
1 public class Person
2 {
4 // declare two private fields
5   private string name;
6 private int age;
8 // define a constructor
9 public Person(string name, int age)
10 {
11 this.name = name;
12 this.age = age;
13 }
15 // define a method that returns a string containing
16 // the person's name and age
17 public string NameAndAge()
18 {
19 return(name + " is " + age + " years old");
20 }
22 }


Person myPerson = new Person("Jason Price", 32);


DelegateDescription myDelegateDescription =
new DelegateDescription(myPerson.NameAndAge);

// call myPerson.NameAndAge() through myDelegateDescription
string personDescription = myDelegateDescription();
Console.WriteLine("personDescription = " + personDescription);


Example12_3.cs illustrates the use of a delegate
that calls object methods

using System;

// declare the DelegateCalculation delegate class
public delegate string DelegateDescription();

// declare the Person class
public class Person

// declare two private fields
private string name;
private int age;

// define a constructor
public Person(string name, int age)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;

// define a method that returns a string containing
// the person's name and age
public string NameAndAge()
return(name + " is " + age + " years old");


// declare the Car class
public class Car

// declare two private fields
private string model;
private int topSpeed;

// define a constructor
public Car(string model, int topSpeed)
this.model = model;
this.topSpeed = topSpeed;

// define a method that returns a string containing
// the car's model and top speed
public string MakeAndTopSpeed()
return("The top speed of the " + model + " is " +
topSpeed + " mph");


class Example12_3

public static void Main()

// create a Person object named myPerson
Person myPerson = new Person("Jason Price", 32);

// create a delegate object that calls myPerson.NameAndAge()
DelegateDescription myDelegateDescription =
new DelegateDescription(myPerson.NameAndAge);

// call myPerson.NameAndAge() through myDelegateDescription
string personDescription = myDelegateDescription();
Console.WriteLine("personDescription = " + personDescription);

// create a Car object named myCar
Car myCar = new Car("MR2", 140);

// set myDelegateDescription to call myCar.MakeAndTopSpeed()
myDelegateDescription =
new DelegateDescription(myCar.MakeAndTopSpeed);

// call myCar.MakeAndTopSpeed() through myDelegateDescription
string carDescription = myDelegateDescription();
Console.WriteLine("carDescription = " + carDescription);





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