By Daniel Du

在Map 3D Geospatial Platform API中,AcMapMap.GroupModified 和AcMapMap.LayerModified 事件的参数类型由AcMapMappingEventArgs 变成了AcMapMapObjectModifiedEventArgs. 这个变化主要是在参数中增加了一个Modification 属性。通过这个属性我们可以判断是什么东西发生了变化。Modification 可能的取值是:

/// <summary>

/// Name property changed during the event.


static const INT32 Name               = 1;

/// <summary>

/// Visibility changed during the event.


static const INT32 Visibility         = 2;

/// <summary>

/// Layer selectability during the event.


static const INT32 LayerSelectability = 4;

/// <summary>

/// Parent changed during the event.


static const INT32 ParentChanged      = 8;



public void ListenToLayerChange()


AcMapMap currentMap = AcMapMap.GetCurrentMap();

currentMap.GroupModified +=

new GroupModifiedHandler(currentMap_GroupModified);

currentMap.LayerModified +=

new LayerModifiedHandler(currentMap_LayerModified);


void currentMap_LayerModified(object sender,

AcMapMapObjectModifiedEventArgs args)




void currentMap_GroupModified(object sender,

AcMapMapObjectModifiedEventArgs args)




private static void OutputChanges(int modification)


Editor ed = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application


/ <summary>

/ Name property changed during the event.


//static const INT32 Name               = 1;

/ <summary>

/ Visibility changed during the event.


//static const INT32 Visibility         = 2;

/ <summary>

/ Layer selectability during the event.


//static const INT32 LayerSelectability = 4;

/ <summary>

/ Parent changed during the event.


//static const INT32 ParentChanged      = 8;

switch (modification)


case 1:

ed.WriteMessage("\n Layer or LayerGroup name is changed.");


case 2:

ed.WriteMessage(" \nLayer or LayerGroup Visibility  is changed.");


case 4:

ed.WriteMessage(" \nLayer or LayerGroup LayerSelectability is changed.");


case 8:

ed.WriteMessage(" \nLayer or LayerGroup Parent is changed.");







when I change the name of layer in task pane of Map 3D, the LayerModified event is trigger, with “args.Modification”, I know that it is the layer’s name is changed. Similarly, when I turn on/off a layer, I get a notification of the changes of visibility of layer. And when I drag one layer from one layer group to another, I get a notification saying that the parent of layer is changed.

The result output is as below:


Command: netload
Layer or LayerGroup name is changed.
Layer or LayerGroup Visibility  is changed
Layer or LayerGroup Parent is changed.


Hope this helps.


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