这段时间看了一些大型的matlabproject文件(如:faster r-cnn),对于project中常常要用到的一些函数进行一个总结。



curdir = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
addpath(genpath(fullfile(curdir, 'utils')));
mkdir_if_missing(fullfile(curdir, 'utils'));
caffe_path = fullfile(curdir, 'external', 'caffe', 'matlab');
if exist(caffe_path, 'dir') == 0error('matcaffe is missing from external/caffe/matlab; See README.md');

mfilename 表示正在执行的函数的路径
fileparts 则返回文件上层的目录路径
fullfile 则返回组合文件的全路径
genpath 递归的产生该目录下的全部文件的路径
addpath 路径增加到函数或文件搜索的范围内
exist 查看路径是否存在
mkdir_if_missing 如果不存在就创建相应的目录

dirpath = '/home/Deeplearning';
filepath = [dirpath, '/%s.txt'];
for i=1:10filepath_real = sprintf(filepath, num2str(i));




X=[3 2 0; -5 0 7; 0 0 1]
[row,col,v] = find(X>1)

X>1为条件,即矩阵X中元素大小比1大的元素。row,col, v分别为返回的元素的位置横、纵坐标、元素本身。
randi ,random等

A = [1 2; 3 4]; permute(A,[2 1])
ans =1     32     4


Create a 2-by-1-by-3 array and remove the singleton column dimension to form a 2-by-3 matrix.
y = rand(2,1,3)
z = squeeze(y)
y(:,:,1) =0.81470.9058
y(:,:,2) =0.12700.9134
y(:,:,3) =0.63240.0975
z =0.8147    0.1270    0.63240.9058    0.9134    0.0975

plot , subplot, figure, meshgrid等
中 function showboxes(im, boxes, legends, color_conf)的解析。
Round to nearest decimal or intege
num2str, str2num

A = randi(10,4,2)%如果你有4组数据,每一组数据有2维。你须要对每组数据进行某个处理7     78     28     84     1
A_cell = num2cell(A,2)%先将其按行转化为cell[1x2 double][1x2 double][1x2 double][1x2 double]
y_hat = cellfun(@(x) (x.*10) ,A_cell, 'UniformOutput', false)%这样就可用cellfun进行向量化处理了[1x2 double][1x2 double][1x2 double][1x2 double]
y = cat(1,y_hat{:})70    7080    2080    8040    10


[gtids,t]=textread(sprintf(VOCopts.imgsetpath,VOCopts.testset),'%s %d');[A,B,C,...] = textread(filename,format)
[A,B,C,...] = textread(filename,format,N)
[...] = textread(...,param,value,...)






