
initialization parameter files have two types

1)read-only text file:be called text initialization parameter file

2)read/writer binary file:be called server parameter file

《Oracle® Database Administrator's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2)》-<Specifying Initialization Parameters> introduce database startup using parameter file method

Before you manually create a server parameter file, you can start an instance with a text initialization parameter file. Upon startup, the Oracle instance first searches for a server parameter file in a default location, and if it does not find one, searches for a text initialization parameter file. You can also override an existing server parameter file by naming a text initialization parameter file as an argument of the STARTUP command.


startup method

change method

current effect

after shutdown and startup

with initialization parameter file alter system TEST 1,effect TEST 1,no effect
change text file TEST 2,no effect TEST 2,effect
with server parameter file alter system TEST 3,effect TEST 3,no effect

TEST 1 steps:

step content


1)determenation no server parameter file


2)startup database spfile=’’


3)show parameter db_cache_size

db_cache_size value is 0

4)alter system set db_cahche_size=1024000


5)show parameter db_cache_size

db_cache_size value is 16M

6)shutdown immediate


7)observe server paramter file if exsit

server paramter file not exist



9)show parameter db_cache_size

db_cache_size value is 0


1)if database startup with text initialization parameter file,database don’t  produce server parameter file automatic,even parameter be changed with alter system statement.

2)if database startup with server parameter file ,want to change parameter and persist it.follow steps achieve  this objects
[1]sql>alter system set paramter=
[2]sql>create pfile from spfile
[3]sql>startup pfile=’’
[4]sql>create spfile from pfile



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