
Have you ever asked yourself how a framework works?


When I discovered AngularJS after learning jQuery many years ago, AngularJS seemed like dark magic to me.

多年前学习jQuery后,当我发现AngularJS时 ,AngularJS在我看来就像是黑魔法。

Then Vue.js came out, and upon analyzing how it works under the hood, I was encouraged to try writing my own two-way binding system.

然后Vue.js出现了,并且在分析了它的幕后工作原理后,我被鼓励尝试编写自己的双向绑定系统 。

In this article, I’ll show you how to write a modern JavaScript framework with custom HTML element attributes, reactivity, and double-binding.


React性如何工作? (How does reactivity work?)

It would be good to start with an understanding of how reactivity works. The good news is that this is simple. Actually, when you declare a new component in Vue.js, the framework will proxify each property (getters and setters) using the proxy design pattern.

最好先了解React性如何工作。 好消息是,这很简单。 实际上,当您在Vue.js中声明一个新组件时,该框架将使用代理设计模式代理 每个属性 (getter和setter)。

Thus it will be able to detect property value changes both from code and user inputs.


代理设计模式是什么样的 (What the proxy design pattern looks like)

The idea behind the proxy pattern is simply to overload access to an object. An analogy in real life could be the access to your bank account.

代理模式背后的想法仅仅是使对对象的访问超载。 现实生活中的类比可能是访问您的银行帐户。

For example, you can’t directly access your bank account balance and change the value according to your needs. It is necessary for you to ask someone that has this permission, in this case, your bank.

例如,您不能直接访问您的银行帐户余额并根据需要更改值。 您必须询问具有此权限的人,在这种情况下,是您的银行。

var account = {balance: 5000
}// A bank acts like a proxy between your bank account and you
var bank = new Proxy(account, {get: function (target, prop) {return 9000000;}
});console.log(account.balance); // 5,000 (your real balance)
console.log(bank.balance);    // 9,000,000 (the bank is lying)
console.log(bank.currency);   // 9,000,000 (the bank is doing anything)

In the example above, when using the bank object to access the account balance, the getter function is overloaded, and it always returns 9,000,000 instead of the property value, even if the property doesn’t exist.


// Overload setter default function
var bank = new Proxy(account, {set: function (target, prop, value) {// Always set property value to 0return Reflect.set(target, prop, 0); }
});account.balance = 5800;
console.log(account.balance); // 5,800bank.balance = 5400;
console.log(account.balance); // 0 (the bank is doing anything)

By overloading the set function, it’s possible to manipulate its behavior. You can change the value to set, update another property instead, or even not do anything at all.

通过重载set函数,可以操纵其行为。 您可以更改该值以进行设置,改为更新另一个属性,甚至完全不执行任何操作。

React性示例 (Reactivity example)

Now that you’re confident about how the proxy design pattern works, let’s begin writting our JavaScript framework.


To keep it simple, we’ll mimic the AngularJS syntax to do it. Declaring a controller and binding template elements to controller properties is quite straightforward.

为了简单起见,我们将模仿AngularJS语法来做到这一点。 声明一个控制器并将模板元素绑定到控制器属性非常简单。

<div ng-controller="InputController"><!-- "Hello World!" --><input ng-bind="message"/>   <input ng-bind="message"/>
</div><script type="javascript">function InputController () {this.message = 'Hello World!';}angular.controller('InputController', InputController);

First, define a controller with properties. Then use this controller in a template. Finally, use the ng-bind attribute to enable double-binding with the element value.

首先,定义一个带有属性的控制器。 然后在模板中使用此控制器。 最后,使用ng-bind属性启用与元素值的双重绑定。

解析模板并实例化控制器 (Parse template and instantiate the controller)

To have properties to bind, we need to get a place (aka controller) to declare those properties. Thus, it is necessary to define a controller and introduce it to our framework.

要绑定属性,我们需要一个位置(又称控制器)来声明这些属性。 因此,有必要定义一个控制器并将其引入我们的框架。

During the controller declaration, the framework will look for elements that have ng-controller attributes.


If it fits with one of the declared controllers, it will create a new instance of this controller. This controller instance is only responsible for this particular piece of template.

