A fresh look at the genomes enabled by highly accurate long read SMRT sequencing from PacBio   




摘要:SMRT Sequencing is a DNA sequencing technology characterized by long read lengths and high consensus accuracy, regardless of the sequence complexity or GC content of the DNA sample. These characteristics can be harnessed to gain more comprehensive views of genomes, transcriptomes and epigenomes. This presentation will focus on how high accuracy long reads offered by PacBio SMRT sequencing technology have allowed scientists to gain insights in the areas of human genomes, plant & animal genomes and microbial genomes. I will introduce a new paradigm shift ushered in by the super-long hi-fi PacBio reads afforded by the recently launched Sequel system 6.0, with accuracy that rivals the NGS technology.

本演讲将重点介绍PacBio SMRT测序技术提供的高精度长读如何使科学家在人类基因组、植物和动物基因组以及微生物基因组领域获得深刻见解。
我将介绍一个新的范式转变,由超长hi-fi PacBio读取提供,由最近推出的Sequel system 6.0,其准确性,竞争对手的NGS技术。

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