

  1. 数据准备 —— 数据获取、清洗、使标准化、分词
  2. 超参数 —— 学习率、迭代次数、窗口大小、词向量维度
  3. 生成训练数据 —— 创建字典、为每个词生成one-hot编码、生成word2dic和dic2word的索引
  4. 建立模型 —— 通过前向传播先对词做编码,计算错误率,通过反向传播和梯度下降不断降低loss
  5. 推理 —— 创建词向量并找到相似的单词
  6. 进一步提升 —— 用来加速的方法,层次softmax和负采样

1. 数据准备


natural language processing and machine learning is fun and exciting


但是,在实际场景中,文本数据是非结构化数据,而且是很“脏”的数据。一般拿到数据我们要对其做一定的清洗,比如去停用词、去标点符号、将文本全部用小写表示(当然要根据你的场景决定,转成大写也可以),去掉数字等操作,有一篇文章将数据的预处理工作描绘的淋漓尽致,后序有时间也要整理一下。python的官方库Gensim 提供了一个API(gensim.utils.simple_preprocess)可以对数据做简单的处理,主要的操作有小写数据、忽略太长或者太短的token。

text = "natural language processing and machine learning is fun and exciting"# Note the .lower() as upper and lowercase does not matter in our implementation
# [['natural', 'language', 'processing', 'and', 'machine', 'learning', 'is', 'fun', 'and', 'exciting']]
corpus = [[word.lower() for word in text.split()]]


[“natural”, “language”, “processing”, “ and”, “ machine”, “ learning”, “ is”, “ fun”, “and”, “ exciting”]

2. 超参数


settings = {'window_size': 2 # context window +- center word'n': 10,         # dimensions of word embeddings, also refer to size of hidden layer'epochs': 50,        # number of training epochs'learning_rate': 0.01    # learning rate
  • window_size:窗口大小,skip-gram的目的就是根据中心词预测上下文,那这个window_sixe指的就是上下文单词的个数,如果window_size=2,那就是要预测中心词上下个2个token。具体的可以看图:

  • n: 就是词向量的维度,一般把词向量的维度设置为100~300之间,如果超过300,增益的效果不大,这个可以看论文实验(page 1538 Figure 2 (a))。词向量的维度也就是隐藏层的维度。

  • epochs: 训练迭代次数,这里定义的是一个epoch就遍历一次整个数据集,BGD的思想,可能是数据不够多吧。

  • learning_rate: 学习率

3. 数据生成



#1 [Target (natural)], [Context (language, processing)][list([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])list([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])]
#10 [Target (exciting)], [Context (fun, and)][list([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])list([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])]


# Initialise object
w2v = word2vec()
# Numpy ndarray with one-hot representation for [target_word, context_words]
training_data = w2v.generate_training_data(settings, corpus)


  • self.v_count: 字典长度(由唯一的词组成的字典)
  • self.words_list: 字典列表
  • self.word_index: 字典中每个词对应的索引(词,索引)
  • self.index_word: 字典中每个索引对应的词(索引,词)
  • for 循环生成每一个one-hot向量


class word2vec():def __init__(self):self.n = settings['n']self.lr = settings['learning_rate']self.epochs = settings['epochs']self.window = settings['window_size']def generate_training_data(self, settings, corpus):# Find unique word counts using dictonaryword_counts = defaultdict(int)for row in corpus:for word in row:word_counts[word] += 1## How many unique words in vocab? 9self.v_count = len(word_counts.keys())# Generate Lookup Dictionaries (vocab)self.words_list = list(word_counts.keys())# Generate word:indexself.word_index = dict((word, i) for i, word in enumerate(self.words_list))# Generate index:wordself.index_word = dict((i, word) for i, word in enumerate(self.words_list))training_data = []# Cycle through each sentence in corpusfor sentence in corpus:sent_len = len(sentence)# Cycle through each word in sentencefor i, word in enumerate(sentence):# Convert target word to one-hotw_target = self.word2onehot(sentence[i])# Cycle through context windoww_context = []# Note: window_size 2 will have range of 5 valuesfor j in range(i - self.window, i + self.window+1):# Criteria for context word # 1. Target word cannot be context word (j != i)# 2. Index must be greater or equal than 0 (j >= 0) - if not list index out of range# 3. Index must be less or equal than length of sentence (j <= sent_len-1) - if not list index out of range if j != i and j <= sent_len-1 and j >= 0:# Append the one-hot representation of word to w_contextw_context.append(self.word2onehot(sentence[j]))# print(sentence[i], sentence[j]) # training_data contains a one-hot representation of the target word and context wordstraining_data.append([w_target, w_context])return np.array(training_data)def word2onehot(self, word):# word_vec - initialise a blank vectorword_vec = [0 for i in range(0, self.v_count)] # Alternative - np.zeros(self.v_count)# Get ID of word from word_indexword_index = self.word_index[word]# Change value from 0 to 1 according to ID of the wordword_vec[word_index] = 1return word_vec

