

The Scrollbar control allows the user to scroll an image or other view that is too large to see completely. Note that the similar Slider control is used for selecting numeric values rather than scrolling. Familiar examples include the vertical Scrollbar at the side of a text editor and the vertical and horizontal pair of bars for viewing a section of a large image or map.


A Scrollbar.




Property: Function:
Interactable Will this component accept input? See Interactable.

Properties that determine the way the control responds visually to user actions.

See Transition Options.

Navigation Properties that determine the sequence of controls. See Navigation Options.
Fill Rect The graphic used for the background area of the control.
Handle Rect The graphic used for the sliding “handle” part of the control

The direction in which the Scrollbar’s value will increase when the handle is dragged.

The options are Left To RightRight To LeftBottom To Top and Top To Bottom.

Value Initial position value of the Scrollbar, in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
Size Fractional size of the handle within the Scrollbar, in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
Number Of Steps The number of distinct scroll positions allowed by the Scrollbar.
属性 功能
Interactable 这个组件是否会接受输入? 请参阅 Interactable.


请参阅Transition Options.

Navigation 确定控件导航时对不同方向的响应。请参阅 Navigation Options.
Fill Rect 用于控件的填充区域的图片(Graphic类型)
Handle Rect 用于滑动块的图片(Graphic类型)

拖动滑块时,填充的图片扩张的方向。 选项是Left To RightRight To Left,

Bottom To Top 和 Top To Bottom





Number Of Steps





Property: Function:
On Value Changed

A UnityEvent that is invoked when the current value of the Scrollbar changes.

The event can send the value as a float type dynamic argument.

属性 功能
On Value Changed





The value of a Scrollbar is determined by the position of the handle along its length with the value being reported as a fraction between the extreme ends. For example, the default left-to-right bar has a value of 0.0 at the left end, 1.0 at the right end and 0.5 indicates the halfway point. A scrollbar can be oriented vertically by choosing Top To Bottom or Bottom To Top for the Direction property.


A significant difference between the Scrollbar and the similar Slider control is that the Scrollbar’s handle can change in size to represent the distance of scrolling available; when the view can scroll only a short way, the handle will fill up most of the bar and only allow a slight shift either direction.

Scrollbar和类似的Slider控件之间的显着区别在于Scrollbar的滑块可以改变大小以表示可用的滚动距离; 当视图只能滚动一小段时,滑块将填满大部分栏,只允许轻微向任一方向移动。

The Scrollbar has a single event called On Value Changed that responds as the user drags the handle. The current value is passed to the even function as a float parameter. Typical use cases for a scrollbar include:

Scrollbar有一个事件叫做On Value Changed,当用户拖拽滑块时调用。当前的值作为一个float参数传到事件函数中。Scrollbar典型的用例包括:

  • Scrolling a piece of text vertically.
  • Scrolling a timeline horizontally.
  • Used as a pair, scrolling a large image both horizontally and vertically to view a zoomed section. The size of the handle changes to indicate the degree of zooming and therefore the available distance for scrolling.
  • 垂直滚动一段文字
  • 水平滚动时间线
  • 作为一对使用,在水平和垂直方向上滚动大图以查看放大的部分。 滑块的大小会发生变化表示缩放的程度,从而表示可以滚动的距离。



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