

题 目: 基于Android的校园二手交易网站

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年 月 日基于Android的校园二手交易网站




Android-based Campus Online Marketplace for Second-Hand Goods


In recent years, the progress in information technology has led to the rapid development of e-commerce. Online transactions have grown up like mushrooms. Meanwhile, with the widespread use of Android phones, many Android applications emerge, which is gradually changing the lifestyle of college students. In this case, designing the campus secondary trading software based on Android will help students dispose of used articles more quickly and easily and improve their quality of life.

This paper discusses the design and achievement of FudaTao campus secondary trading website. The website is completed by combining java with Android technology, using eclipse to write the foreground client, using Java and Myeclipse to write code, using tomcat server to set up a local area network, and using Mysql for background data processing. The paper discusses systematically the requirements understanding, design concept and architectural design of the system. The architecture of the system is C / S structure, which consists of the foreground Android client and the background information management system. Customer-end system deals with the user’s second-hand information inquiry, the collection of second-hand information, the publishing and management of goods, contacting sellers and searching history and so on, while administrators can publish articles, classify article, manage user and publish items for check in background manage


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