEDY)return match0(matcher, i, j, seq);else if (type == LAZY)return match1(matcher, i, j, seq);elsereturn match2(matcher, i, j, seq);}// Greedy match.// i is the index to start matching at// j is the number of atoms that have matchedboolean match0(Matcher matcher, int i, int j, CharSequence seq) {if (j >= cmax) {// We have matched the maximum... continue with the rest of// the regular expressionreturn next.match(matcher, i, seq);}int backLimit = j;while (atom.match(matcher, i, seq)) {// k is the length of this matchint k = matcher.last - i;if (k == 0) // Zero length matchbreak;// Move up index and number matchedi = matcher.last;j++;// We are greedy so match as many as we canwhile (j < cmax) {if (!atom.match(matcher, i, seq))break;if (i + k != matcher.last) {if (match0(matcher, matcher.last, j+1, seq))return true;break;}i += k;j++;}// Handle backing off if match failswhile (j >= backLimit) {if (next.match(matcher, i, seq))return true;i -= k;j--;}return false;}return next.match(matcher, i, seq);}// Reluctant match. At this point, the minimum has been satisfied.// i is the index to start matching at// j is the number of atoms that have matchedboolean match1(Matcher matcher, int i, int j, CharSequence seq) {for (;;) {// Try finishing match without consuming any moreif (next.match(matcher, i, seq))return true;// At the maximum, no match foundif (j >= cmax)return false;// Okay, must try one more atomif (!atom.match(matcher, i, seq))return false;// If we haven't moved forward then must break outif (i == matcher.last)return false;// Move up index and number matchedi = matcher.last;j++;}}boolean match2(Matcher matcher, int i, int j, CharSequence seq) {for (; j < cmax; j++) {if (!atom.match(matcher, i, seq))break;if (i == matcher.last)break;i = matcher.last;}return next.match(matcher, i, seq);}boolean study(TreeInfo info) {// Save original infoint minL = info.minLength;int maxL = info.maxLength;boolean maxV = info.maxValid;boolean detm = info.deterministic;info.reset();atom.study(info);int temp = info.minLength * cmin + minL;if (temp < minL) {temp = 0xFFFFFFF; // arbitrary large number}info.minLength = temp;if (maxV & info.maxValid) {temp = info.maxLength * cmax + maxL;info.maxLength = temp;if (temp < maxL) {info.maxValid = false;}} else {info.maxValid = false;}if (info.deterministic && cmin == cmax)info.deterministic = detm;elseinfo.deterministic = false;return next.study(info);}}


    /*** Create group head and tail nodes using double return. If the group is* created with anonymous true then it is a pure group and should not* affect group counting.*  创建一个group 类型的node*/private Node createGroup(boolean anonymous) {// localindex 表示的是除去全部匹配的第0组,当前是第几组int localIndex = localCount++;int groupIndex = 0;if (!anonymous)// capturingGroupCount 表示当前是总的第几组,如果是localindex 是0 ,那么这个就是1,因为默认有一个全部匹配的组,是第0组groupIndex = capturingGroupCount++;GroupHead head = new GroupHead(localIndex);//这里要把GroupTail 置为root 是因为后面要调用expr() 方法里面要传递一个结束的节点root = new GroupTail(localIndex, groupIndex);if (!anonymous && groupIndex < 10)groupNodes[groupIndex] = head;return head;}/*** The GroupHead saves the location where the group begins in the locals* and restores them when the match is done.** The matchRef is used when a reference to this group is accessed later* in the expression. The locals will have a negative value in them to* indicate that we do not want to unset the group if the reference* doesn't match.*/static final class GroupHead extends Node {int localIndex;GroupHead(int localCount) {localIndex = localCount;}boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {int save = matcher.locals[localIndex];matcher.locals[localIndex] = i;boolean ret = next.match(matcher, i, seq);matcher.locals[localIndex] = save;return ret;}boolean matchRef(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {int save = matcher.locals[localIndex];matcher.locals[localIndex] = ~i; // HACKboolean ret = next.match(matcher, i, seq);matcher.locals[localIndex] = save;return ret;}}/*** The GroupTail handles the setting of group beginning and ending* locations when groups are successfully matched. It must also be able to* unset groups that have to be backed off of.** The GroupTail node is also used when a previous group is referenced,* and in that case no group information needs to be set.*/static final class GroupTail extends Node {int localIndex;int groupIndex;GroupTail(int localCount, int groupCount) {localIndex = localCount;//groupIndex 是两倍的groupCount  是因为每一组占用数组的两个位置,表示开始和结束。// 所以,groupIndex  表示该组在数组里面的开始位置groupIndex = groupCount + groupCount;}boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {int tmp = matcher.locals[localIndex];if (tmp >= 0) { // This is the normal group case.// Save the group so we can unset it if it// backs off of a match.int groupStart = matcher.groups[groupIndex];int groupEnd = matcher.groups[groupIndex+1];matcher.groups[groupIndex] = tmp;matcher.groups[groupIndex+1] = i;if (next.match(matcher, i, seq)) {return true;}matcher.groups[groupIndex] = groupStart;matcher.groups[groupIndex+1] = groupEnd;return false;} else {// This is a group reference case. We don't need to save any// group info because it isn't really a group.matcher.last = i;return true;}}}

