


Differences between C struct & C++ struct:

(1)、 C structure can't contain functions means only data members are allowed, but structure in C++ can have both functions &  data members.

(2)、 struct keyword is necessary in C to create structure type variable, but it is  redundant & not necessary in C++.

(3)、 Size of empty structure is undefined behavior in C, but it is always 1 in C++.

(4)、 Structure in C can't have static members, but C++ structure can have static members.

(5)、 Structure members can't be directly initialized inside the struct in C, but it is allowed in C++ since C++11.

(6)、 We can have both pointers and references to struct in C++, but only pointers to structs are allowed. (References aren't feature of C language).

(7)、 C++ also have .* and -> operators to access individual members of struct, but C doesn't have such kind of operators.

(8)、 struct declaration establishes a  scope in C++ and not in C, which makes member enumerators and nested structs possible in C++(you can *write* them inside a struct in C, but they escape and become local to whatever function the parent struct is in).

(9)、 In C, we need to use struct tag whenever we declare a struct variable. In C++, the struct tag is not necessary.

(10)、C++ structures are very similar to a class, with the only difference being that in a class, all members are private by default. But in a C++ structure, all members are public by default. In C, there is no concept of public or private.

(11)、C++ structures can have member functions, whereas C structures cannot.

(12)、You can have constructors, destructors, copy constructors and so on in C++ structures. You cannot in C structures.

(13)、C++ structures can have static members, whereas C structures cannot.


#include "struct.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>///
// reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/64973255.aspx
struct PERSON {   // Declare PERSON struct typeint age;   // Declare member typeslong ss;float weight;char name[25];
} family_member;   // Define object of type PERSONstruct CELL {   // Declare CELL bit fieldunsigned short character : 8;  // 00000000 ????????unsigned short foreground : 3;  // 00000??? 00000000unsigned short intensity : 1;  // 0000?000 00000000unsigned short background : 3;  // 0???0000 00000000unsigned short blink : 1;  // ?0000000 00000000
} screen[25][80];       // Array of bit fields int test_struct1()
{struct PERSON sister;   // C style structure declarationPERSON brother;   // C++ style structure declarationsister.age = 13;   // assign values to membersbrother.age = 7;std::cout << "sister.age = " << sister.age << '\n';std::cout << "brother.age = " << brother.age << '\n';CELL my_cell;my_cell.character = 1;std::cout << "my_cell.character = " << my_cell.character<<'\n';return 0;
// reference: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_data_structures.htm
struct Books {char  title[50];char  author[50];char  subject[100];int   book_id;
};void printBook(struct Books book)
{std::cout << "Book title : " << book.title << std::endl;std::cout << "Book author : " << book.author << std::endl;std::cout << "Book subject : " << book.subject << std::endl;std::cout << "Book id : " << book.book_id << std::endl;
}int test_struct2()
{struct Books Book1;        // Declare Book1 of type Bookstruct Books Book2;        // Declare Book2 of type Book// book 1 specificationstrcpy(Book1.title, "Learn C++ Programming");strcpy(Book1.author, "Chand Miyan");strcpy(Book1.subject, "C++ Programming");Book1.book_id = 6495407;// book 2 specificationstrcpy(Book2.title, "Telecom Billing");strcpy(Book2.author, "Yakit Singha");strcpy(Book2.subject, "Telecom");Book2.book_id = 6495700;// Print Book1 infoprintBook(Book1);// Print Book2 infoprintBook(Book2);return 0;
// reference: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-build-a-structure-template-in-c.html
template<typename T>
struct Volume {T height;T width;T length;Volume(){height = 0;width = 0;length = 0;}T getvolume(){return height * width * length;}T getvolume(T H, T W, T L){height = H;width = W;length = L;return height * width * length;}
};int test_struct3()
{Volume<int> first;std::cout << "First volume: " << first.getvolume() << std::endl;first.height = 2;first.width = 3;first.length = 4;std::cout << "First volume: " << first.getvolume() << std::endl;Volume<double> second;std::cout << "Second volume: " << second.getvolume(2.1, 3.2, 4.3) << std::endl;std::cout << "Height: " << second.height << std::endl;std::cout << "Width: " << second.width << std::endl;std::cout << "Length: " << second.length << std::endl;return 0;
// reference: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Cpp/Class/Constructoranddestructorinsideastruct.htm
struct StringClass
{StringClass(char *ptr);~StringClass();void show();
private:char *p;int len;
};StringClass::StringClass(char *ptr)
{len = strlen(ptr);p = (char *)malloc(len + 1);if (!p) {std::cout << "Allocation error\n";exit(1);}strcpy(p, ptr);
{std::cout << "Freeing p\n";free(p);
}void StringClass::show()
{std::cout << p << " - length: " << len;std::cout << std::endl;
}int test_struct4()
{StringClass stringObject1("www.java2s_1.com."), stringObject2("www.java2s_2.com.");stringObject1.show();stringObject2.show();return 0;

GitHub:  https://github.com/fengbingchun/Messy_Test


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