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package system.test1;
/**** @author 张修*/
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
class author implements ActionListener
{JFrame j=new JFrame("关于游戏");JLabel j1=new JLabel("author:zx");JLabel j2=new JLabel("email:1234");public void init(){j.setBounds(320, 100, 250, 225);j.setLayout(null);j.add(j1);j1.setBounds(40,20,200,100);j2.setBounds(40,60,200,100);j.add(j2);j.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.pink);j.setVisible(true);}@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {new author().init();}}
class degree extends JFrame implements ActionListener{JFrame jf=new JFrame("模式");JButton b1=new JButton("简单");JButton b2=new JButton("困难");JButton b3=new JButton("关于游戏");public void init(){jf.setLayout(null);b1.setBounds(150,30,200,100);b1.setBackground(Color.green);b2.setBounds(150,150,200,100);b2.setBackground(Color.red);b3.setBounds(150,270,200,100);b3.setBackground(Color.pink);jf.add(b1);jf.add(b2);jf.add(b3);b1.addActionListener(this);b2.addActionListener(this);b3.addActionListener(new author());jf.setBounds(280, 100, 500, 450);//jf.setBackground(Color.red);jf.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.black);jf.setVisible(true);}@Overridepublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {if (e.getSource() == b1){jf.setVisible(false);lianliankan l=new lianliankan();l.randomBuild();l.init();}if(e.getSource()==b2){jf.setVisible(false);lianliankan2 l1=new lianliankan2();l1.randomBuild();l1.init();}}}class lianliankan extends degree implements ActionListener {static int a=8;public lianliankan(){}public lianliankan(int a){this.a=a;}JFrame mainFrame;Container thisContainer;JPanel centerPanel, southPanel, northPanel;JButton diamondsButton[][] = new JButton[a][a];JButton exitButton, resetButton, newlyButton;JLabel fractionLable = new JLabel("0");JButton firstButton, secondButton;int grid[][] = new int[a+2][a+2];static boolean pressInformation = false;int x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x = 0, y = 0, fristMsg = 0, secondMsg = 0;int i, j, k, n;public void init() {mainFrame = new JFrame("连连看");thisContainer = mainFrame.getContentPane();thisContainer.setLayout(new BorderLayout());centerPanel = new JPanel();southPanel = new JPanel();northPanel = new JPanel();thisContainer.add(centerPanel, "Center");thisContainer.add(southPanel, "South");thisContainer.add(northPanel, "North");centerPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(a, a));for (int cols = 0; cols < a; cols++) {for (int rows = 0; rows < a; rows++) {diamondsButton[cols][rows] = new JButton(String.valueOf(grid[cols + 1][rows + 1]));diamondsButton[cols][rows].addActionListener(this);diamondsButton[cols][rows].setBackground(Color.YELLOW);centerPanel.add(diamondsButton[cols][rows]);}}exitButton = new JButton("退出");exitButton.addActionListener(this);resetButton = new JButton("重列");resetButton.addActionListener(this);southPanel.add(exitButton);southPanel.add(resetButton);fractionLable.setText(String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(fractionLable.getText())));//记录分数northPanel.add(fractionLable);mainFrame.setBounds(525, 100, 750, 750);//mainFrame.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.green);mainFrame.setVisible(true);}public void randomBuild() {int randoms, cols, rows;for (int twins = 1; twins <= a*a/2; twins++) {randoms = (int) (Math.random() * 9 + 1);for (int alike = 1; alike <= 2; alike++) {cols = (int) (Math.random() * a +1);//避免重复两次循环rows = (int) (Math.random() * a +1);while (grid[cols][rows] != 0) {//再次赋值cols = (int) (Math.random() * a+1 );rows = (int) (Math.random() * a +1);}this.grid[cols][rows] = randoms;}}}public void fraction() {//计分方法fractionLable.setText(String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(fractionLable.getText()) + 100));}public void reload() {//重排到每个二维数组中int save[] = new int[a*a];int n = 0, cols, rows;int grid[][] = new int[a+2][a+2];for (int i = 0; i <= a; i++) {for (int j = 0; j <= a; j++) {if (this.grid[i][j] != 0) {//循环二维数组如果成立赋值save[n] = this.grid[i][j];n++;}}}n = n - 1;this.grid = grid;while (n >= 0) {cols = (int) (Math.random() * a + 1);rows = (int) (Math.random() * a + 1);while (grid[cols][rows] != 0) {cols = (int) (Math.random() * a + 1);rows = (int) (Math.random() * a + 1);}this.grid[cols][rows] = save[n];n--;}mainFrame.setVisible(false);pressInformation = false; // 要将按钮点击信息归为初始init();for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < a; j++) {if (grid[i + 1][j + 1] == 0) {diamondsButton[i][j].setVisible(false);//边界未赋值按钮设为不可见}}}}public void estimateEven(int placeX, int placeY, JButton bz) {//检测第一个按钮按了吗 估计数estimateEven(cols + 1, rows + 1, diamondsButton[cols][rows]);if (pressInformation == false) {x = placeX;y = placeY;secondMsg = grid[x][y];secondButton = bz;pressInformation = true;} else {x0 = x;y0 = y;fristMsg = secondMsg;firstButton = secondButton;x = placeX;y = placeY;secondMsg = grid[x][y];secondButton = bz;if (fristMsg == secondMsg && secondButton != firstButton) {//信息相等按钮不同消去xiao();}}}public void xiao() { // 相同的情况下能不能消去。仔细分析,不一条条注释if ((x0 == x && (y0 == y + 1 || y0 == y - 1))|| ((x0 == x + 1 || x0 == x - 1) && (y0 == y))) { // 判断是否相邻remove();} else {for (j = 0; j < a+2; j++) {if (grid[x0][j] == 0) { // 判断第一个按钮同行哪个按钮为空if (y > j) { // 如果第二个按钮的Y坐标大于空按钮的Y坐标说明第一按钮在第二按钮左边for (i = y - 1; i >= j; i--) { // 判断第二按钮左侧直到第一按钮中间有没有按钮if (grid[x][i] != 0) {k = 0;break;} else {k = 1;} // K=1说明通过了第一次验证}if (k == 1) {linePassOne();}}if (y < j) { // 如果第二个按钮的Y坐标小于空按钮的Y坐标说明第一按钮在第二按钮右边for (i = y + 1; i <= j; i++) { // 判断第二按钮左侧直到第一按钮中间有没有按钮if (grid[x][i] != 0) {k = 0;break;} else {k = 1;}}if (k == 1) {linePassOne();}}if (y == j) {linePassOne();}}if (k == 2) {if (x0 == x) {remove();}if (x0 < x) {for (n = x0; n <= x - 1; n++) {if (grid[n][j] != 0) {k = 0;break;}if (grid[n][j] == 0 && n == x - 1) {remove();}}}if (x0 > x) {for (n = x0; n >= x + 1; n--) {if (grid[n][j] != 0) {k = 0;break;}if (grid[n][j] == 0 && n == x + 1) {remove();}}}}}for (i = 0; i < a+2; i++) { // 列if (grid[i][y0] == 0) {if (x > i) {for (j = x - 1; j >= i; j--) {if (grid[j][y] != 0) {k = 0;break;} else {k = 1;}}if (k == 1) {rowPassOne();}}if (x < i) {for (j = x + 1; j <= i; j++) {if (grid[j][y] != 0) {k = 0;break;} else {k = 1;}}if (k == 1) {rowPassOne();}}if (x == i) {rowPassOne();}}if (k == 2) {if (y0 == y) {remove();}if (y0 < y) {for (n = y0; n <= y - 1; n++) {if (grid[i][n] != 0) {k = 0;break;}if (grid[i][n] == 0 && n == y - 1) {remove();}}}if (y0 > y) {for (n = y0; n >= y + 1; n--) {if (grid[i][n] != 0) {k = 0;break;}if (grid[i][n] == 0 && n == y + 1) {remove();}}}}}}}public void linePassOne() {if (y0 > j) { // 第一按钮同行空按钮在左边for (i = y0 - 1; i >= j; i--) { // 判断第一按钮同左侧空按钮之间有没按钮if (grid[x0][i] != 0) {k = 0;break;} else {k = 2;} // K=2说明通过了第二次验证}}if (y0 < j) { // 第一按钮同行空按钮在与第二按钮之间for (i = y0 + 1; i <= j; i++) {if (grid[x0][i] != 0) {k = 0;break;} else {k = 2;}}}}public void rowPassOne() {if (x0 > i) {for (j = x0 - 1; j >= i; j--) {if (grid[j][y0] != 0) {k = 0;break;} else {k = 2;}}}if (x0 < i) {for (j = x0 + 1; j <= i; j++) {if (grid[j][y0] != 0) {k = 0;break;} else {k = 2;}}}}public void remove() {//设置两个按钮不可见 加分firstButton.setVisible(false);secondButton.setVisible(false);fraction();pressInformation = false;k = 0;grid[x0][y0] = 0;grid[x][y] = 0;}public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {if (e.getSource() == exitButton) {System.exit(0);}if (e.getSource() == resetButton) {reload();}for (int cols = 0; cols < a; cols++) {for (int rows = 0; rows < a; rows++) {if (e.getSource() == diamondsButton[cols][rows]) {estimateEven(cols + 1, rows + 1, diamondsButton[cols][rows]);}}}}
class lianliankan2 extends lianliankan
{public void randomBuild() {int randoms, cols, rows;for (int twins = 1; twins <= a*a/2; twins++) {randoms = (int) (Math.random() * 25 + 1);for (int alike = 1; alike <= 2; alike++) {cols = (int) (Math.random() * a +1);rows = (int) (Math.random() * a +1);while (grid[cols][rows] != 0) {cols = (int) (Math.random() * a+1 );rows = (int) (Math.random() * a +1);}this.grid[cols][rows] = randoms;}}}
}public class lianliankantest{public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO code application logic herenew degree().init();//lianliankan l=new lianliankan();//l.randomBuild();//l.init();}


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