
思路:首先统计单链表的结点数,因为k可能大于这个。将k转成小于单链表的结点数,先从头开始遍历k个,在继续遍历时,另一个从头开始,当遍历到尾时,另一个已经到离右边的第 k个。


class Solution
{public ListNode rotateRight(ListNode head, int k){if (null == head ) return head;int cnt = 0;ListNode cur = head, p = head;while (cur != null){cnt++;cur = cur.next;}k %= cnt;if (0 == k) return head;cnt = 0;cur = head;while (cnt++ < k){cur = cur.next;if (null == cur) return head;}while (cur.next != null){cur = cur.next;p = p.next;}ListNode ans = p.next;p.next = null;cur.next = head;return ans;}

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