
Whether or not you have worked remotely before, you’ve likely never had to share your “home office” with your partner and two children.


Before quarantine, a study showed that engineers preferred working from home and felt more productive than they were in the office. However, over a month into quarantine, many software developers sharing small spaces are starting to look back at those late nights in the office longingly.

在隔离之前,一项研究表明,工程师更喜欢在家工作,比在办公室工作效率更高。 但是,经过一个月的隔离,许多共享小型空间的软件开发人员开始渴望回首办公室里那些深夜。

By adopting some realistic tips along with help from supportive employers, developers can regain some focus, return a little bit closer to peak productivity, and achieve a state of mental wellness.


My team at Coderbyte surveyed 150+ software developers to better understand how they were coping with social distancing. The results illustrate how many software developers have more time to code and even work on side projects, but many are also struggling to maintain focus and productivity.

我在Coderbyte的团队对150多个软件开发人员进行了调查,以更好地了解他们如何应对社交距离。 结果表明,有多少软件开发人员有更多时间编写代码,甚至可以从事辅助项目 ,但许多人仍在努力保持重点和生产力。

We also interviewed a senior software engineer, Geoff Chin, with a wife and two children under the age of four to understand what it really looks like to shelter in place with two full time working parents.

我们还采访了一位高级软件工程师Geoff Chin,他与一个妻子和两个4岁以下的孩子一起了解了有两个全职工作父母安置在原地的感觉。

We captured his reactions to the adrenaline-fueled optimism of tips and tricks from other experts below, and then provide recommendations for employers:


对于开发人员来说,应付分心... (How realistic is it for developers coping with distractions to...)

设定时间表? (Set a schedule?)

Sounds reasonable enough, right? Work is scheduled, school is scheduled, why not quarantine too? Here’s what we learned:

听起来足够合理吧? 工作预定,学校预定,为什么不隔离呢? 这是我们学到的:

“The first week we were excited to be together. We had every hour blocked off with time for Legos, lunch, outdoors time, arts and crafts just waiting for the department of education to start online classes.

“第一周我们很高兴在一起。 我们每个小时都有时间来玩乐高积木,午餐,户外活动,手Craft.io品,只是在等待教育部门开始在线课程。

“The first week we were excited to be together. We had every hour blocked off with time for Legos, lunch, outdoors time, arts and crafts just waiting for the department of education to start online classes.

“第一周我们很高兴在一起。 我们每个小时都有时间去玩乐高积木,午餐,户外活动,手Craft.io品,只是在等待教育部门开始在线课程。

Since rigid schedules are out of the question, maintain a flexible mindset and split up the day so that one parent is fully available at all times.


通过肢体分离向您发送信号,告知您何时不能打扰您 ? (Signal to kids when you cannot be interrupted, by using physical separation?)

As many articles noted, when space is limited this can be difficult. However, even within a 500 square foot apartment, this family has found “tag-teaming” childcare as the best way to make it work.

如许多文章所述,当空间有限时,这可能很困难。 但是,即使在500平方英尺的公寓中,这个家庭也发现“标签团队”育儿是使其工作的最佳方法。

“We thought we could work and watch the kids at the same time — not a chance. We invested in proper furniture to set up workspaces at home so my wife and I can tag-team watching the kids.”

“我们认为我们可以同时工作和看孩子,这不是偶然的机会。 我们投资购买了合适的家具,在家里建立了工作区 ,这样我和我的妻子就可以跟孩子们一起看队了。”

不需要成人监督的库存活动? (Stockpile activities that don’t require adult supervision?)

“All activities need a certain amount of adult supervision when your kids are under four.


“All activities need a certain amount of adult supervision when your kids are under four.


花时间为自己 ?
(Take time for yourself?)

“That’s a hard question,” he said, when asked about carving out time for himself. Geoff said he started trying some “meditation and yoga stuff” in the morning, but that is quickly interrupted by the kids running around.

当被问及为自己节省时间时,他说:“这是一个很难的问题。” 杰夫说,他从早上开始尝试一些“冥想和瑜伽的东西”,但是很快被跑来跑去的孩子打断了。

“Time alone is very difficult right now.”


(During Covid-19, supportive leaders can...)

Now that you have insight into what it’s like to be a software engineer trying to cope with distractions, how can you show up for your employees knowing the stresses they deal with at home?


