

import mne
%matplotlib inline# Mention the file path to the dataset
path = "E:\\BCICIV_2b\\gdf_format\\"
filename = "B0302T"raw = mne.io.read_raw_gdf(path+filename+".gdf")



TypeError  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-709b175ec09c> in <module>7 filename = "B0302T"8
----> 9 raw = mne.io.read_raw_gdf(path+filename+".gdf")d:\Users\Administrator\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\mne\io\edf\edf.py in read_raw_gdf(input_fname, eog, misc, stim_channel, exclude, preload, verbose)1325     return RawGDF(input_fname=input_fname, eog=eog, misc=misc,1326                   stim_channel=stim_channel, exclude=exclude, preload=preload,
-> 1327                   verbose=verbose)1328 1329 <decorator-gen-164> in __init__(self, input_fname, eog, misc, stim_channel, exclude, preload, verbose)d:\Users\Administrator\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\mne\io\edf\edf.py in __init__(self, input_fname, eog, misc, stim_channel, exclude, preload, verbose)187         info, edf_info, orig_units = _get_info(input_fname,188                                                stim_channel, eog, misc,
--> 189                                                exclude, preload)190         logger.info('Creating raw.info structure...')191 d:\Users\Administrator\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\mne\io\edf\edf.py in _get_info(fname, stim_channel, eog, misc, exclude, preload)375     misc = misc if misc is not None else []376
--> 377     edf_info, orig_units = _read_header(fname, exclude)378 379     # XXX: `tal_ch_names` to pass to `_check_stim_channel` should be computedd:\Users\Administrator\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\mne\io\edf\edf.py in _read_header(fname, exclude)364         return _read_edf_header(fname, exclude)365     elif ext in ('gdf'):
--> 366         return _read_gdf_header(fname, exclude), None367     else:368         raise NotImplementedError(d:\Users\Administrator\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\mne\io\edf\edf.py in _read_gdf_header(fname, exclude)863             if patient['birthday'] != datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0,864                                                tzinfo=timezone.utc):
--> 865                 today = datetime.today(tzinfo=timezone.utc)866                 patient['age'] = today.year - patient['birthday'].year867                 today = today.replace(year=patient['birthday'].year)TypeError: today() takes no keyword arguments


read_raw_gdf()读取gdf 1.x是可以的,但读取gdf 2.x版有问题,这个应该是一个bug,官方应该在修复这个问题





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