Tomcat 7.0.67 发布下载,此版本更新内容:


add 56917: As per RFC7231 (HTTP/1.1), allow HTTP/1.1 and later redirects to use relative URIs. This is controlled by a new attribute useRelativeRedirects on the Context and defaults to true. (markt)

fix 58660: Correct a regression in 7.0.66 caused by the change that moved the redirection for context roots from the Mapper to the Default Servlet. (markt)

fix Fixed potential NPE in HostConfig while deploying an application. Issue reported by coverity scan. (violetagg)

fix 58655: Fix an IllegalStateException when calling HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() with the RemoteIpFilter. This was caused by trying to correctly generate the absolute URI for the redirect. With the fix for 56917, redirects may now be relative making the sendRedirect() implementation for the RemoteIpFilter much simpler. This also addresses issues where the redirect may not have behaved as expected when redirecting from http to https to from https to http. (markt)


fix 58658: Correct a regression in 7.0.66 that prevented Tomcat from starting on Java 6 unless the WebSocket JARs (that require Java 7) were removed. (markt)

Web Applications

add Add a description of the default value of heartbeatSleeptime attribute and optionCheck attribute in the cluster channel docs. (kfujino)


fix Fix potential NPE in AbstractReplicatedMap.breakdown(). (kfujino)



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