
Pipes introduction and basic services



在Nucleus SE中,管道是在构建时配置的。一个应用程序最多可以配置16个管道。如果未配置管道,则应用程序中不会包含与管道相关的数据结构或服务调用代码。

管道仅仅是一组存储位置,每个存储位置都足够大,足以容纳一个用户定义字节长度的数据项,对这些数据项的访问是受控制的,以便可以由多个任务安全地使用它。任务可以重复写入管道,直到所有位置都已满。任务可以从管道中读取,数据通常以先进先出(FIFO)的方式接收。尝试发送到完整管道或从空管道读取可能会导致错误或任务挂起,具体取决于在API调用和Nucleus SE配置中选择的选项。


Nucleus SE还支持队列,管道和队列之间的主要区别是消息大小。队列携带由单个ADDR组成的消息,这些地址通常是指针。管道承载任意字节长的消息;应用程序中每个管道的大小是固定的,并在配置时设置。



与Nucleus SE的大多数方面一样,管道的配置主要由nuse_config.h中的#define语句控制。键设置是NUSE_PIPE_NUMBER,它确定为应用程序配置了多少个管道。默认设置为0(即没有管道正在使用),您可以将其设置为最大16的任何值。错误的值将导致编译时错误,该错误由nuse_config_check.h中的测试生成(此错误包含在nuse_config.c中,因此使用此模块进行编译),从而导致编译一个#错误语句。



Nucleus SE中的每个API函数(服务调用)在nuse_config.h中都有一个启用的#define符号。对于管道,包括:








#define NUSE_PIPE_NUMBER 0 /* Number of pipes in the

system – 0-16 */

/* Service call enablers */









Nucleus RTOS支持10个与管道相关的服务调用,它们提供以下功能:

向管道发送消息。由Nucleus SE中的NUSE_Pipe_Send()实现。

从管道接收消息。由Nucleus SE中的NUSE_Pipe_Receive()实现。

在管道前面发个信息。由Nucleus SE中的NUSE_Pipe_Jam()实现。

将管道恢复到未使用状态,不暂停任何任务(重置)。由Nucleus SE中的NUSE_Pipe_Reset()实现。

提供有关指定管道的信息。由Nucleus SE中的NUSE_Pipe_Information()实现。

返回(当前)为应用程序配置的管道数的计数。由Nucleus SE中的NUSE_Pipe_Count()实现。

向应用程序添加新管道(创建)。未在Nucleus SE中实现。

从应用程序中删除管道(删除)。未在Nucleus SE中实现。

返回指向应用程序中所有管道(当前)的指针。未在Nucleus SE中实现。

向管道(广播)上挂起的所有任务发送消息。未在Nucleus SE中实现。



可以在管道上执行的基本操作是向管道写入数据(有时称为发送)和从中读取数据(也称为接收)。也可以将数据写入管道前端,这也被称为堵塞。Nucleus RTOS和Nucleus SE各自为这些操作提供了三个基本API调用,这里将对此进行讨论。


Nucleus RTOS API对管道的写入调用非常灵活,允许您无限期地挂起,或者在操作无法立即完成的情况下暂停,也就是说,您尝试写入一个完整的管道。Nucleus SE提供相同的服务,除了task suspend是可选的并且不实现timeout。

Nucleus RTOS还提供了一个向管道广播的功能,但Nucleus

Nucleus RTOS API Call for Sending to a Pipe

Service call prototype:

STATUS NU_Send_To_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message,

UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);


pipe – pointer to the user-supplied pipe control block

message – a pointer to the message to be sent

size – the number of bytes in the message. If the pipe supports variable-length messages, this parameter must be equal to or less than the message size supported by the pipe. If the pipe supports fixed-size messages, this parameter must be exactly the same as the message size supported by the pipe

suspend – specification for task suspend; may be NU_NO_SUSPEND or NU_SUSPEND or a timeout value


NU_SUCCESS – the call was completed successfully

NU_INVALID_PIPE – the pipe pointer is invalid

NU_INVALID_POINTER – the message pointer is NULL

NU_INVALID_SIZE – the message size is incompatible with the message size supported by the pipe

NU_INVALID_SUSPEND – suspend was attempted from a non-task thread

NU_PIPEE_FULL – the pipe is full and suspend was not specified

NU_TIMEOUT – the pipe is still full even after suspending for the specified timeout value

NU_PIPE_DELETED – the pipe was deleted while the task was suspended

NU_PIPE_RESET – the pipe was reset while the task was suspended

Nucleus SE API Call for Sending to a Pipe

This API call supports the key functionality of the Nucleus RTOS API.

