
clientHeight :


The Element.clientHeight read-only property returns the inner height of an element in pixels, including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin.

clientHeight can be calculated as CSS height + CSS padding - height of horizontal scrollbar (if present).




The HTMLElement.offsetHeight read-only property is the height of the element including vertical padding and borders, in pixels, as an integer.

Typically, an element's offsetHeight is a measurement which includes the element borders, the element vertical padding, the element horizontal scrollbar (if present, if rendered) and the element CSS height.

For the document body object, the measurement includes total linear content height instead of the element CSS height. Floated elements extending below other linear content are ignored.




The Element.scrollHeight read-only attribute is a measurement of the height of an element's content, including content not visible on the screen due to overflow. ThescrollHeight value is equal to the minimum clientHeight the element would require in order to fit all the content in the viewpoint without using a vertical scrollbar. It includes the element padding but not its margin.



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