我们看下m.find() 方法:

    public boolean find() {int nextSearchIndex = last;if (nextSearchIndex == first)nextSearchIndex++;// If next search starts before region, start it at regionif (nextSearchIndex < from)nextSearchIndex = from;// If next search starts beyond region then it failsif (nextSearchIndex > to) {for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)groups[i] = -1;return false;}return search(nextSearchIndex);}

search 方法

    boolean search(int from) {this.hitEnd = false;this.requireEnd = false;from        = from < 0 ? 0 : from;this.first  = from;this.oldLast = oldLast < 0 ? from : oldLast;for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)groups[i] = -1;acceptMode = NOANCHOR;// 调用root  的match 方法,root  的match 方法会调用下一个node 的match 方法。boolean result = parentPattern.root.match(this, from, text);if (!result)this.first = -1;this.oldLast = this.last;return result;}
   groups 保存了所有的匹配到的组,以每两个为一个单位,第一个位置标示匹配开始的位置,第二个位置标示结束的位置。比如matcher.groups = {int[20]@485} 0 = 01 = 22 = 03 = 14 = 15 = 26 = -17 = -1
0  和 1  表示第0组,
2 和 3  表示第二组,
4 和 5 表示第三组。
-1 表示没有组了,匹配结束。/*** The storage used by groups. They may contain invalid values if* a group was skipped during the matching.*/int[] groups;public String group(int group) {if (first < 0)throw new IllegalStateException("No match found");if (group < 0 || group > groupCount())throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No group " + group);//groups 保存了所有的匹配到的组,以每两个为一个单位,第一个位置标示匹配开始的位置,第二个位置标示结束的位置。// 所以,返回是的时候 getSubSequence(groups[group * 2], groups[group * 2 + 1])if ((groups[group*2] == -1) || (groups[group*2+1] == -1))return null;return getSubSequence(groups[group * 2], groups[group * 2 + 1]).toString();}


Node 节点被里面继承了很多,支持了很多的功能。
2.其实所有的正则表达式的用法,都是可以在源码里面看到的。比如: \p{Lower} 表示的是a-z,因为源码里面这样写的:

        defRange("Lower", 'a', 'z');     // Lower-case alphabeticdefRange("Print", 0x20, 0x7E);   // Printable characters


1.为什么temp 要以两个0 结束呢?
2.buffer 的作用是什么?
3.那些flag 都是用来干什么的?
4. 是怎么实现的分组功能?
是用一个groups 存在每一组的开始结束索引,取每一组的信息的时候,拿到索引就可以拿到匹配组的值。


Node 类抽象的特别好,每一个Node 类都有肯定会有两个方法,第一匹配,当前Node 匹配的最小长度。

   /*** The following classes are the building components of the object* tree that represents a compiled regular expression. The object tree* is made of individual elements that handle constructs in the Pattern.* Each type of object knows how to match its equivalent construct with* the match() method.*//*** Base class for all node classes. Subclasses should override the match()* method as appropriate. This class is an accepting node, so its match()* always returns true.*/static class Node extends Object {Node next;Node() {next = Pattern.accept;}/*** This method implements the classic accept node.*/boolean match(Matcher matcher, int i, CharSequence seq) {matcher.last = i;matcher.groups[0] = matcher.first;matcher.groups[1] = matcher.last;return true;}/*** This method is good for all zero length assertions.*/boolean study(TreeInfo info) {if (next != null) {return next.study(info);} else {return info.deterministic;}}}

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    继上篇文章介绍完了HashMap,这篇文章开始介绍Map系列另一个比较重要的类TreeMap. 大家也许能感觉到,网络上介绍HashMap的文章比较多,但是介绍TreeMap反而不那么多,这里面是有原 ...

  8. Java - String源码解析及常见面试问题

    文章目录 Pre Q1: String 是如何实现的? Q2: String 有哪些重要的方法? 构造函数 equals() compareTo() [equals() vs compareTo() ...

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