
CV_IMPL void
cvFitLine( const CvArr* array, int dist, double param,double reps, double aeps, float *line )
{cv::AutoBuffer<schar> buffer;schar* points = 0;union { CvContour contour; CvSeq seq; } header;CvSeqBlock block;CvSeq* ptseq = (CvSeq*)array;int type;if( !line )CV_Error( CV_StsNullPtr, "NULL pointer to line parameters" );if( CV_IS_SEQ(ptseq) ){type = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(ptseq);if( ptseq->total == 0 )CV_Error( CV_StsBadSize, "The sequence has no points" );if( (type!=CV_32FC2 && type!=CV_32FC3 && type!=CV_32SC2 && type!=CV_32SC3) ||CV_ELEM_SIZE(type) != ptseq->elem_size )CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,"Input sequence must consist of 2d points or 3d points" );}else{CvMat* mat = (CvMat*)array;type = CV_MAT_TYPE(mat->type);if( !CV_IS_MAT(mat))CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Input array is not a sequence nor matrix" );if( !CV_IS_MAT_CONT(mat->type) ||(type!=CV_32FC2 && type!=CV_32FC3 && type!=CV_32SC2 && type!=CV_32SC3) ||(mat->width != 1 && mat->height != 1))CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg,"Input array must be 1d continuous array of 2d or 3d points" );ptseq = cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray(CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC|type, sizeof(CvContour), CV_ELEM_SIZE(type), mat->data.ptr,mat->width + mat->height - 1, &header.seq, &block );}if( reps < 0 || aeps < 0 )CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "Both reps and aeps must be non-negative" );if( CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) == CV_32F && ptseq->first->next == ptseq->first ){/* no need to copy data in this case */points = ptseq->first->data;}else{buffer.allocate(ptseq->total*CV_ELEM_SIZE(type));points = buffer;cvCvtSeqToArray( ptseq, points, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );if( CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) != CV_32F ){int i, total = ptseq->total*CV_MAT_CN(type);assert( CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) == CV_32S );for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )((float*)points)[i] = (float)((int*)points)[i];}}if( dist == CV_DIST_USER )CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "User-defined distance is not allowed" );if( CV_MAT_CN(type) == 2 ){IPPI_CALL( icvFitLine2D( (CvPoint2D32f*)points, ptseq->total,dist, (float)param, (float)reps, (float)aeps, line ));}else{IPPI_CALL( icvFitLine3D( (CvPoint3D32f*)points, ptseq->total,dist, (float)param, (float)reps, (float)aeps, line ));}



/* Takes an array of 2D points, type of distance (including user-defined
distance specified by callbacks, fills the array of four floats with line
parameters A, B, C, D, where (A, B) is the normalized direction vector,
(C, D) is the point that belongs to the line. */static CvStatus  icvFitLine2D( CvPoint2D32f * points, int count, int dist,float _param, float reps, float aeps, float *line )
{double EPS = count*FLT_EPSILON;void (*calc_weights) (float *, int, float *) = 0;void (*calc_weights_param) (float *, int, float *, float) = 0;float *w;                   /* weights */float *r;                   /* square distances */int i, j, k;float _line[6], _lineprev[6];float rdelta = reps != 0 ? reps : 1.0f;float adelta = aeps != 0 ? aeps : 0.01f;double min_err = DBL_MAX, err = 0;CvRNG rng = cvRNG(-1);memset( line, 0, 4*sizeof(line[0]) );switch (dist){case CV_DIST_L2:return icvFitLine2D_wods( points, count, 0, line );case CV_DIST_L1:calc_weights = icvWeightL1;break;case CV_DIST_L12:calc_weights = icvWeightL12;break;case CV_DIST_FAIR:calc_weights_param = icvWeightFair;break;case CV_DIST_WELSCH:calc_weights_param = icvWeightWelsch;break;case CV_DIST_HUBER:calc_weights_param = icvWeightHuber;break;/*case CV_DIST_USER:calc_weights = (void ( * )(float *, int, float *)) _PFP.fp;break;*/default:return CV_BADFACTOR_ERR;}w = (float *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( float ));r = (float *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( float ));for( k = 0; k < 20; k++ ){int first = 1;for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )w[i] = 0.f;for( i = 0; i < MIN(count,10); ){j = cvRandInt(&rng) % count;if( w[j] < FLT_EPSILON ){w[j] = 1.f;i++;}}icvFitLine2D_wods( points, count, w, _line );for( i = 0; i < 30; i++ ){double sum_w = 0;if( first ){first = 0;}else{double t = _line[0] * _lineprev[0] + _line[1] * _lineprev[1];t = MAX(t,-1.);t = MIN(t,1.);if( fabs(acos(t)) < adelta ){float x, y, d;x = (float) fabs( _line[2] - _lineprev[2] );y = (float) fabs( _line[3] - _lineprev[3] );d = x > y ? x : y;if( d < rdelta )break;}}/* calculate distances */err = icvCalcDist2D( points, count, _line, r );if( err < EPS )break;/* calculate weights */if( calc_weights )calc_weights( r, count, w );elsecalc_weights_param( r, count, w, _param );for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )sum_w += w[j];if( fabs(sum_w) > FLT_EPSILON ){sum_w = 1./sum_w;for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )w[j] = (float)(w[j]*sum_w);}else{for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )w[j] = 1.f;}/* save the line parameters */memcpy( _lineprev, _line, 4 * sizeof( float ));/* Run again... */icvFitLine2D_wods( points, count, w, _line );}if( err < min_err ){min_err = err;memcpy( line, _line, 4 * sizeof(line[0]));if( err < EPS )break;}}cvFree( &w );cvFree( &r );return CV_OK;