%% Tutorial for xml_io_tools Package
% By Jarek Tuszynski
% Package xml_io_tools can read XML files into MATLAB struct and writes
% MATLAB data types to XML files with help of simple interface to
% MATLAB’s xmlwrite and xmlread functions.
% Two function to simplify reading and writing XML files from MATLAB:
% * Function xml_read first calls MATLAB’s xmlread function and than
% converts its output (‘Document Object Model’ tree of Java objects)
% to tree of MATLAB struct’s. The output is in the format of nested
% structs and cells. In the output data structure field names are based on
% XML tags.
% * Function xml_write first convert input tree of MATLAB structs and cells
% and other types to tree of ‘Document Object Model’ nodes, and then writes
% resulting object to XML file using MATLAB’s xmlwrite function. .
%% This package can:
% * Read most XML files, created inside and outside of MATLAB environment,
% and convert them to MATLAB data structures.
% * Write any MATLAB’s struct tree to XML file
% * Handle XML attributes and special XML nodes like comments, processing
% instructions and CDATA sections
% * Supports base64 encoding and decoding to allow handling embeded binary
% data
% * Be studied, modified, customized, rewritten and used in other packages
% without any limitations. All code is included and documented. Software
% is distributed under BSD Licence (included).
%% This package does not:
% * Guarantee to recover the same Matlab objects that were saved. If you
% need to be able to recover carbon copy of the structure that was saved
% than you will have to use one of the packages that uses special set of
% tags saved as xml attributes that help to guide the parsing of XML code.
% This package does not use those tags.
% * Guarantee to work with older versions of MATLAB. Functions do not work
% with versions of MATLAB prior to 7.1 (26-Jul-2005).
%% Change History
% * 2006-11-06 - original version
% * 2006-11-26 - corrected xml_write to handle writing Matlab’s column
% arrays to xml files. Bug discovered and diagnosed by Kalyan Dutta.
% * 2006-11-28 - made changes to handle special node types like:
% COMMENTS and CDATA sections
% * 2007-03-12 - Writing CDATA sections still did not worked. The problem
% was diagnosed and fixed by Alberto Amaro. The fix involved rewriting
% xmlwrite to use Apache Xerces java files directly instead of MATLAB’s
% XMLUtils java class.
% * 2007-06-21 - Fixed problem reported by Anna Kelbert in Reviews about
% not writing attributes of ROOT node. Also: added support for Processing
% Instructions, added support for global text nodes: Processing
% Instructions and comments, allowed writing tag names with special
% characters
% * 2007-07-20 - Added tutorial script file. Extended support for global
% text nodes. Added more Preference fields.
% * 2008-01-23 - Fixed problem reported by Anna Krewet of converting dates
% in format ‘2007-01-01’ to numbers. Improved and added warning messages.
% Added detection of old Matlab versions incompatible with the library.
% Expanded documentation.
% * 2008-06-23 - Fixed problem with writing 1D array reported by Mark Neil.
% Extended xml_read’s Pref.Num2Str to 3 settings (never, smart and always)
% for better control. Added parameter Pref.KeepNS for keeping or ignoring
% namespace data when reading. Fixed a bug related to writing 2D cell
% arrays brought up by Andrej’s Mosat review.
% * 2008-09-11 - Resubmitting last upload - zip file is still old
% * 2009-02-26 - Small changes. More error handling. More robust in case of
% large binary objects. Added support for Base64 encoding/decoding of
% binary objects (using functions by Peter J. Acklam).
% * 2009-06-26 - changes to xml_read: added CellItem parameter to allow
% better control of reading files with ‘item’ notation (see comment by
% Shlomi); changed try-catch statements so xml_read would work for mablab
% versions prior to 7.5 (see Thomas Pilutti comment)
% * 2009-12-03 - added PreserveSpace parameter for contolling empty string
% handling as suggested by Sebastiaan. Fix suggested by Michael Murphy.
% Fixed number recognition code as suggested by Yuan Ren.
% * 2010-05-04 - implemented fixes suggested by Dylan Reynolds from Airbus.
% * 2010-07-28 - implemented support for 2D arrays of cells and structs
% suggested by Rodney Behn from MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Also attempted
% large scale cleanup of xml_write function
% * 2010-08-18 - minor extension to allow better handling of logical
% scalars and arrays and function handles suggested by Andreas Richter
% and others
% * 2010-09-20 - allow reading and writing of sparse matrices. Improve
% reading of 1D boolean arrays.
% * 2010-11-05 - Fix problem with empty cells reported by Richard Cotton;
% fixed issues with reading boolean arrays reported by Zohar Bar-Yehuda;
% Improved speed of base64 coding and decoding by switching to java based
% code.
%% Licence
% The package is distributed under BSD License
format compact; % viewing preference
clear variables;

%% Write XML file based on a Struct using “xml_write”
% Any MATLAB data struct can be saved to XML file.
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString = ‘Hello World’;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree);

%% Read XML file producing a Struct using “xml_read”
[tree treeName] = xml_read (‘test.xml’);
disp([treeName{1} ’ =’])

