SQL Server 2000
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Contains one row for each system-supplied and each user-defined data type. This table is stored in each database.

These are the system-supplied data types and their ID numbers.

Column name Data type Description
name sysname Data type name.
xtype tinyint Physical storage type.
status tinyint For internal use only.
xusertype smallint Extended user type.
length smallint Physical length of data type.
xprec tinyint Internal precision, as used by server. (Not to be used in queries.)
xscale tinyint Internal scale, as used by server. (Not to be used in queries.)
tdefault int ID of stored procedure that contains integrity checks for this data type.
domain int ID of stored procedure that contains integrity checks for this data type.
uid smallint User ID of data type creator.
reserved smallint For internal use only.
usertype smallint User type ID.
variable bit Variable-length data type is 1; otherwise, 0.
allownulls bit Indicates the default nullability for this data type. If nullability is specified with CREATE or ALTER TABLE, then that value overrides the default nullability for this data type.
type tinyint Physical storage data type.
printfmt varchar(255) Reserved.
prec smallint Level of precision for this data type.
scale tinyint Scale for this data type (based on precision).



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