oracle 9i 性能调优系列培训(全)
第01讲:Chapter 01--Overview of Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning
第02讲:Chapter 01--Overview of Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning
第03讲:Chapter 02--Diagnostic and Tuning Tools
第04讲:Chapter 02--Diagnostic and Tuning Tools
第05讲:Chapter 02--Diagnostic and Tuning Tools
第06讲:Chapter 02--Diagnostic and Tuning Tools
第07讲:Chapter 03--Database Configuration and IO Issues
第08讲:Chapter 03--Database Configuration and IO Issues
第09讲:Chapter 03--Database Configuration and IO Issues
第10讲:Chapter 04--Tuning the Shared Pool
第11讲:Chapter 04--Tuning the Shared Pool
第12讲:Chapter 04--Tuning the Shared Pool
第13讲:Chapter 04--Tuning the Shared Pool
第14讲:Chapter 04--Tuning the Shared Pool
第15讲:Chapter 04--Tuning the Shared Pool
第16讲:Chapter 04--Tuning the Shared Pool
第17讲:Chapter 04--Tuning the Shared Pool
第18讲:Chapter 05--Tuning the Buffer Cache
第19讲:Chapter 05--Tuning the Buffer Cache
第20讲:Chapter 05--Tuning the Buffer Cache
第21讲:Chapter 05--Tuning the Buffer Cache
第22讲:Chapter 05--Tuning the Buffer Cache
第23讲:Chapter 05--Tuning the Buffer Cache
第24讲:Chapter 05--Tuning the Buffer Cache
第25讲:Chapter 05--Tuning the Buffer Cache
第26讲:Chapter 06--Dynamic Instance Resizing
第27讲:Chapter 07--Sizing Other SGA Structures
第28讲:Chapter 07--Sizing Other SGA Structures
第29讲:Chapter 08--Tuning the Oracle Shared Server
第30讲:Chapter 08--Tuning the Oracle Shared Server
第31讲:Chapter 09--Optimizing Sort Operations
第32讲:Chapter 09--Optimizing Sort Operations
第33讲:Chapter 09--Optimizing Sort Operations
第34讲:Chapter 09--Optimizing Sort Operations
第35讲:Chapter 09--Optimizing Sort Operations
第36讲:Chapter 09--Optimizing Sort Operations
第37讲:Chapter 10--Using Resource Manager
第38讲:Chapter 10--Using Resource Manager
第39讲:Chapter 10--Using Resource Manager
第40讲:Chapter 10--Using Resource Manager
第41讲:Chapter 10--Using Resource Manager
第42讲:Chapter 11--SQL Statement Tuning
第43讲:Chapter 11--SQL Statement Tuning
第44讲:Chapter 11--SQL Statement Tuning
第45讲:Chapter 12--Managing Statistics
第46讲:Chapter 12--Managing Statistics
第47讲:Chapter 12--Managing Statistics
第48讲:Chapter 12--Managing Statistics
第49讲:Chapter 12--Managing Statistics
第50讲:Chapter 12--Managing Statistics
第51讲:Chapter 13--Using Oracle Blocks Efficiently
第52讲:Chapter 13--Using Oracle Blocks Efficiently
第53讲:Chapter 13--Using Oracle Blocks Efficiently
第54讲:Chapter 13--Using Oracle Blocks Efficiently
第55讲:Chapter 14--Using Oracle Data Storage Structures Efficiently
第56讲:Chapter 14--Using Oracle Data Storage Structures Efficiently
第57讲:Chapter 14--Using Oracle Data Storage Structures Efficiently
第58讲:Chapter 14--Using Oracle Data Storage Structures Efficiently
第59讲:Chapter 14--Using Oracle Data Storage Structures Efficiently
第60讲:Chapter 15--Application Tuning
第61讲:Chapter 15--Application Tuning
第62讲:Chapter 15--Application Tuning
第63讲:Chapter 15--Application Tuning
第64讲:Chapter 16--Using Materialized Views
第65讲:Chapter 16--Using Materialized Views
第66讲:Chapter 16--Using Materialized Views
第67讲:Chapter 17--Monitoring and Detecting Lock Conterntion
第68讲:Chapter 17--Monitoring and Detecting Lock Conterntion
第69讲:Chapter 17--Monitoring and Detecting Lock Conterntion
第70讲:Chapter 18--Tuning the Operating System
第71讲:Chapter 18--Tuning the Operating System


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