4. 模型构建


Word2Vec模型包含2个比较重要的矩阵w1(9 * 10)和w2(10 * 9),在实际的训练过程中,需要使用np.random.uniform()函数将矩阵随机初始化。

# Training
w2v.train(training_data)class word2vec():def train(self, training_data):# Initialising weight matrices# Both s1 and s2 should be randomly initialised but for this demo, we pre-determine the arrays (getW1 and getW2)# getW1 - shape (9x10) and getW2 - shape (10x9)self.w1 = np.array(getW1)self.w2 = np.array(getW2)# self.w1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (self.v_count, self.n))# self.w2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (self.n, self.v_count))

4.1 Training — Forward Pass

通过forward函数,w1和wt(就是word target)点乘(dot)得到了h。然后w2和h点乘得到了u,通过对u做softmax得到了y_pre。具体实现如下:

class word2vec():def train(self, training_data):##Removed### Cycle through each epochfor i in range(self.epochs):# Intialise loss to 0self.loss = 0# Cycle through each training sample# w_t = vector for target word, w_c = vectors for context wordsfor w_t, w_c in training_data:# Forward pass - Pass in vector for target word (w_t) to get:# 1. predicted y using softmax (y_pred) 2. matrix of hidden layer (h) 3. output layer before softmax (u)y_pred, h, u = self.forward_pass(w_t)##Removed##def forward_pass(self, x):# x is one-hot vector for target word, shape - 9x1# Run through first matrix (w1) to get hidden layer - 10x9 dot 9x1 gives us 10x1h = np.dot(self.w1.T, x)# Dot product hidden layer with second matrix (w2) - 9x10 dot 10x1 gives us 9x1u = np.dot(self.w2.T, h)# Run 1x9 through softmax to force each element to range of [0, 1] - 1x8y_c = self.softmax(u)return y_c, h, udef softmax(self, x):e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x)) # 这里为什么要减去np.max?是为了防止上溢和下溢。减去这个数的计算结果不变。return e_x / e_x.sum(axis=0)

4.2 Training — Error, Backpropagation and Loss

Error—— 我们可以根据target词的上下文词context,计算error,这里的做法是将y_pre和wc的one-hot编码相减,使用np.substract。

Backpropagation—— 接下来,我们使用反向传播函数,backprop,根据target产生的error EI,反向更新w1和w2。

class word2vec():##Removed##for i in range(self.epochs):self.loss = 0for w_t, w_c in training_data:##Removed### Calculate error# 1. For a target word, calculate difference between y_pred and each of the context words# 2. Sum up the differences using np.sum to give us the error for this particular target wordEI = np.sum([np.subtract(y_pred, word) for word in w_c], axis=0)# Backpropagation# We use SGD to backpropagate errors - calculate loss on the output layer self.backprop(EI, h, w_t)# Calculate loss# There are 2 parts to the loss function# Part 1: -ve sum of all the output +# Part 2: length of context words * log of sum for all elements (exponential-ed) in the output layer before softmax (u)# Note: word.index(1) returns the index in the context word vector with value 1# Note: u[word.index(1)] returns the value of the output layer before softmaxself.loss += -np.sum([u[word.index(1)] for word in w_c]) + len(w_c) * np.log(np.sum(np.exp(u)))print('Epoch:', i, "Loss:", self.loss)def backprop(self, e, h, x):# https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.15.1/reference/generated/numpy.outer.html# Column vector EI represents row-wise sum of prediction errors across each context word for the current center word# Going backwards, we need to take derivative of E with respect of w2# h - shape 10x1, e - shape 9x1, dl_dw2 - shape 10x9# np.outer 计算两个向量的外积dl_dw2 = np.outer(h, e)# x - shape 1x8, w2 - 5x8, e.T - 8x1# x - 1x8, np.dot() - 5x1, dl_dw1 - 8x5dl_dw1 = np.outer(x, np.dot(self.w2, e.T))# Update weightsself.w1 = self.w1 - (self.lr * dl_dw1)self.w2 = self.w2 - (self.lr * dl_dw2)