如果适合声明的控制器之一,它将创建该控制器的新实例。 该控制器实例仅负责此特定模板。

var controllers = {};
var addController = function (name, constructor) {// Store controller constructorcontrollers[name] = {factory: constructor,instances: []};// Look for elements using the controllervar element = document.querySelector('[ng-controller=' + name + ']');if (!element){return; // No element uses this controller}// Create a new instance and save itvar ctrl = new controllers[name].factory;controllers[name].instances.push(ctrl);// Look for bindings.....
};addController('InputController', InputController);

Here is what the handmade controllers variable declaration looks like. The controllers object contains all controllers declared within the framework by calling addController.

这是手工controllers变量声明的样子。 controllers对象包含通过调用addController在框架内声明的所有控制器。

For each controller, a factory function is saved to instantiate a new controller when needed. The framework also stores each of the new instances of the same controller used in the template.

对于每个控制器,将保存factory功能以在需要时实例化新控制器。 该框架还存储模板中使用的同一控制器的每个新实例。

寻找绑定 (Looking for bindings)

At this point, we’ve got an instance of the controller and a piece of template using this instance.


The next step is to look for elements with bindings which use controller properties.


var bindings = {};// Note: element is the dom element using the controller'[ng-bind]')).map(function (element) {var boundValue = element.getAttribute('ng-bind');if(!bindings[boundValue]) {bindings[boundValue] = {boundValue: boundValue,elements: []}}bindings[boundValue].elements.push(element);});

Quite simple, it stores all bindings of an object (used as a hash map). This variable contains all the properties to bind with the current value and all DOM elements which bind this property.

非常简单,它存储对象的所有绑定(用作哈希映射 )。 此变量包含所有要与当前值绑定的属性以及所有与该属性绑定的DOM元素。

双绑定控制器属性 (Double bind controller properties)

After the preliminary work has been done by the framework, now comes the interesting part: double-binding.

在框架完成了初步工作之后,现在出现了有趣的部分: double-binding

It involves binding the controller property to the DOM elements to update the DOM whenever the code updates the property value.


Also, don’t forget to bind the DOM elements to the controller property. This way, when the user changes the input value, it’ll update the controller property. Then it will also update all other elements bound to this property.

另外,不要忘记将DOM元素绑定到controller属性。 这样,当用户更改输入值时,它将更新控制器属性。 然后,它还将更新绑定到该属性的所有其他元素。

使用代理检测代码更新 (Detect updates from code with a proxy)

As explained above, Vue wraps components within a proxy to react to property changes. Let’s do the same by proxying the setter only for controller bound properties.

如上所述,Vue将组件包装在代理中以对属性更改做出React。 通过仅为控制器绑定的属性代理设置器来进行相同的操作。

// Note: ctrl is the controller instance
var proxy = new Proxy(ctrl, {set: function (target, prop, value) {var bind = bindings[prop];if(bind) {// Update each DOM element bound to the property  bind.elements.forEach(function (element) {element.value = value;element.setAttribute('value', value);});}return Reflect.set(target, prop, value);}

Whenever a bound property is set, the proxy will check all elements bound to this property. Then it will update them with the new value.

无论何时设置绑定属性,代理都会检查绑定到该属性的所有元素。 然后它将使用新值更新它们。

In this example, we support only input elements binding, because only the value attribute is set.


对元素事件做出React (React to element events)

The last thing to do is reacting to user interactions. DOM elements trigger events when they detect a value change.

最后要做的是对用户交互做出React。 DOM元素在检测到值更改时触发事件。

Listen to those events and update the bound property with the new value from the event. All other elements bound to the same property will update automatically thanks to the proxy.

侦听那些事件,并使用事件中的新值更新绑定属性。 由于代理,绑定到同一属性的所有其他元素将自动更新。

Object.keys(bindings).forEach(function (boundValue) {var bind = bindings[boundValue];// Listen elements event and update proxy property   bind.elements.forEach(function (element) {element.addEventListener('input', function (event) {proxy[bind.boundValue] =; // Also triggers the proxy setter});})

Once you put everything together, you get handmade double-bound inputs. Here is a working demo including all the code.

将所有内容放到一起后,您将获得手工制作的双向输入。 这是一个包含所有代码的有效演示。

Thank you for reading. I hope it helped you to demystify how JavaScript frameworks work.

感谢您的阅读。 我希望它能帮助您揭开JavaScript框架的神秘面纱。

Congratulations! You’ve developed popular features such as custom HTML element attributes, reactivity, and double-binding!

恭喜你! 您已经开发了流行的功能,例如自定义HTML元素属性,React性和双重绑定!

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