Pair Project I

3D Board Game

Turn a usual 2D board game into 3D by transferring  board and game rules into 3D.

Goal: how to collaborate in explorative situation (new requirement, new language, lots of ambiguity)

把一个二维的棋类游戏变成三维游戏, 两周时间。 
挑战:  两个人如何在不熟悉的环境中, 学会和新的伙伴合作, 学习新的编程语言和模型 (C#, WPF, SilverLight),  处理模糊的需求, 探索, 解决问题.

1)      Chess, Chinese Chess, Go (Weiqi), Chinese Checker (跳棋), Checker,  军棋,  etc.

2)      Using WPF or SilverLightV4

3)      2 human players can play on the same machine

Playing over network is optional,  Computer AI as a player is optional.

4)      Basic game feature requirement:

Enable human player to play, view various situations in 3D, enforce the game rules and replay the game.

5)      There are things each pair can pick:

a.       Board game type.

6)      Project requirement

a.       The member of each pair should work in the “pair programming” (结对编程) style.

b.      All code and related documents should be checked into TFS (you can create your own sub-dir to host your code,  name the directory with “PairN”, where N is your pair number)

c.       Please post photos to prove that you’re doing real “pair programming”

d.      Post the application on the web so that others can download and play.

7)      Hint – there are different ways of 3D,  you can pick one of them:

a.       Turn the flat board into a tube

b.      Turn the flat board into a globe

c.       Turn the flat board into a cube (but play on the surface of the cube)

d.      Turn the flat board into a cube (but play on the 3D grid inside the cube)

2 week work time, deadline:  11/24, noon.

Review Time, 11/25 & 11/26.  TA will arrange the review meeting.

Review criteria (each entry below has 0..5 points)

1) users can play a game from begin to end.

2) reasonable extention of game rules to fit the 3D requirement

3) UI and Game design are enjoyable

4) student must provide a package for others to try before the deadline.

5) focus on the quality of core features, project with random extra features will NOT get extra points.

Use your imagination!

The board has to be 3D (or one of the other shapes),  it cannot be a “flat 2D board”.   The viewing angle has to be 3D, in order for users to see the board in various perspectives.

each pair need to write a blog to describe their pair-programming experience (include picture to show how they do pair programming).  blog deadline: 11/26, noon.  (score for this entry: 0..20 points)


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