Service call prototype:

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STATUS NUSE_Pipe_Send(NUSE_PIPE pipe, U8 *message,

U8 suspend);


pipe – the index (ID) of the pipe to be utilized

message – a pointer to the message to be sent, which is a sequence of bytes as long as the configured message size of the pipe

suspend – specification for task suspend; may be NUSE_NO_SUSPEND or NUSE_SUSPEND


NUSE_SUCCESS – the call was completed successfully

NUSE_INVALID_PIPE – the pipe index is invalid

NUSE_INVALID_POINTER – the message pointer is NULL

NUSE_INVALID_SUSPEND – suspend was attempted from a non-task
thread or when blocking API calls were not enabled

NUSE_PIPE_FULL – the pipe is full and suspend was not specified

NUSE_PIPE_WAS_RESET – the pipe was reset while the task was




if (NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe] == NUSE_Pipe_Size[pipe]) /* pipe full /{ return_value = NUSE_PIPE_FULL;}else / pipe element available */{ data = &NUSE_Pipe_Data[pipe][NUSE_Pipe_Head[pipe]]; for (i=0; i<msgsize; i++) { *data++ = *message++; } NUSE_Pipe_Head[pipe] += msgsize; if (NUSE_Pipe_Head[pipe] == (NUSE_Pipe_Size[pipe] * msgsize)) { NUSE_Pipe_Head[pipe] = 0; } NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe]++; return_value = NUSE_SUCCESS;}



do{ if (NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe] == NUSE_Pipe_Size[pipe]) /* pipe full / { if (suspend == NUSE_NO_SUSPEND) { return_value = NUSE_PIPE_FULL; } else { / block task / NUSE_Pipe_Blocking_Count[pipe]++; NUSE_Suspend_Task(NUSE_Task_Active, (pipe << 4) | NUSE_PIPE_SUSPEND); return_value = NUSE_Task_Blocking_Return[NUSE_Task_Active]; if (return_value != NUSE_SUCCESS) { suspend = NUSE_NO_SUSPEND; } } } else / pipe element available */ { data = &NUSE_Pipe_Data[pipe][NUSE_Pipe_Head[pipe]]; for (i=0; i<msgsize; i++) { *data++ = message++; } NUSE_Pipe_Head[pipe] += msgsize; if (NUSE_Pipe_Head[pipe] == (NUSE_Pipe_Size[pipe] * msgsize)) { NUSE_Pipe_Head[pipe] = 0; } NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe]++; if (NUSE_Pipe_Blocking_Count[pipe] != 0) { U8 index; / check whether a task is blocked on this pipe */ NUSE_Pipe_Blocking_Count[pipe]–; for (index=0; index<NUSE_TASK_NUMBER; index++) { if ((LONIB(NUSE_Task_Status[index]) == NUSE_PIPE_SUSPEND) && (HINIB(NUSE_Task_Status[index]) == pipe)) { NUSE_Task_Blocking_Return[index] = NUSE_SUCCESS; NUSE_Wake_Task(index); break; } } } return_value = NUSE_SUCCESS; suspend = NUSE_NO_SUSPEND; }} while (suspend == NUSE_SUSPEND);






从管道读取的Nucleus RTOS API调用非常灵活,使您能够无限期地挂起,或者在操作无法立即完成的情况下暂停,也就是说,您尝试从空管道中读取。Nucleus SE提供相同的服务,除了task suspend是可选的并且不实现timeout。

ucleus RTOS API Call for Receiving from a Pipe

Service call prototype:

STATUS NU_Receive_From_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message, UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED *actual_size, UNSIGNED suspend);


pipe – pointer to user-supplied pipe control block

message – pointer to storage for the message to be received

size –
the number of bytes in the message. This number must correspond to the message size defined when the pipe was created

suspend – specification for task suspend; may be NU_NO_SUSPEND or NU_SUSPEND or a timeout value


NU_SUCCESS – the call was completed successfully

NU_INVALID_PIPE – the pipe pointer is invalid

NU_INVALID_POINTER – the message pointer is NULL

NU_INVALID_SUSPEND – suspend was attempted from a non-task

NU_PIPE_EMPTY – the pipe is empty and suspend was not specified

NU_TIMEOUT – indicates that the pipe is still empty even after suspending for the specified timeout value

the pipe was deleted while the task was suspended

NU_PIPE_RESET – the pipe was reset while the task was suspended

Nucleus SE API Call for Receiving from a Pipe

This API call supports the key functionality of the Nucleus RTOS API.

Service call prototype:

STATUS NUSE_Pipe_Receive(NUSE_PIPE pipe, U8 *message,

U8 suspend);


pipe – the index (ID) of the pipe to be utilized

message – a pointer to storage for the message to be received, which is a sequence of bytes as long as the configured message size of the pipe

suspend – specification for task suspend; may be NUSE_NO_SUSPEND or NUSE_SUSPEND


NUSE_SUCCESS – the call was completed successfully

NUSE_INVALID_PIPE – the pipe index is invalid

NUSE_INVALID_POINTER – the message pointer is NULL

NUSE_INVALID_SUSPEND – suspend was attempted from a non-task thread or when blocking API calls were not enabled

NUSE_PIPE_EMPTY – the pipe is empty and suspend was not specified

NUSE_PIPE_WAS_RESET – the pipe was reset while the task was suspended

Nucleus SE Implementation of Pipe Receive




if (NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe] == 0) /* pipe empty /{ return_value = NUSE_PIPE_EMPTY;}else{ / message available */ data = &NUSE_Pipe_Data[pipe][NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe]]; for (i=0; i<msgsize; i++) { *message++ = *data++; } NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe] += msgsize; if (NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe] == (NUSE_Pipe_Size[pipe] * msgsize)) { NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe] = 0; } NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe]–; *actual_size = msgsize; return_value = NUSE_SUCCESS;}

