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 +-------------------+------------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Target type       | Vuln Name        | Poc | Exp | Impact Version && Vulnerability description                 | +-------------------+------------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Apache Solr       | CVE-2017-12629   |  Y  |  Y  | < 7.1.0, runexecutablelistener rce & xxe, only rce is here  | | Apache Solr       | CVE-2019-0193    |  Y  |  Y  | < 8.2.0, dataimporthandler module remote code execution     | | Apache Solr       | CVE-2019-17558   |  Y  |  Y  | 5.0.0 - 8.3.1, velocity response writer rce                 | | Apache Struts2    | S2-005           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 -, cve-2010-1870 parameters interceptor rce   | | Apache Struts2    | S2-008           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 - 2.3.17, debugging interceptor rce                   | | Apache Struts2    | S2-009           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.1.0 -, cve-2011-3923 ognl interpreter rce         | | Apache Struts2    | S2-013           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 -, cve-2013-1966 ognl interpreter rce        | | Apache Struts2    | S2-015           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 -, cve-2013-2134 ognl interpreter rce        | | Apache Struts2    | S2-016           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 - 2.3.15, cve-2013-2251 ognl interpreter rce          | | Apache Struts2    | S2-029           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 -, ognl interpreter rce                      | | Apache Struts2    | S2-032           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.3.20-28, cve-2016-3081 rce can be performed via method    | | Apache Struts2    | S2-045           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.3.5-31, 2.5.0-10, cve-2017-5638 jakarta multipart rce     | | Apache Struts2    | S2-046           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.3.5-31, 2.5.0-10, cve-2017-5638 jakarta multipart rce     | | Apache Struts2    | S2-048           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.3.x, cve-2017-9791 struts2-struts1-plugin rce             | | Apache Struts2    | S2-052           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.1.2 - 2.3.33, 2.5 - 2.5.12 cve-2017-9805 rest plugin rce  | | Apache Struts2    | S2-057           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.4 - 2.3.34, 2.5.0-2.5.16, cve-2018-11776 namespace rce  | | Apache Struts2    | S2-059           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 - 2.5.20 cve-2019-0230 ognl interpreter rce           | | Apache Struts2    | S2-devMode       |  Y  |  Y  | 2.1.0 - 2.5.1, devmode remote code execution                | | Apache Tomcat     | Examples File    |  Y  |  N  | all version, /examples/servlets/servlet/SessionExample      | | Apache Tomcat     | CVE-2017-12615   |  Y  |  Y  | 7.0.0 - 7.0.81, put method any files upload                 | | Apache Tomcat     | CVE-2020-1938    |  Y  |  Y  | 6, 7 < 7.0.100, 8 < 8.5.51, 9 < 9.0.31 arbitrary file read  | | Drupal            | CVE-2018-7600    |  Y  |  Y  | 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, drupalgeddon2 remote code execution          | | Drupal            | CVE-2018-7602    |  Y  |  Y  | < 7.59, < 8.5.3 (except 8.4.8) drupalgeddon2 rce            | | Jenkins           | CVE-2017-1000353 |  Y  |  N  | <= 2.56, LTS <= 2.46.1, jenkins-ci remote code execution    | | Jenkins           | CVE-2018-1000861 |  Y  |  Y  | <= 2.153, LTS <= 2.138.3, remote code execution             | | Nexus OSS/Pro     | CVE-2019-7238    |  Y  |  Y  | 3.6.2 - 3.14.0, remote code execution vulnerability         | | Nexus OSS/Pro     | CVE-2020-10199   |  N  |  Y  | 3.x  <= 3.21.1, remote code execution vulnerability         | | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2014-4210    |  Y  |  N  | 10.0.2 - 10.3.6, weblogic ssrf vulnerability                | | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2017-3506    |  Y  |  Y  |,,, weblogic wls-wsat rce       | | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2017-10271   |  Y  |  Y  |,,, weblogic wls-wsat rce       | | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2018-2894    |  Y  |  Y  |,, deserialization any file upload       | | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2019-2725    |  Y  |  Y  |,, weblogic wls9-async deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2019-2729    |  Y  |  Y  |,, wls9-async deserialization rce | | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2020-2551    |  Y  |  N  |,,, wlscore deserialization rce | | RedHat JBoss      | CVE-2010-0738    |  Y  |  Y  | 4.2.0 - 4.3.0, jmx-console deserialization any files upload | | RedHat JBoss      | CVE-2010-1428    |  Y  |  Y  | 4.2.0 - 4.3.0, web-console deserialization any files upload | | RedHat JBoss      | CVE-2015-7501    |  Y  |  Y  | 5.x, 6.x, jmxinvokerservlet deserialization any file upload | +-------------------+------------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------------------+



Vulmap当前具有漏洞扫描(poc)和漏洞利用(exp)模式。使用“ -m”选择要使用的模式,默认的poc模式是默认的。在poc模式下,它还支持“ -f”批处理目标扫描,“-o”文件输出结果和其他主要功能,其他功能选项或python3 vulmap.py -h,利用漏洞利用程序中将不再提供Poc功能模式,但将直接执行漏洞利用,并将反馈漏洞利用结果以进一步验证漏洞是否存在以及是否可以利用该漏洞。



  • 安装依赖

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Linux,MacOS和Windows

python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com


optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -u URL, --url URL     Target URL (e.g. -u "http://example.com")  -f FILE, --file FILE  Select a target list file, and the url must be distinguished by lines (e.g. -f "/home/user/list.txt")  -m MODE, --mode MODE  The mode supports "poc" and "exp", you can omit this option, and enter poc mode by default  -a APP, --app APP     Specify a web app or cms (e.g. -a "weblogic"). default scan all  -c CMD, --cmd CMD     Custom RCE vuln command, Other than "netstat -an" and "id" can affect program judgment. defautl is "netstat -an"  -v VULN, --vuln VULN  Exploit, Specify the vuln number (e.g. -v "CVE-2020-2729")  --list                Displays a list of vulnerabilities that support scanning  --debug               Debug mode echo request and responses  --delay DELAY         Delay check time, default 0s  --timeout TIMEOUT     Scan timeout time, default 10s  --output FILE         Text mode export (e.g. -o "result.txt")



python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com

对于RCE vuln,请使用“ id”命令测试该vuln,因为某些linux没有“ netstat -an”命令

python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com -c "id"

在http://example.com上查看struts2 vuln

python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com -a struts2
python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com -m poc -a struts2


python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com:7001 -v CVE-2019-2729
python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com:7001 -m exp -v CVE-2019-2729


python3 vulmap.py -f list.txt


python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com:7001 -o result.txt


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