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package mainimport ("bytes""fmt"
)func main() {var buffer bytes.Bufferfor i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {buffer.WriteString("a")}fmt.Println(buffer.String())



The Go documentation follows a simple rule: If it is not explicitly stated that concurrent access to something is safe, it is not.


// A Buffer is a variable-sized buffer of bytes with Read and Write methods.
// The zero value for Buffer is an empty buffer ready to use.
type Buffer struct {buf       []byte   // contents are the bytes buf[off : len(buf)]off       int      // read at &buf[off], write at &buf[len(buf)]bootstrap [64]byte // memory to hold first slice; helps small buffers avoid allocation.lastRead  readOp   // last read operation, so that Unread* can work correctly.
}// Write appends the contents of p to the buffer, growing the buffer as
// needed. The return value n is the length of p; err is always nil. If the
// buffer becomes too large, Write will panic with ErrTooLarge.
func (b *Buffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {b.lastRead = opInvalidm := b.grow(len(p))return copy(b.buf[m:], p), nil
}// Read reads the next len(p) bytes from the buffer or until the buffer
// is drained. The return value n is the number of bytes read. If the
// buffer has no data to return, err is io.EOF (unless len(p) is zero);
// otherwise it is nil.
func (b *Buffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {b.lastRead = opInvalidif b.off >= len(b.buf) {// Buffer is empty, reset to recover space.b.Truncate(0)if len(p) == 0 {return}return 0, io.EOF}n = copy(p, b.buf[b.off:])b.off += nif n > 0 {b.lastRead = opRead}return



type Buffer struct {b bytes.Bufferrw sync.RWMutex
func (b *Buffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {b.rw.RLock()defer b.rw.RUnlock()return b.b.Read(p)
func (b *Buffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {b.rw.Lock()defer b.rw.Unlock()return b.b.Write(p)


sync.Mutex(互斥锁) sync.RWMutex(读写锁)
当一个goroutine访问的时候,其他goroutine都不能访问,保证了资源的同步,避免了竞争,不过也降低了性能 非写状态时:多个Goroutine可以同时读,一个Goroutine写的时候,其它Goroutine不能读也不能写,性能好


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