与您的员工联系并检查他们。 (Reach out to your people and check up on them.)

You might not know if your employee is having a rough time and it can be difficult to reach out, especially right now.


Demonstrate a high level of emotional intelligence. By being proactive you show that you are available to support them. Be the one to ask “How are you, really?”

展示出高水平的情商。 积极主动就表明您有能力为他们提供支持。 成为一个问“你好吗?”的人。

为团队工作留出专心, 不间断的时间 (Allow periods of focused, uninterrupted time for your team to work)

Clearly communicate the expectations for the week and encourage time for focused work. Lead by example and block off hours in your schedule for “heads down work,” encouraging your team to do the same.

明确传达对一周的期望,并鼓励他们集中精力进行工作。 以身作则,并按时安排时间进行“低头工作”,鼓励您的团队也这样做。

Paul Graham refers to this working style as the “Maker’s Schedule.” Unlike business stakeholders, developers are far more productive when they limit the amount of context switching throughout the day. Instead of scheduling meetings throughout the day, block off several hours to accomplish work, uninterrupted.

保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham)将此工作方式称为“ 制造商时间表” 。 与业务利益相关者不同,开发人员在全天限制上下文切换的数量时,它们的生产率要高得多。 不必花一天时间安排会议,而是要花几个小时不间断地完成工作。

Remote workers are 20% more likely to say they complete all their daily tasks every or most days.

远程工作者说他们每隔一天或大多数天完成所有日常任务的可能性增加20% 。

继续远程发展您的公司文化 (Continue to develop your company culture, remotely)

All of the fun happy hours, sports leagues, and clubs you used to offer in person? Find a way to keep them alive online.

您过去亲自提供的所有欢乐时光,体育联赛和俱乐部? 寻找使他们在线上保持生命的方法。

This could mean offering a stipend for takeout where everyone can eat lunch together, or a virtual happy hour with a game.


Oftentimes this is the only connection your employees have with their peers beyond meetings. Create opportunities to keep your team’s spirits high.

通常,这是会议以外您的员工与同事之间唯一的联系。 创造机会保持团队精神。

授予离线权限 (Give permission to go offline)

This might sound obvious, but with increased workloads and high stress working environments, it is difficult for employees to know when to shut off. Give permission for nights and weekends off and encourage time offline.

这听起来似乎很明显,但是随着工作量的增加和高压力的工作环境,员工很难知道何时关闭。 准许晚上和周末休假,并鼓励离线时间。

People who work from home are 17% more likely to leave work “feeling accomplished about what they set out to do”.

在家工作的人离开工作的可能性增加了17%,“他们对要做的事情感到很满意 ”。

As with everything, there are pros and cons to remote working. While adjusting and re-adjusting to a work from home culture, it is important to understand the impact of quarantine and living through a global pandemic.

与所有内容一样,远程工作也有其利弊。 在调整和重新调整来自家庭文化的作品时,重要的是要了解隔离和生活在全球大流行中的影响。

Unfortunately no amount of guides and resources is going to be able to help your household adjust quite like trial and error. The good news is that you are not alone.

不幸的是,没有大量的指南和资源能够像试错一样帮助您的家庭进行调整。 好消息是您并不孤单。

Continue to try different tricks and tips as the situation evolves and keep the lines of communication open with your manager so you can get the support you need. If you suddenly find yourself with more time, consider practicing your coding skills to level up.

随着形势的发展,继续尝试各种技巧,并保持与经理的沟通渠道,以便您获得所需的支持。 如果您突然发现自己有更多的时间,请考虑练习编码技能以提高水平。

If you are an employer, do not be shy to reach out and check in with your team. They need a steady hand and guidance now more than ever.

如果您是雇主,请不要害羞与您的团队联系。 他们比以往任何时候都更需要稳定的手和指导。

Make sure to check our guide to remote software development during Covid-19, bookmark our continuously updated article with software development data, and keep testing out different ways to keep building culture and connection to prioritize the mental and physical health of your company.

确保查看Covid-19期间的远程软件开发指南,将持续更新的文章标记为软件开发数据 ,并不断测试各种方法来保持企业文化和人脉关系,从而优先考虑公司的身心健康。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/coding-with-distractions/



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