 1 static CvStatus icvFitLine2D_wods( CvPoint2D32f * points, int _count, float *weights, float *line )
 2 {
 3     double x = 0, y = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, xy = 0, w = 0;
 4     double dx2, dy2, dxy;
 5     int i;
 6     int count = _count;
 7     float t;
 9     /* Calculating the average of x and y... */
11     if( weights == 0 )
12     {
13         for( i = 0; i < count; i += 1 )
14         {
15             x += points[i].x;
16             y += points[i].y;
17             x2 += points[i].x * points[i].x;
18             y2 += points[i].y * points[i].y;
19             xy += points[i].x * points[i].y;
20         }
21         w = (float) count;
22     }
23     else
24     {
25         for( i = 0; i < count; i += 1 )
26         {
27             x += weights[i] * points[i].x;
28             y += weights[i] * points[i].y;
29             x2 += weights[i] * points[i].x * points[i].x;
30             y2 += weights[i] * points[i].y * points[i].y;
31             xy += weights[i] * points[i].x * points[i].y;
32             w += weights[i];
33         }
34     }
36     x /= w;
37     y /= w;
38     x2 /= w;
39     y2 /= w;
40     xy /= w;
42     dx2 = x2 - x * x;
43     dy2 = y2 - y * y;
44     dxy = xy - x * y;
46     t = (float) atan2( 2 * dxy, dx2 - dy2 ) / 2;
47     line[0] = (float) cos( t );
48     line[1] = (float) sin( t );
50     line[2] = (float) x;
51     line[3] = (float) y;
53     return CV_NO_ERR;
54 }



 1 static void icvWeightL1( float *d, int count, float *w )
 2 {
 3     int i;
 5     for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
 6     {
 7         double t = fabs( (double) d[i] );
 8         w[i] = (float)(1. / MAX(t, eps));
 9     }
10 }
12 static void icvWeightL12( float *d, int count, float *w )
13 {
14     int i;
16     for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
17     {
18         w[i] = 1.0f / (float) sqrt( 1 + (double) (d[i] * d[i] * 0.5) );
19     }
20 }
23 static void icvWeightHuber( float *d, int count, float *w, float _c )
24 {
25     int i;
26     const float c = _c <= 0 ? 1.345f : _c;
28     for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
29     {
30         if( d[i] < c )
31             w[i] = 1.0f;
32         else
33             w[i] = c/d[i];
34     }
35 }
38 static void icvWeightFair( float *d, int count, float *w, float _c )
39 {
40     int i;
41     const float c = _c == 0 ? 1 / 1.3998f : 1 / _c;
43     for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
44     {
45         w[i] = 1 / (1 + d[i] * c);
46     }
47 }
49 static void icvWeightWelsch( float *d, int count, float *w, float _c )
50 {
51     int i;
52     const float c = _c == 0 ? 1 / 2.9846f : 1 / _c;
54     for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
55     {
56         w[i] = (float) exp( -d[i] * d[i] * c * c );
57     }
58 }