h=W1T∗Wth = W_1^T * W_th=W1TWt

u=W2T∗hu = W_2^T * hu=W2Th

y=softmax(u)y = softmax(u)y=softmax(u)

error=y−labelerror = y - labelerror=ylabel

∂error∂W2T=∂error∂u∗∂u∂W2T=∂error∂u∗h\frac{\partial error}{\partial W_2^T} = \frac{\partial error}{\partial u} * \frac{\partial u}{\partial W_2^T} = \frac{\partial error}{\partial u} * hW2Terror=uerrorW2Tu=uerrorh

∂error∂W1T=∂error∂u∗∂u∂h∗∂h∂W1T=∂error∂u∗W2T∗Wt\frac{\partial error}{\partial W_1^T} = \frac{\partial error}{\partial u} * \frac{\partial u}{\partial h} * \frac{\partial h}{\partial W_1^T} = \frac{\partial error}{\partial u} * W_2^T * W_tW1Terror=uerrorhuW1Th=uerrorW2TWt



Loss —— word2vec的损失函数是交叉熵,这里的error和loss是不是有点重复,error就用了diff,是为了方便理解。真正的loss函数其实是用来交叉熵损失函数。关于损失函数,还需要去细细品味XinRong大佬的论文(to do)

5. 推理

W1和W2矩阵都可以用来获得词向量。 (阿里面试题中问过)

5.1 获得词向量


# Get vector for word
vec = w2v.word_vec("machine")class word2vec():## Removed ### Get vector from worddef word_vec(self, word):w_index = self.word_index[word]v_w = self.w1[w_index]return v_w


# 尝试使用w2获取词向量
def word_vec_from_w2(self, word):w_index = self.word_index[word]v_w = self.w2.T[w_index]return v_w


generate form w1: machine [ 0.68446157 -1.87386609 0.7427968   0.51310448 -0.93068805 -1.35561852 0.3866901   0.54829494 -0.03770957 -0.43191822]
generate form w2: machine [ 0.01590458  0.97756578 -0.68646307  0.2469964   0.37108001 -0.19995699 0.49584826 -1.84341305 -1.30515012 -0.22626334]

5.2 找到相似的词


# Find similar words
w2v.vec_sim("machine", 3)class word2vec():## Removed### Input vector, returns nearest word(s)def vec_sim(self, word, top_n):v_w1 = self.word_vec(word)word_sim = {}for i in range(self.v_count):# Find the similary score for each word in vocabv_w2 = self.w1[i]theta_sum = np.dot(v_w1, v_w2)theta_den = np.linalg.norm(v_w1) * np.linalg.norm(v_w2)theta = theta_sum / theta_denword = self.index_word[i]word_sim[word] = thetawords_sorted = sorted(word_sim.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)for word, sim in words_sorted[:top_n]:print(word, sim)


> w2v.vec_sim("machine", 3)machine 1.0
fun 0.6223490454018772
and 0.5190154215400249

6. 进一步提升

todo list:

  1. 对加速word2vec的计算过程提出了两个方法:
  • Negative Sampling(负采样)
  • Hierarchical Softmax(层次softmax)
  1. 实现CBOW
  2. glove、fasttext、elmo、doc2vec、code2vec的原理解析
  3. XinRong 论文的解析

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