PHP Ctype扩展是PHP4.2开始就内建的扩展,注意,Ctype系列函数都只有一个字符串类型参数,它们返回布尔值。

$str = "0.1123";


echo "ctype_digit:" . ctype_digit($str);  //空


echo "is_numberic:" . is_numeric($str); //1




ctype_alnum -- Check for alphanumeric character(s)


ctype_alpha -- Check for alphabetic character(s)


ctype_cntrl -- Check for control character(s)

检查是否是只包含类是“\n\r\t”之类的字 符控制字符

ctype_digit -- Check for numeric character(s)


ctype_graph -- Check for any printable character(s) except space


ctype_lower -- Check for lowercase character(s)


ctype_print -- Check for printable character(s)


ctype_punct -- Check for any printable character which is not whitespace or an alphanumeric character


ctype_space -- Check for whitespace character(s)

检查是否是只包含类是“ ”之类的字符和空格

ctype_upper -- Check for uppercase character(s)


ctype_xdigit -- Check for character(s) representing a hexadecimal digit

检查是否是16进制的字符串,只能包括 “0123456789abcdef”



1、ctype_alnum — Check for alphanumeric character(s)   检查字符串中只包含数字或字母,相当于正则[A-Za-z0-9].   有返回值。成功时返回TRUE,失败为FALSE;


$strings = array('AbCd1zyZ9', 'foo!#$bar');

foreach ($strings as $testcase) {

if (ctype_alnum($testcase)) {

echo "The string $testcase consists of all letters or digits.\n"; \\ 输出The string AbCd1zyZ9 consists of all letters or digits.

} else {

echo "The string $testcase does not consist of all letters or digits.\n"; \\ 输出 The string foo!#$bar does not consist of all letters or digits.




2、ctype_alpha — Check for alphabetic character(s)  检查字符串中只包含字母。  成功时返回TRUE,失败为FALSE;

$strings = array('KjgWZC', 'arf12');

foreach ($strings as $testcase) {

if (ctype_alpha($testcase)) {

echo "The string $testcase consists of all letters.\n"; \\ 输出 The string KjgWZC consists of all letters.

} else {

echo "The string $testcase does not consist of all letters.\n";   \\ 输出 The string arf12 does not consist of all letters.




3、ctype_cntrl — Check for control character(s)    检查字符串中是否只包含" '\n' '\r' '\t' " 这样的控制字符。

$strings = array('string1' => "\n\r\t", 'string2' => 'arf12');

foreach ($strings as $name => $testcase) {

if (ctype_cntrl($testcase)) {

echo "The string '$name' consists of all control characters.\n"; \\ 输出 The string 'string1' consists of all control characters.

} else {

echo "The string '$name' does not consist of all control characters.\n"; \\ The string 'string2' does not consist of all control characters.




4、ctype_digit — Check for numeric character(s) 检查字符串中是否只包含数字

$strings = array('1820.20', '10002', 'wsl!12');

foreach ($strings as $testcase) {

if (ctype_digit($testcase)) {

echo "The string $testcase consists of all digits.\n";

} else {

echo "The string $testcase does not consist of all digits.\n";




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