%% “Pref.XmlEngine” flag in “xml_write”
% Occasionaly some operations are performed better by Apache Xerces XML
% engine than default xmlread function. That is why xml_write provide an
% option for choosing the underlaying xml engine. Code below performs the
% same operation as the previous section but using Apache Xerces XML engine.
% Notice that in this case name of root element
% was passed as variable and not extracted from the variable name.
% Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = ‘Xerces’; % use Xerces xml generator directly
% xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘TreeOfMine’, Pref);
% type(‘test.xml’)
% %% Writing Struct with different type MATLAB arrays
% MyTree=[];
% MyTree.Empty = []; % Empty variable
% MyTree.Num_1x1 = 13; % simple scalar
% MyTree.Vec_1x3 = [1 2 3]; % horizontal vector
% MyTree.Vec_4x1 = [1; 2; 3; 4]; % vertical vector
% MyTree.Mat_2x2 = [1, 2; 3, 4]; % 2D matrix
% MyTree.Cube_3D = reshape(1:8,[2 2 2]); % 3D array
% MyTree.String1 = ‘[2003 10 30]’; % number string with [] brackets
% MyTree.String2 = ’ 2003 10 30 ‘; % number string without [] brackets
% MyTree.Logical_1x1 = false; % single logical
% MyTree.Logical_2x2 = [false, true; true, false]; % 2D matrix of logicals
% MyTree.Logical_Str = ‘False False True True’;
% MyTree.Int_2x2 = uint8([1 2;3 4]); % 2D matrix of uint8 integers
% MyTree.Complex_1x1 = complex(1, 7); % complex scalar
% MyTree.Complex_2x2 = complex([1 2;3 4],[2 2;7 7]); % 2D matrix of complex numbers
% MyTree.Sparse_9x9 = sparse(1:9,1:9,1); % sparse 9x9 matrix
% MyTree.Function = @sum; % function handle
% xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree);
% type(‘test.xml’)
% %% Read Struct with MATLAB arrays
% % Notice that ‘Cube_3D’ did not preserve original dimentions
% [tree treeName] = xml_read (‘test.xml’);
% disp([treeName{1} ’ =’])
% gen_object_display(tree)
% %% “Pref.StructItem” flag in “xml_write” (controls 1D arrays of structs)
% % Create a simple structure with 1D array of struct’s
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a(1).b = ‘jack’;
MyTree.a(2).b = ‘john’;
% *Write XML with “StructItem = true” (default). Notice single ‘a’
% section and multiple ‘item’ sub-sections. Those subsections are used
% to store array elements*
wPref.StructItem = true;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,wPref);
fprintf(‘\nxml_read output:\n’)
gen_object_display(xml_read (‘test.xml’))
% Write XML with “StructItem = false”. Notice multiple ‘a’ sections
wPref.StructItem = false;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,wPref);
fprintf(‘\nxml_read output:\n’)
gen_object_display(xml_read (‘test.xml’))
% Notice that xml_read function produced the same struct when reading both files
% Potential problems with “StructItem = true”:
wPref.StructItem = true;
MyTree1 = []; MyTree1.a.b = ‘jack’;
MyTree2 = []; MyTree2.a(1).b = ‘jack’;
MyTree3 = []; MyTree3.a(2).b = ‘jack’;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree1, [], wPref); type(‘test.xml’);
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree2, [], wPref); type(‘test.xml’);
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree3, [], wPref); type(‘test.xml’);
% *Notice that MyTree1 and MyTree2 produce identical files with no ‘items’,
% while MyTree2 and MyTree3 produce very different file structures. It was
% pointed out to me that files produced from MyTree2 and MyTree3 can not
% belong to the same schema, which can be a problem. The solution is to use
% cells.*
wPref.CellItem = true;
wPref.NoCells = true;
MyTree2 = []; MyTree2.a{1}.b = ‘jack’;
MyTree3 = []; MyTree3.a{2}.b = ‘jack’;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree2, [], wPref); type(‘test.xml’);
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree3, [], wPref); type(‘test.xml’);

%% “Pref.CellItem” flag in “xml_write” (controls 1D arrays of cells)
% Create a simple structure with cell arrays
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a = {‘jack’, ‘john’};
% *Write XML with “CellItem = true” (default). Notice single ‘a’
% section and multiple ‘item’ sections*
Pref=[]; Pref.CellItem = true;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,Pref);
fprintf(‘\nxml_read output:\n’);
disp(xml_read (‘test.xml’))
% Write XML with “CellItem = false”. Notice multiple ‘a’ sections
Pref=[]; Pref.CellItem = false;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,Pref);
fprintf(‘\nxml_read output:\n’);
disp(xml_read (‘test.xml’))
% Notice that xml_read function produced the same struct when reading both files

%% “Pref.NoCells” flag in “xml_read”
% Create a cell/struct mixture object
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a{1}.b = ‘jack’;
MyTree.a{2}.b = [];
MyTree.a{2}.c = ‘john’;
% Save it to xml file
Pref=[]; Pref.CellItem = false;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,Pref);
% Read above file with “Pref.NoCells=true” (default) - output is quite different then input
% By default program is trying to convert everything to struct’s and arrays
% of structs. In case arrays of structs all the structs in array need to have the
% same fields, and if they are not than MATLAB creates empty fields.
Pref=[]; Pref.NoCells=true;
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, Pref))
% Read above file with “Pref.NoCells=false” - now input and output are the same
% Cell arrays of structs allow structs in array to have different fields.
Pref=[]; Pref.NoCells=false;
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, Pref))

