One of the biggest challenges in software development is time. It’s something we can’t easily get more of, but linting can help us make the most out of the time we have.

时间是软件开发中最大的挑战之一。 这是我们无法轻易获得的更多东西,但是棉绒可以帮助我们充分利用自己的时间。

那么什么是棉绒呢? (So what is linting?)

lint, or a linter, is a tool that analyzes source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and suspicious constructs.

lintlinter ,是一种分析源代码以标记编程错误,bug,样式错误和可疑结构的工具。林特(软件)

Simply put, a linter is a tool that programmatically scans your code with the goal of finding issues that can lead to bugs or inconsistencies with code health and style. Some can even help fix them for you!

简而言之,lint是一种以编程方式扫描您的代码的工具,旨在发现可能导致错误或代码健康状况和样式不一致的问题。 有些甚至可以帮您修复它们!

Take for instance, the following example:


const test = 'I am a test';
console.log(`Test: ${test}`);
const test = 'Another one.';

We’re declaring the constant test twice, which our javascript engine won’t be happy about. With the proper linter settings and watch configuration, instead of getting caught later as an error when the code runs, you’ll immediately get an error through your linter running in the background:

我们将两次声明常数test ,这对于我们的javascript引擎不会感到满意。 有了正确的lint设置和监视配置,您不会立即在后台运行lint时得到错误,而不会在代码运行时稍后被捕获为错误:

10:9  error  Parsing error: Identifier 'test' has already been declared8 |   const test = 'I am a test';9 |   console.log(`Test: ${2}`);
> 10 |   const test = 'Another one.';|         ^

It might be pretty obvious that you have 2 of the same const declarations given this is only 3 lines, but in a more complex application, this can save tons of time having to hunt down a pesky bug that’s not always obvious.


棉绒能提供什么帮助? (What all can linting help with?)

Lots of things, including but not limited to:

很多东西 ,包括但不限于:

  • Flagging bugs in your code from syntax errors标记语法错误中的错误
  • Giving you warnings when code may not be intuitive在代码可能不直观时发出警告
  • Providing suggestions for common best practices提供常见最佳做法的建议
  • Keeping track of TODO’s and FIXME’s跟踪TODO和FIXME
  • Keeping a consistent code style保持一致的代码风格

Most things you can think of probably already exist in one form or another, and if not, you can even create custom rules that fit your needs!

您可以想到的大多数事情可能已经以一种或另一种形式存在 ,如果没有,您甚至可以创建适合您需求的自定义规则 !

这实际上有什么帮助?我为什么要关心呢? (How is this actually helping or why should I care?)

Probably the biggest overlying theme of the list above is the fact that these issues will be called out immediately. No longer will these issues creep up on you in the middle of running your app or give someone anxiety during a code review. No longer will you and your reviewer endlessly fight passive aggressively through the comments about whether or not to include a semicolon at the end of JS statements (you should


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