
1.Is the following statement legal?If so,what does it do?


3 * x * x - 4 * x + 6;

answer:It is legal,but it doesn't affect the program's state,None of the operators involved(有关) have any side effects and the result that is computed is not assigned to any variable.


2.What is the syntax of the assignment statement?


answer:Trick Question! There is no "assignment statement" in C,Assignments are done with an expression that uses the assignment operator,as in:


x = y + z;

3.Is it legal to use a block in this manner(风格)? If so,why would you ever want to use it?



answer : Yes,it is legal,This is useful if you need to introduce(引用) a temporary variable for the enclosed(封闭的) statements,but wish to restrict(限制) access to the variable to only those statement.


4.How would you write an if statement that had no statements in the then clause(子句) but had statements in the else clause?How else,could an equivalent statement be written?



}//equivalently, you can invert the condition to omit the empty else clause.if(!(condition)){statements;

5.What output is produced frome the loop below?


int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i += 1)printf("%d\n",i);


//The integers starting at 0 and ending with 9,The value 10 is not printed.

6.When might a while statement be more appropriate(恰当) than a for statement?


answer:When there are no initialization or adjustment expressions.


7.The code fragment below is supposed to copy the standard input to the standard output and compute a checksum of the characters,What is wrong with it?


while((ch = getchar()) != EOF)checksum += ch;purchar(ch);
printf("checksum = %d\n",checksum);

answer:Despite the indentation(缩进),the call to putchar is not in the loop because there are no braces.as a result,the input is not printed,only the checksum,note that the only thing printed by putchar is the end of file indicator(标志);on most systems,this is not a valid(有效) character.


8.When is the do statement more appropriate than a while or a for statement?


answer:When the body of the loop must be executed once even if the condition is initially false.


9.What output is produced from this code fragment?Note:The % operator divides its left operand by its right operand and gives you the remainder.


for(i = 1; i <= 4; i += 1){switch(i % 2){case 0:printf("even\n");case 1:printf("odd\n"); } }

answer:There are no break statement,so both messages are printed for each even number.



10.Write statements that read an integer value frome the standard input and then print that many blank lines.



//可以用for或者while,不能用doint n;
while(n >= 0){printf("\n");

11.Write statements to validate(确认) and report on some values that have already been read,If x is less than y,print the word "wrong",also,if a is greater than or equal to b,print "wrong",otherwise,print the order "right",note:In case you need it,|| is the "or" operator.



if(x < y || a >= b)printf("wrong");

12.Years that are divisible by four are leap years;except,that years that are divisible by 100 are not.However,years that are divisible by 400 are leap years,Write statements to determine whether the value in year is a leap year,and set the variable leap_years to one if it is a leap year,and zero if it is not.

(年份能被4整除的被称为润年,除了能被100整除而不 能被400整除的不是润年,写语句判断是否为润年,用leap_years来表示,如果是润年则置1,否则置0)


/*标准答案上是这么写的,利用了if语句筛选,初看下可能会觉得不对,细看之后觉得很有道理*/if(year % 400 == 0)leap_years = 1;
else if(year % 100 == 0)leap_years = 0;
else if(year % 4 == 0)leap_years = 1; else leap_years = 0; /*下面这两个程序是我自己写的,一个是判断是润年,一个是判断不是润年,相比前面的答案可能反倒有些冗余,不过比较直观*/ //is leap_years if(year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) leap_years = 1; else if(year % 100 == 0 && year % 400 == 0) leap_years = 1; else leap_years = 0; //is not leap_years if(year % 4 != 0) leap_years = 0; else if(year % 100 == 0 && year % 400 != 0) leap_years = 0; else leap_years = 1;

13.Newspaper reporters are trained to ask who,what,when,where and why,Write statements that will print who if the variable which_word is one,what if the variable is two,and so forth,if the value is not in the range one through five,print don't know instead.

(新闻记者被训练提问who,what when where why,写一个语句,如果变量which_word 为1,则打印who,如果变量为2,则打印what,其他的依次类推,如果不再1到5的范围内,则打印不知道)


case 1:printf("who");break;
case 2:printf("what"); break; case 3: printf("when"); break; case 4: printf("where"); break; case 5: printf("why"); break; default:   printf("don't know"); break; }

//也可以用数组的方法char word[5] = {"who","what","when","where","why"};
if(which_one <= 5 && which_one >= 1)printf("%s\n",word[which_one - 1]);
elseprintf("don't know");

14.Pretend that a "program” controls you, and this program contains two function,eat_hamburger() makes you eat a hamburger,and hunger() returns a true or a false value depending on whether you are hungry,Write the statement that allow you to eat as many hamburgers as you want until you're no longer hungry.




