


private CSCache(){} //>> Based on Factor = 5 default value public static readonly int DayFactor = 17280; public static readonly int HourFactor = 720; public static readonly int MinuteFactor = 12; private static readonly Cache _cache; private static int Factor = 5; public static void ReSetFactor(int cacheFactor) { Factor = cacheFactor; } /// /// Static initializer should ensure we only have to look up the current cache /// instance once. /// static CSCache() { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; if(context != null) { _cache = context.Cache; } else { _cache = HttpRuntime.Cache; } }


另外大家看一下“private static int Factor = 5;”,如果希望不用缓存则直接设置为Factor=0即可,如果希望延长缓存生存周期则适当调大Factor值,也可以在CommunityServer.config中修改“cacheFactor”的数值。



public static CSConfiguration GetConfig() { CSConfiguration config = CSCache.Get(CacheKey) as CSConfiguration; if(config == null) { string path; if(HttpContext.Current != null) path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/communityserver.config"); else path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "communityserver.config"; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); config = new CSConfiguration(doc); CSCache.Max(CacheKey,config,new CacheDependency(path)); CSCache.ReSetFactor(config.CacheFactor); } return config; }


public static WeblogConfiguration Instance() { string cacheKey = "WeblogConfiguration"; WeblogConfiguration config = CSCache.Get(cacheKey) as WeblogConfiguration; if(config == null) { XmlNode node = CSConfiguration.GetConfig().GetConfigSection("CommunityServer/Weblog"); config = new WeblogConfiguration();                 ... CacheDependency dep = new CacheDependency(null, new string[]{CSConfiguration.CacheKey}); CSCache.Insert(cacheKey, config, dep); } return config; }


public static PostSet GetPosts(int postID, int pageIndex, int pageSize, int sortBy, int sortOrder) { PostSet postSet; CSContext csContext = CSContext.Current; string key = "Forum-Posts::P:{0}-PI:{1}-PS:{2}-SB:{3}-SO:{4}"; string postCollectionKey = string.Format(key,postID,pageIndex,pageSize, sortBy, sortOrder); // Attempt to retrieve from Cache postSet = CSCache.Get(postCollectionKey) as PostSet; // forumContext.Context.Cache[postCollectionKey]; if (postSet == null) { // Create Instance of the CommonDataProvider ForumDataProvider dp = ForumDataProvider.Instance(); postSet = dp.GetPosts(postID, pageIndex, pageSize, sortBy, sortOrder, CSContext.Current.User.UserID, true); CSCache.Insert(postCollectionKey,postSet,6); } return postSet; }

GetPosts()首先从缓存中读取postSet = CSCache.Get(postCollectionKey) as PostSet;


HttpContext.Items被Rob Howard称之为“每请求缓存”(参见编写高性能 Web 应用程序的 10 个技巧),故名思义即缓存只存在于HttpRequest请求期间,请求结束后缓存即失效。

private static Hashtable GetForums(CSContext csContext, bool ignorePermissions, bool cacheable, bool flush) { Hashtable unfilteredForums = null; Hashtable forums; int settingsID = CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.SettingsID; string cacheKey = string.Format("Forums-Site:{0}",settingsID); string localKey = string.Format("ForumsForUser:{0}",ignorePermissions); if(flush) { CSCache.Remove(cacheKey); csContext.Items[localKey] = null; } #if DEBUG_NOCACHE cacheable = false; #endif // Have we already fetched for this request? // //If something is in the context with the current cache key, we have already processed and validated this request! unfilteredForums = csContext.Items[localKey] as Hashtable; //We do not need to revalidate this collection on the same request if((unfilteredForums != null)) return unfilteredForums; else if(!cacheable) csContext.Items.Remove(cacheKey); //Is it safe to use the cached version? if ((!cacheable)) CSCache.Remove(cacheKey); //If we find the forums in the cache, we need to revalidate them. DO NOT return the coolection unless //the call specifies ignorepermissions unfilteredForums = CSCache.Get(cacheKey) as Hashtable; // Get the raw forum groups // if ( unfilteredForums == null ) { unfilteredForums = ForumDataProvider.Instance().GetForums(); // Dynamically add the special forum for private messages // unfilteredForums.Add( 0, PrivateForum() ); // Cache if we can // if (cacheable) CSCache.Insert(cacheKey,unfilteredForums,CSCache.MinuteFactor * 15,CacheItemPriority.High); } // Are we ignoring permissions? // if (ignorePermissions) { //Save us the logic look up later csContext[localKey] = unfilteredForums; return unfilteredForums; } // We need to create a new hashtable // forums = new Hashtable(); User user = CSContext.Current.User; // Filter the list of forums to only show forums this user // is allowed to see // foreach (Forum f in unfilteredForums.Values) { // The forum is added if the user can View, Read // if( Permissions.ValidatePermissions(f,Permission.View,user) ) if(f.IsActive || user.IsForumAdministrator) forums.Add(f.SectionID, f); } // Insert into request cache // csContext[localKey] = forums; return forums; }



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