五. Booleans and Conditionals

Using booleans for branching logic

x = True
<class 'bool'>

Python has a type bool which can take on one of two values: True and False.

②Comparison Operations
a == b, and, or, not等等


3.0 == 3
True'3' == 3

①Python provides operators to combine boolean values using the standard concepts of “and”, “or”, and “not”.

def can_run_for_president(age, is_natural_born_citizen):"""Can someone of the given age and citizenship status run for president in the US?"""# The US Constitution says you must be a natural born citizen *and* at least 35 years oldreturn is_natural_born_citizen and (age >= 35)print(can_run_for_president(19, True))
print(can_run_for_president(55, False))
print(can_run_for_president(55, True))
The result is:

②"and", “or”, and "not"有运算优先级

True or True and False
The result is:


prepared_for_weather = have_umbrella or ((rain_level < 5) and have_hood) or (not (rain_level > 0 and is_workday))prepared_for_weather = (have_umbrella or ((rain_level < 5) and have_hood) or (not (rain_level > 0 and is_workday))

if, elif(新), and else.
【记得加冒号 : 以及加缩进】
除了else, 其他有判断条件

Note especially the use of colons ( : ) and whitespace to denote separate blocks of code. This is similar to what happens when we define a function - the function header ends with :, and the following line is indented with 4 spaces. All subsequent indented lines belong to the body of the function, until we encounter an unindented line, ending the function definition.

def inspect(x):if x == 0:print(x, "is zero")elif x > 0:print(x, "is positive")elif x < 0:print(x, "is negative")else:print(x, "is unlike anything I've ever seen...")inspect(0)
The result is:
0 is zero
-15 is negative

之前有int(), float()
现在有Boolean conversion bool()

print(bool(1)) # all numbers are treated as true, except 0
print(bool("asf")) # all strings are treated as true, except the empty string ""
# Generally empty sequences (strings, lists, and other types we've yet to see like lists and tuples)
# are "falsey" and the rest are "truthy"

if else语句两种写法

def quiz_message(grade):if grade < 50:outcome = 'failed'else:outcome = 'passed'print('You', outcome, 'the quiz with a grade of', grade)def quiz_message(grade):outcome = 'failed' if grade < 50 else 'passed'#逻辑运算outcome = ('failed' if grade < 50 else 'passed')#相当于c语言中的outcome = grade < 50 ? 'failed' : 'passed'print('You', outcome, 'the quiz with a grade of', grade)

六. Exercise: Booleans and Conditionals

七. Lists

Lists and the things you can do with them. Includes indexing, slicing and mutating


my_favourite_things = [32, 'raindrops on roses', help]my_favourite_things[0]
#和数组一样 从0数起
#Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object.my_favourite_things[-1]
#Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object.
#数组序号可用负数, -1即为离0最远的元素, -2即为次远


hands = [['J', 'Q', 'K'],['2', '2', '2'],['6', 'A', 'K'], # (Comma after the last element is optional)
# (I could also have written this on one line, but it can get hard to read)
hands = [['J', 'Q', 'K'], ['2', '2', '2'], ['6', 'A', 'K']]

Slicing 跟matlab中一样, 求得数组的某行某列至某行某列
此处的冒号 : 即有 “到” 的意思

planets = ['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune']planets[0:3]
['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth']planets[:3]
['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth']
#planets[0:3] is our way of asking for the elements of planets starting from index 0
#and continuing up to but not including index 3.可以理解为左闭右开[m,n)planets[3:]
['Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune']# The last 3 planets
['Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune']

八. Exercise: Lists

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