15.Modify your answer to question 14 to satisfy(使满意) your grandmother-you've got to eat something!-so that you always eat at least one hamburger.




16.Write statements to print a capsule(简约的) summary of the current weather according to the values of the  variables precipitating(降雨) and temperature(温度).


If precipitating is ... and temperature is... then print...







>= 60




if(precipitaing){if(temperature < 32)printf("snowing");elseprintf("raining");
}else{ if(temperature < 60) printf("cold"); else printf("warm"); }


1.The square root(平方根) of a positive number n can be computed as a series of approximations(近似值),each more accurate(正确) than the last,The first approximation is one;successive(接连的) approximations are given by the following formula(公式).

ai+1 = (ai + (n/ai))/2

Write a program to read a value and compute and print its square root,if you print all of the approximations,you can see how quickly this method converges(收敛) on the correct value,In practice,though,the restricted(受限的) precision(精准度) of floating-poing variables prevents the program from continuing.Have your program stop computing when an approximation is equal to the previous one.



#include <stdio.h>float sq_root(float );int main(void)
{float value;scanf("%f",&value);if(value <= 0){printf("the value is not positive!"); return 1; } printf("%f",sq_root(value)); return 0; } float sq_root(float value) { float p,n; p = 1; n = 0; while(1){ n = (p + (value/p)) / 2; if(p != n) p = n; else break; } return n; }

2.An integer is called prime if it is not evenly divisible by any integer other than itself and one,Write a program to print those numbers in the range 1-100 that are prime.



//code 1
#include <stdio.h>int is_prime(int );int main(void)
{int n;for(n = 1; n <= 100; n++)if(is_prime(n))printf("%d\n",n); return 0; } int is_prime(int n) { int flag = 1; int i; if(n == 1) flag = 0; for(i = 2; i < n; i++){ if(n % i == 0) flag = 0; } return flag; }

//code 2 任何一个整数不可能被比它的一半还大的数整除,所以可以将除数缩小
#include <stdio.h>int is_prime(int );int main(void)
{int n;for(n = 1; n <= 100; n++)if(is_prime(n))printf("%d\n",n); return 0; } int is_prime(int n) { int flag = 1; int i; if(n == 1) flag = 0; for(i = 2; i < n/2 + 1; i++){ if(n % i == 0) flag = 0; } return flag; }

/*先把N个自然数按次序排列起来。1不是质数,也不是合数,要划去。第二个数2是质数留下来,而把2后面所有能被2整除的数都划去。2后面第一个没划去的数是3,把3留下,再把3后面所有能被3整除的数都划去。3后面第一个没划去的数是5,把5留下,再把5后面所有能被5整除的数都划去。这样一直做下去,就会把不超过N的全部合数都筛掉,留下的就是不超过N的全部质数。因为希腊人是把数写在涂腊的板上,每要划去一个数,就在上面记以小点,寻求质数的工作完毕后,这许多小点就像一个筛子,所以就形象地把埃拉托斯特尼的方法叫做“埃拉托斯特尼筛”,简称“筛法”。*/#include <stdio.h>#define MAX 101int main(void)
{int n[MAX];int i,j;for(i = 1; i < MAX; i++){n[i] = 1; } n[1] = 0; // 1 is not prime n[2] = 1; // 2 is prime for(i = 2; i < MAX; i++){ if(n[i] == 1){ for(j = i + i; j < MAX; j += i) n[j] = 0; } } for(i = 1; i < MAX; i++){ if(n[i] != 0) printf("%d\n",i); } return 0; }

3.All three side of equilateral triangles are the same length,but only two of the sides of an isosceles(等腰) triangle are equal.If all of the sides of a triangle are different lengths it is called scalene(不等边的),Write a program to prompt(提示) for and read three numbers that are the lengths of the three side of triangle,The program should than determine what type of triangle the numbers represent,Hint:What else should the program be looking for?


