
Boundary fill is the algorithm used frequently in computer graphics to fill a desired color inside a closed polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides.


The most approached implementation of the algorithm is a stack-based recursive function.


这个怎么运作: (How it works:)

The problem is pretty simple and usually follows these steps:


  1. Take the position of the starting point and the boundary color.取起点的位置和边界颜色。
  2. Decide wether you want to go in 4 directions (N, S, W, E) or 8 directions (N, S, W, E, NW, NE, SW, SE).确定您要沿4个方向(N,S,W,E)还是8个方向(N,S,W,E,NW,NE,SW,SE)行驶。
  3. Choose a fill color.选择一种填充颜色。
  4. Travel in those directions.朝那些方向旅行。
  5. If the pixel you land on is not the fill color or the boundary color , replace it with the fill color.如果您着陆的像素不是填充颜色或边界颜色,则将其替换为填充颜色。

Repeat 4 and 5 until you’ve been everywhere within the boundaries.


某些限制: (Certain Restrictions:)

The boundary color should be the same for all the edges of the polygon.


The starting point should be within the polygon.


代码段: (Code Snippet:)

void boundary_fill(int pos_x, int pos_y, int boundary_color, int fill_color)
current_color= getpixel(pos_x,pos_y);  //get the color of the current pixel position
if( current_color!= boundary_color || currrent_color != fill_color) // if pixel not already filled or part of the boundary then
{    putpixel(pos_x,pos_y,fill_color);  //change the color for this pixel to the desired fill_colorboundary_fill(pos_x + 1, pos_y,boundary_color,fill_color);  // perform same function for the east pixelboundary_fill(pos_x - 1, pos_y,boundary_color,fill_color);  // perform same function for the west pixelboundary_fill(pos_x, pos_y + 1,boundary_color,fill_color);  // perform same function for the north pixelboundary_fill(pos_x, pos_y - 1,boundary_color,fill_color);  // perform same function for the south pixel

From the given code you can see that for any pixel that you land on, you first check whether it can be changed to the fill_color and then you do so for its neighbours till all the pixels within the boundary have been checked.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/boundary-fill-algorithm/



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