本文翻译自:How to copy static files to build directory with Webpack?

I'm trying to move from Gulp to Webpack . 我正在尝试从Gulp迁移到Webpack In Gulp I have task which copies all files and folders from /static/ folder to /build/ folder. Gulp我的任务是将所有文件和文件夹从/ static /文件夹复制到/ build /文件夹。 How to do the same with Webpack ? 如何用Webpack做同样的Webpack Do I need some plugin? 我需要一些插件吗?




You don't need to copy things around, webpack works different than gulp. 您无需复制任何内容,Webpack的工作原理与gulp不同。 Webpack is a module bundler and everything you reference in your files will be included. Webpack是一个模块捆绑程序,您在文件中引用的所有内容都将包括在内。 You just need to specify a loader for that. 您只需要为此指定一个加载程序。

So if you write: 因此,如果您写:

var myImage = require("./static/myImage.jpg");

Webpack will first try to parse the referenced file as JavaScript (because that's the default). Webpack首先将尝试将引用的文件解析为JavaScript(因为这是默认设置)。 Of course, that will fail. 当然,那将会失败。 That's why you need to specify a loader for that file type. 这就是为什么您需要为该文件类型指定加载程序。 The file - or url-loader for instance take the referenced file, put it into webpack's output folder (which should be build in your case) and return the hashed url for that file. 文件 -或url-loader例如获取引用的文件,将其放入webpack的输出文件夹(在您的情况下应build ),然后返回该文件的哈希URL。

var myImage = require("./static/myImage.jpg");
console.log(myImage); // '/build/12as7f9asfasgasg.jpg'

Usually loaders are applied via the webpack config: 通常,加载器是通过webpack配置应用的:

// webpack.config.jsmodule.exports = {...module: {loaders: [{ test: /\.(jpe?g|gif|png|svg|woff|ttf|wav|mp3)$/, loader: "file" }]}

Of course you need to install the file-loader first to make this work. 当然,您需要先安装文件加载器以使此工作。


Requiring assets using the file-loader module is the way webpack is intended to be used ( source ). 使用文件加载器模块来请求资产是打算使用webpack的方式( 来源 )。 However, if you need greater flexibility or want a cleaner interface, you can also copy static files directly using my copy-webpack-plugin ( npm , Github ). 但是,如果您需要更大的灵活性或想要一个更copy-webpack-plugin界面,也可以使用我的copy-webpack-plugin ( npm , Github )直接复制静态文件。 For your static to build example: 为您的static build示例:

const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');module.exports = {context: path.join(__dirname, 'your-app'),plugins: [new CopyWebpackPlugin([{ from: 'static' }])]


If you want to copy your static files you can use the file-loader in this way : 如果要复制静态文件,则可以通过以下方式使用文件加载器:

for html files : 对于html文件:

in webpack.config.js : 在webpack.config.js中:

module.exports = {...module: {loaders: [{ test: /\.(html)$/,loader: "file?name=[path][name].[ext]&context=./app/static"}]}

in your js file : 在您的js文件中:

  require.context("./static/", true, /^\.\/.*\.html/);

./static/ is relative to where your js file is. ./static/相对于您的js文件所在的位置。

You can do the same with images or whatever. 您可以对图像或其他内容进行相同的操作。 The context is a powerful method to explore !! 上下文是探索的强大方法!


Most likely you should use CopyWebpackPlugin which was mentioned in kevlened answer. 最可能的是,您应该使用kevlened答案中提到的CopyWebpackPlugin。 Alternativly for some kind of files like .html or .json you can also use raw-loader or json-loader. 另外,对于.html或.json之类的文件,您也可以使用raw-loader或json-loader。 Install it via npm install -D raw-loader and then what you only need to do is to add another loader to our webpack.config.js file. 通过npm install -D raw-loader进行npm install -D raw-loader ,然后只需将另一个加载器添加到我们的webpack.config.js文件中即可。

Like: 喜欢:

{test: /\.html/,loader: 'raw'

Note: Restart the webpack-dev-server for any config changes to take effect. 注意:重新启动webpack-dev-server,使所有配置更改生效。

And now you can require html files using relative paths, this makes it much easier to move folders around. 现在,您可以要求使用相对路径的html文件,这使移动文件夹变得更加容易。

template: require('./nav.html')


Above suggestions are good. 以上建议是好的。 But to try to answer your question directly I'd suggest using cpy-cli in a script defined in your package.json . 但是,要尝试直接回答您的问题,我建议您在package.json定义的脚本中使用cpy-cli

This example expects node to somewhere on your path. 此示例期望node位于路径上的某个位置。 Install cpy-cli as a development dependency: 安装cpy-cli作为开发依赖项:

npm install --save-dev cpy-cli

Then create a couple of nodejs files. 然后创建几个nodejs文件。 One to do the copy and the other to display a checkmark and message. 一个进行复制,另一个显示复选标记和消息。

copy.js copy.js

#!/usr/bin/env nodevar shelljs = require('shelljs');
var addCheckMark = require('./helpers/checkmark');
var path = require('path');var cpy = path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/cpy-cli/cli.js');shelljs.exec(cpy + ' /static/* /build/', addCheckMark.bind(null, callback));function callback() {process.stdout.write(' Copied /static/* to the /build/ directory\n\n');

checkmark.js checkmark.js

var chalk = require('chalk');/*** Adds mark check symbol*/
function addCheckMark(callback) {process.stdout.write(chalk.green(' ✓'));callback();
}module.exports = addCheckMark;

Add the script in package.json . 将脚本添加到package.json Assuming scripts are in <project-root>/scripts/ 假设脚本位于<project-root>/scripts/

"scripts": {"copy": "node scripts/copy.js",

To run the sript: 要运行摘要:

npm run copy


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