Wiz Khalifa - Shell Shocked[FLAC格式]


Shell Shocked (担忧恐慌) - Wiz Khalifa (维兹·卡利法)

Written by:Wiz Khalifa

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

That's my fam

I'll hold 'em down forever

Us against the word

We can battle whoever

Together ain't no way gonna fail

You know I got your back

Just like a turtle shell

Nobody do it better

All my brothers tryna get some cheddar

We all want our cut like the shredder

Me and my bros come together for the dough

Bought the orange lamborghini

Call it michelangelo

With the nunchucks and I'm pullin' up slow

When we fall up in the party

They know anything goes

Check my rolex they say

I'm the man of the hour

All this green in my pockets

You can call it turtle power

For when we fight together

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

For when we ride together

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

For when we fight together

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

Think make it any better

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

Ain't nothing that could come in between me

And my brothers

We all around if it's going down

It's just us all for one yeah you hear 'em right

Our business done

We disappear into the night

Came up together

So we all down for the fight

Ain't nothing wrong with that

Family ain't nothing strong as that

And I'll be posted up where the strongest at

Brothers by my side

City on my back real heroes

That's what the people want

They ain't born gotta create 'em

Saying we gone as soon as we save 'em

That's part of the plan

By my side I'mma keep my brothers

Live or die man we need each other

For when we fight together

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

For when we fight together

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

For when we fight together

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

Think make it any better

Knock knock you about to get

Four hittas four winners

Tryna tell'em you don't wanna

Go to war with us

We be them we be them

Young ridahs

Raised in the gutters

Really started from the bottom

We all we ever had

We all we ever needed and we undefeated

We be going hard

And make it look easy

Give me the whole pie real cheesy

I told your girl don't question my

Lover know me

Taking pics for me told her smile for me

Pass her off I'm a real team player

Bandanna on my face like a gangster

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked

Knock knock you about to get shell shocked


密码: tvyp


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