只需使用管道中的指针NUSE_Pipe_Tail[]从数据管道中返回数据,并通过管道返回数据。 启用阻塞后,代码会变得更复杂:

do{ if (NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe] == 0) /* pipe empty / { if (suspend == NUSE_NO_SUSPEND) { return_value = NUSE_PIPE_EMPTY; } else { / block task / NUSE_Pipe_Blocking_Count[pipe]++; NUSE_Suspend_Task(NUSE_Task_Active, (pipe << 4) | NUSE_PIPE_SUSPEND); return_value = NUSE_Task_Blocking_Return[NUSE_Task_Active]; if (return_value != NUSE_SUCCESS) { suspend = NUSE_NO_SUSPEND; } } } else { / message available */ data = &NUSE_Pipe_Data[pipe][NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe]]; for (i=0; i<msgsize; i++) { *message++ = data++; } NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe] += msgsize; if (NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe] == (NUSE_Pipe_Size[pipe] * msgsize)) { NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe] = 0; } NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe]–; if (NUSE_Pipe_Blocking_Count[pipe] != 0) { U8 index; / check whether a task is blocked / / on this pipe */ NUSE_Pipe_Blocking_Count[pipe]–; for (index=0; index<NUSE_TASK_NUMBER; index++) { if ((LONIB(NUSE_Task_Status[index]) == NUSE_PIPE_SUSPEND) && (HINIB(NUSE_Task_Status[index]) == pipe)) { NUSE_Task_Blocking_Return[index] = NUSE_SUCCESS; NUSE_Wake_Task(index); break; } } } *actual_size = msgsize; return_value = NUSE_SUCCESS; suspend = NUSE_NO_SUSPEND; }} while (suspend == NUSE_SUSPEND);






Nucleus RTOS-API调用写入管道的前端非常灵活,允许您无限期地挂起,或者在操作无法立即完成的情况下暂停超时;也就是说,您尝试写入一个完整的管道。Nucleus SE提供相同的服务,除了task suspend是可选的并且不实现timeout。

Nucleus RTOS API Call for Jamming to a Pipe

Service call prototype:

STATUS NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message,

UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);


pipe – pointer to a user-supplied pipe control block

message – a pointer to the message to be sent

size – the number of bytes in the message. If the pipe supports variable-length messages, this parameter must be equal to or less than the message size supported by the pipe. If the pipe supports fixed-size messages, this parameter must be exactly the same as the message size supported by the pipe.

suspend – specification for task suspend; may be NU_NO_SUSPEND or NU_SUSPEND or a timeout value


NU_SUCCESS – the call was completed successfully

NU_INVALID_PIPE – the pipe pointer is invalid

NU_INVALID_POINTER – the message pointer is NULL

NU_INVALID_SIZE – the message size is incompatible with the message size supported by the pipe

NU_INVALID_SUSPEND – suspend was attempted from a non-task thread

NU_PIPE_FULL – the pipe is full and suspend was not specified

NU_TIMEOUT – the pipe is still full even after suspending for the specified timeout value

NU_PIPE_DELETED – the pipe was deleted while the task was suspended

NU_PIPE_RESET – the pipe was reset while the task was suspended

Nucleus SE API Call for Jamming to a Pipe

This API call supports the key functionality of the Nucleus RTOS API.

Service call prototype:

STATUS NUSE_Pipe_Jam(NUSE_PIPE pipe, ADDR *message,

U8 suspend);


pipe – the index (ID) of the pipe to be utilized

message – a pointer to the message to be sent, which is a sequence of bytes as long as the configured message size of the pipe

suspend – specification for task suspend; may be NUSE_NO_SUSPEND or NUSE_SUSPEND


NUSE_SUCCESS – the call was completed successfully

NUSE_INVALID_PIPE – the pipe index is invalid

NUSE_INVALID_POINTER – the message pointer is NULL

NUSE_INVALID_SUSPEND – suspend was attempted from a non-task thread or when blocking API calls were not enabled

NUSE_PIPE_FULL – the pipe is full and suspend was not specified

NUSE_PIPE_WAS_RESET – the pipe was reset while the task was suspended

Nucleus SE Implementation of Jamming to a Pipe

The bulk of the code of the NUSE_Pipe_Jam() API function is very similar to that of NUSE_Pipe_Send() , except that the data is stored using the NUSE_Pipe_Tail[] index,

if (NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe] == NUSE_Pipe_Size[pipe]) /* pipe full /{ return_value = NUSE_PIPE_FULL;}else / pipe element available */{ if (NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe] == 0) { NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe] = (NUSE_Pipe_Size[pipe] - 1) * msgsize; } else { NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe] -= msgsize; } data = &NUSE_Pipe_Data[pipe][NUSE_Pipe_Tail[pipe]]; for (i=0; i<msgsize; i++) { *data++ = *message++; } NUSE_Pipe_Items[pipe]++; return_value = NUSE_SUCCESS;}


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