#include <stdio.h>int main(void)
{float a,b,c;printf("please input the triangle's three side length:\n");scanf("%f %f %f",&a,&b,&c);if(a <= 0 || b <= 0 || c <= 0){printf("the length of triangle side is not positive!"); return 1; } if( a + b <= c || a + c <= b || b + c <= a){ printf("whatever two side must be less than other side"); return 1; } if(a == b && b == c) printf("equilateral"); else if(a == b || a == c || b == c) printf("isosceles"); else printf("scalene"); return 0; }


4.Write the function copy_n whose prototype is shown below:

void copy_n(char dst[], char scr[], int n);

The function is to copy a string from the array src to the array dst but with the following requirement:exactly n characters must be stored into dst,no more,no less,If the length of the string in src is less than n,then you must add enough NUL characters after the copied characters to get a total of n characters stored.If the length of the string in src is greater than or equal to n,then stop after you have stored the n'th character;in this case dst will not be NUL-terminated.Note that a call to copy_n should store something into dst[0] through dst[n-1],and only those locations,regardless of the length of src.If you planning on using the library routine strncpy to implement your program you are congratulated for reading ahead,but the goal here if for you to figure out the logic yourself,so you may not use any of the library string routines.



void copy_n(char src[],char dst[], int n)
{int len = 0;int i;for(i = 0; src[i] != '\0'; i++)len++;for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(i < len){ dst[i] = src[i]; }else dst[i] = '\0'; } }

5.Write a program that reads the standard input line by line and docs the following:for each set of two or more indentical(相同的),adjacent(相邻) lines in the file,one line from the set should be printed out;nothing else should be printed out,you may assume that the lines in the file will not exceed 128 characters in length(127chararcters plus one for the newline that terminates(结束) each line)


Consider the input file shown below.


This is the first line.
Another line.
And another;
And another;
And another;
And another;
Still more;
Almost down now -
Almost down now -
Anoter line.
Still more.

Assuming that there are no trailing blanks or tabs on any of the lines(which wouldn't be visible but would make the line different from its neightbors),this program would produce the following output from this input file.


And another.
Almost down now -

One line from each set of adjacent identical lines is printed.Notice that "Anohter line."and "Still more" are not printed because,although there are two of each in the file,they are not adjacent.hints:Use gets to read the input lines,and strcpy to copy them,there is a routine called strcmp that takes two strings as arguments and compares them,it returns zero if they are equal and a nonzero value if they are not.

(每一个相邻行相同都会被输出,注意Another line和Still more这两行不应该被打印出来,因为尽管它们出现两次但是不相邻,提示:使用gets来读取行,使用strcpy来复制,使用strcmp进行比较,如果两个字符串相等则返回0,否则返回非零值)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>int main(void)
{int flag = 0;char previou[128];char next[128]; gets(previou); while(gets(next) != EOF){ if(strcmp(next,previou) != 0 && flag == 1){ printf("%s",next); flag = 0; } if(strcmp(next,previou) == 0) flag = 1; else flag = 0; strcpy(previou,next); } }

6.Write a function that extracts(提取) a substring from a string,The function should have the following prototype:

int substr(char dst[],char src[],int start,int len)

It should copy the string that begins start characters past the beginning of the string in src into the array dst,At most len non-NUL characters should be copied from src,After copying,dst must be NUL-terminated,The function should return the length of the string stored in dst.If start specifies a position beyond the end of the string in src,or either start or len are negative,then dsc should be given the empty string.



int substr(char dst[], char src[], int start, int len)
{int i;int src_len = strlen(src);if(start < 0 || len < 0 || start >= src_len){dst[0] = '\0';i = 0; } else{ for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ if(i+start < src_len) dst[i] = src[i+start]; else break; } dst[i] = '\0'; printf("%s:%d",dst,i); } return i; }

7.Write a function that removes excess while space from a string of characters,The function should have this prototype:


void deblank(char string[]);

Every run of one or more white space characters should be replaced by one space character.Be sure that hte string is terminated with a NUL byte When you're through with it.


/*程序仅限于去除空格符,如果是制表符或者换行符或其他可能不行,这可能需要用到指针,就像标准答案中的那样*/void deblank(char string[])
{int i,j;int flag = 0;for(i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++){while(string[i] == ' ' && flag == 1){for(j = i; string[j] != '\0'; j++) string[j] = string[j+1]; string[j] = '\0'; } if(string[i] == ' ') flag = 1; else flag = 0; } }



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