/* Takes an array of 3D points, type of distance (including user-defined
distance specified by callbacks, fills the array of four floats with line
parameters A, B, C, D, E, F, where (A, B, C) is the normalized direction vector,
(D, E, F) is the point that belongs to the line. */static CvStatus
icvFitLine3D( CvPoint3D32f * points, int count, int dist,float _param, float reps, float aeps, float *line )
{double EPS = count*FLT_EPSILON;void (*calc_weights) (float *, int, float *) = 0;void (*calc_weights_param) (float *, int, float *, float) = 0;float *w;                   /* weights */float *r;                   /* square distances */int i, j, k;float _line[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0}, _lineprev[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0};float rdelta = reps != 0 ? reps : 1.0f;float adelta = aeps != 0 ? aeps : 0.01f;double min_err = DBL_MAX, err = 0;CvRNG rng = cvRNG(-1);switch (dist){case CV_DIST_L2:return icvFitLine3D_wods( points, count, 0, line );case CV_DIST_L1:calc_weights = icvWeightL1;break;case CV_DIST_L12:calc_weights = icvWeightL12;break;case CV_DIST_FAIR:calc_weights_param = icvWeightFair;break;case CV_DIST_WELSCH:calc_weights_param = icvWeightWelsch;break;case CV_DIST_HUBER:calc_weights_param = icvWeightHuber;break;/*case CV_DIST_USER:_PFP.p = param;calc_weights = (void ( * )(float *, int, float *)) _PFP.fp;break;*/default:return CV_BADFACTOR_ERR;}w = (float *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( float ));r = (float *) cvAlloc( count * sizeof( float ));for( k = 0; k < 20; k++ ){int first = 1;for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )w[i] = 0.f;for( i = 0; i < MIN(count,10); ){j = cvRandInt(&rng) % count;if( w[j] < FLT_EPSILON ){w[j] = 1.f;i++;}}icvFitLine3D_wods( points, count, w, _line );for( i = 0; i < 30; i++ ){double sum_w = 0;if( first ){first = 0;}else{double t = _line[0] * _lineprev[0] + _line[1] * _lineprev[1] + _line[2] * _lineprev[2];t = MAX(t,-1.);t = MIN(t,1.);if( fabs(acos(t)) < adelta ){float x, y, z, ax, ay, az, dx, dy, dz, d;x = _line[3] - _lineprev[3];y = _line[4] - _lineprev[4];z = _line[5] - _lineprev[5];ax = _line[0] - _lineprev[0];ay = _line[1] - _lineprev[1];az = _line[2] - _lineprev[2];dx = (float) fabs( y * az - z * ay );dy = (float) fabs( z * ax - x * az );dz = (float) fabs( x * ay - y * ax );d = dx > dy ? (dx > dz ? dx : dz) : (dy > dz ? dy : dz);if( d < rdelta )break;}}/* calculate distances */if( icvCalcDist3D( points, count, _line, r ) < FLT_EPSILON*count )break;/* calculate weights */if( calc_weights )calc_weights( r, count, w );elsecalc_weights_param( r, count, w, _param );for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )sum_w += w[j];if( fabs(sum_w) > FLT_EPSILON ){sum_w = 1./sum_w;for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )w[j] = (float)(w[j]*sum_w);}else{for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )w[j] = 1.f;}/* save the line parameters */memcpy( _lineprev, _line, 6 * sizeof( float ));/* Run again... */icvFitLine3D_wods( points, count, w, _line );}if( err < min_err ){min_err = err;memcpy( line, _line, 6 * sizeof(line[0]));if( err < EPS )break;}}// Return...cvFree( &w );cvFree( &r );return CV_OK;