%% “Pref.ItemName” flag in “xml_write” (customize 1D arrays of structs and cells)
% Create a cell/struct mixture object
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a{1}.b = ‘jack’;
MyTree.a{2}.c = ‘john’;
% Save it to xml file, using ‘item’ notation but with different name
Pref.CellItem = true;
Pref.ItemName = ‘MyItem’;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,Pref);

%% “Pref.ItemName” flag in “xml_read”
% Read above file with default settings (“Pref.ItemName = ‘item’”)
% The results do not match the original structure
Pref=[]; Pref.NoCells = false;
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, Pref))
% *Read above file with “Pref.ItemName = ‘MyItem’” - now saved and read
% MATLAB structures are the same*
Pref.ItemName = ‘MyItem’;
Pref.NoCells = false;
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, Pref))

%% “Pref.CellItem” flag in “xml_read”
% “Pref.ItemName” is used to create xml files with clearly marked arrays
% “Pref.CellItem” flag in “xml_read” ensures that they are always read as
% arrays by forcing output to stay in cell format. In cell format s{1} is
% different than s, while s(1) is indistinguishable from s.
% Create a test file
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a1{1}.b = ‘jack’; % a1 - single struct
MyTree.a2{1}.b = ‘jack’; % a2 - cell array of structs with the same fields
MyTree.a2{2}.b = ‘john’;
MyTree.a3{1}.b = ‘jack’; % a3 - cell array of structs with the different fields
MyTree.a3{2}.c = ‘john’;
Pref.CellItem = true;
Pref.Debug = true;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,Pref);
% Read above file with “Pref.CellItem = true” (default)
% All outputs are in cell format
Pref.NoCells = false; % allow cell output
Pref.CellItem = true; % keep ‘item’ arrays as cells
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, Pref))
% Read above file with “Pref.CellItem = false”
% Outputs format is determined by content
Pref.NoCells = false; % allow cell output
Pref.CellItem = false; % allow ‘item’ arrays to beheave like other fields
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, Pref))
% Read above file with “Pref.CellItem = false” and “Pref.NoCells = true”
% All outputs are in struct format
Pref.NoCells = true; % don’t allow cell output
Pref.CellItem = false; % allow ‘item’ arrays to beheave like other fields
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, Pref))

%% “Pref.CellTable” flag in “xml_write” (controls 2D arrays of cells)
% Create a structure with 2D arrays of cells
MyTree = [];
MyTree.M = {[1,2;3,4], ‘M12’; struct(‘a’,’jack’), {11, ‘N12’; 21, ‘N22’}};
% *Write XML with “CellTable = ‘Html” (default). This option mimics use of
% HTML “tr” and “td” tags to encode 2D tables. Tag names can
% be changed using TableName parameter (see below)*
wPref = [];
wPref.CellTable = ‘Html’;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,wPref);
fprintf(‘\nxml_read output:\n’)
rPref=[]; rPref.NoCells=false;
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, rPref))
% Write XML with “CellTable = ‘Vector’”.
% Converts 2D arrays to 1D array and item or regular notation. This option
% is mostly provided for backward compatibility since this was the
% behavior in prior verions of the code
wPref = [];
wPref.CellTable = ‘Vector’;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,wPref);
fprintf(‘\nxml_read output:\n’)
rPref=[]; rPref.NoCells=false;
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, rPref))
% Create a simpler structure without struct’s
MyTree = [];
MyTree.M = {[1,2;3,4], ‘M12’; ‘M21’, {11, ‘N12’; 21, ‘N22’}};
% *Write XML with “CellTable = ‘Matlab”. This option encodes tables
% consisting of numbers, strings and other cell arrays as MATLAB command
% string. Unlike ‘Html’ option it does not work if one of the cells is
% a struct*
wPref = [];
wPref.CellTable = ‘Matlab’;
xml_write(‘test.xml’, MyTree, ‘MyTree’,wPref);
fprintf(‘\nxml_read output:\n’)
rPref=[]; rPref.NoCells=false;
gen_object_display(xml_read(‘test.xml’, rPref))

%% Write 2D cell array in HTML format
MyTree = [];
MyTree.table.CONTENT = {‘Apples’, ‘44%’; ‘Bannanas’, ‘23%’; ‘Oranges’, ‘13%’; ‘Other’, ‘10%’};
xml_write(‘html/test.html’, MyTree);
% Click on



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