写了3小时 = =。这两天堕落了,昨天也刷了一晚上hihocoder比赛,还爆了零。之后得节制点了,好好准备考研。。

首先很容易想到 压缩数据 + 线段树
我一直跪在test7,因为3号修改在一开始就会出现cover符号的修改,我一开始没有加(比方说1-4都是0,现在 做3 1 4,直接吧1-4的状态改为1就行了)

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define lson l,m, rt<<1
#define rson m+1, r, rt<<1|1
const int N = 2e5+5;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;int a[N]; ll b[N], c[N];
ll has[N << 1];
map<ll, int> mp;int sum[N << 2];
int cover[N << 2];void adjust(int rt) {if(cover[rt] == 0) cover[rt] = -2;else if(cover[rt] == -2) cover[rt] = 0;else cover[rt] *= -1;
} void Pushdown(int rt, int len) {if(cover[rt] != 0) {if(cover[rt] == 1) {cover[rt << 1] = cover[rt << 1|1] = cover[rt];sum[rt << 1] = (len+1) / 2;sum[rt << 1|1] = len / 2;}else if(cover[rt] == -1) {cover[rt << 1] = cover[rt << 1|1] = cover[rt];sum[rt << 1] = 0;sum[rt << 1|1] = 0;}else {sum[rt << 1] = (len+1) / 2 - sum[rt << 1];sum[rt << 1|1] = len / 2 - sum[rt << 1|1];adjust(rt << 1); adjust(rt << 1|1); }cover[rt] = 0;}
}void Add(int L, int R, int l, int r, int rt) {if(sum[rt] == r-l+1) return;if(L <= l && r <= R) {sum[rt] = r-l+1;cover[rt] = 1;return ;}int m = (l + r) >> 1;Pushdown(rt, r-l+1);if(L <= m) Add(L, R, lson); if(R > m)  Add(L, R, rson);sum[rt] = sum[rt << 1] + sum[rt << 1|1];
void Delete(int L, int R, int l, int r, int rt) {if(sum[rt] == 0) return;if(L <= l && r <= R) {sum[rt] = 0;cover[rt] = -1;return;}int m = (l + r) >> 1;Pushdown(rt, r-l+1);if(L <= m) Delete(L, R, lson); if(R > m)  Delete(L, R, rson);sum[rt] = sum[rt << 1] + sum[rt << 1|1];
void Invert(int L, int R, int l, int r, int rt) {if(L <= l && r <= R) {adjust(rt);sum[rt] = (r-l+1) - sum[rt];return;}int m = (l + r) >>1;Pushdown(rt, r-l+1);if(L <= m) Invert(L, R, lson);if(R > m) Invert(L, R, rson);sum[rt] = sum[rt << 1] + sum[rt << 1|1];
int suc = 0;
void Find(int l, int r, int rt) {if(suc) return;if(sum[rt] == r-l+1) return;else if(sum[rt] == 0) {printf("%lld\n", has[l-1]); suc = 1; return;}Pushdown(rt, r-l+1);int m = (l + r) >>1;Find(lson); Find(rson);
}int main() {int q;while(~scanf("%d", &q)) {mp.clear();memset(sum, 0, sizeof(sum));memset(cover, 0, sizeof(cover));int tot = 0;has[tot ++] = 1;for(int i = 0; i < q; ++i) {scanf("%d %lld %lld", &a[i], &b[i], &c[i]);has[tot ++ ] = b[i]; has[tot ++ ] = c[i]+1; }   sort(has, has + tot);tot = unique(has, has + tot) - has;for(int i = 0; i < tot; ++i) {mp[has[i]] = i+1;//  printf("%lld ", has[i]);}for(int i = 0; i < q; ++i) {if(a[i] == 1) {Add(mp[b[i]], mp[c[i]+1]-1, 1, tot, 1);}else if(a[i] == 2) {Delete(mp[b[i]], mp[c[i]+1]-1, 1, tot, 1);}else Invert(mp[b[i]], mp[c[i]+1]-1, 1, tot, 1);suc = 0; Find(1, tot, 1);}}return 0;


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