  1 static CvStatus icvFitLine3D_wods( CvPoint3D32f * points, int count, float *weights, float *line )
  2 {
  3     int i;
  4     float w0 = 0;
  5     float x0 = 0, y0 = 0, z0 = 0;
  6     float x2 = 0, y2 = 0, z2 = 0, xy = 0, yz = 0, xz = 0;
  7     float dx2, dy2, dz2, dxy, dxz, dyz;
  8     float *v;
  9     float n;
 10     float det[9], evc[9], evl[3];
 12     memset( evl, 0, 3*sizeof(evl[0]));
 13     memset( evc, 0, 9*sizeof(evl[0]));
 15     if( weights )
 16     {
 17         for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
 18         {
 19             float x = points[i].x;
 20             float y = points[i].y;
 21             float z = points[i].z;
 22             float w = weights[i];
 25             x2 += x * x * w;
 26             xy += x * y * w;
 27             xz += x * z * w;
 28             y2 += y * y * w;
 29             yz += y * z * w;
 30             z2 += z * z * w;
 31             x0 += x * w;
 32             y0 += y * w;
 33             z0 += z * w;
 34             w0 += w;
 35         }
 36     }
 37     else
 38     {
 39         for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
 40         {
 41             float x = points[i].x;
 42             float y = points[i].y;
 43             float z = points[i].z;
 45             x2 += x * x;
 46             xy += x * y;
 47             xz += x * z;
 48             y2 += y * y;
 49             yz += y * z;
 50             z2 += z * z;
 51             x0 += x;
 52             y0 += y;
 53             z0 += z;
 54         }
 55         w0 = (float) count;
 56     }
 58     x2 /= w0;
 59     xy /= w0;
 60     xz /= w0;
 61     y2 /= w0;
 62     yz /= w0;
 63     z2 /= w0;
 65     x0 /= w0;
 66     y0 /= w0;
 67     z0 /= w0;
 69     dx2 = x2 - x0 * x0;
 70     dxy = xy - x0 * y0;
 71     dxz = xz - x0 * z0;
 72     dy2 = y2 - y0 * y0;
 73     dyz = yz - y0 * z0;
 74     dz2 = z2 - z0 * z0;
 76     det[0] = dz2 + dy2;
 77     det[1] = -dxy;
 78     det[2] = -dxz;
 79     det[3] = det[1];
 80     det[4] = dx2 + dz2;
 81     det[5] = -dyz;
 82     det[6] = det[2];
 83     det[7] = det[5];
 84     det[8] = dy2 + dx2;
 86     /* Searching for a eigenvector of det corresponding to the minimal eigenvalue */
 87 #if 1
 88     {
 89     CvMat _det = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_32F, det );
 90     CvMat _evc = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_32F, evc );
 91     CvMat _evl = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_32F, evl );
 92     cvEigenVV( &_det, &_evc, &_evl, 0 );
 93     i = evl[0] < evl[1] ? (evl[0] < evl[2] ? 0 : 2) : (evl[1] < evl[2] ? 1 : 2);
 94     }
 95 #else
 96     {
 97         CvMat _det = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_32F, det );
 98         CvMat _evc = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_32F, evc );
 99         CvMat _evl = cvMat( 1, 3, CV_32F, evl );
101         cvSVD( &_det, &_evl, &_evc, 0, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A+CV_SVD_U_T );
102     }
103     i = 2;
104 #endif
105     v = &evc[i * 3];
106     n = (float) sqrt( (double)v[0] * v[0] + (double)v[1] * v[1] + (double)v[2] * v[2] );
107     n = (float)MAX(n, eps);
108     line[0] = v[0] / n;
109     line[1] = v[1] / n;
110     line[2] = v[2] / n;
111     line[3] = x0;
112     line[4] = y0;
113     line[5] = z0;
115     return CV_NO_ERR;
116 }



OpenCV 学习(直线拟合)



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    点击上方"小白学视觉",选择加"星标"或"置顶" 重磅干货,第一时间送达 本文转自:opencv学堂 OpenCV直线拟合检测 霍夫直线检测 ...

  2. OpenCV 直线拟合及应用

    直线拟合顾名思义就是根据多个有限个数的点确定一条直线.依据为: 其中为第i个点到直线的距离,p(d)则为确定最小值的函数.而不同的p(d)对应着不同的直线拟合方法: OpenCV提供了7种(-1为用户 ...

  3. OpenCV | 直线拟合fitline函数(Python)

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  4. OpenCV—直线拟合fitLine

    本文的主要参考为官方文档OpenCV249-fitLine和博客-OpenCV 学习(直线拟合) 以及<Learning OpenCV 3>page425-426 OpenCV中提供的直线 ...

  5. OpenCV——直线拟合

    相比于直线检测,直线拟合的最大特点是将所有数据只拟合出一条直线 void fitLine( InputArray points, OutputArray line, int distType,doub ...

  6. opencv 直线拟合

    一.话说直线拟合 霍夫直线检测容易受到线段形状与噪声的干扰而失真,这个时候我们需要另辟蹊径,通过对图像进行二值分析,提取骨架,对骨架像素点拟合生成直线,这种做法在一些场景下非常有效,而且效果还比较好. ...

  7. OpenCV | 直线拟合fitline函数

    学习目标: 学习掌握OpenCV的fitline函数 学习内容: cv::fitLine()的具体调用形式如下: void cv::fitLine( cv::InputArray points, // ...

  8. opencv直线拟合cv::fitLine()

    通过2D或者2D点集拟合直线 void fitLine( InputArray points, OutputArray line, int distType,double param, double ...

  9. OpenCV fitline直线拟合函数学习

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