a leaf Variable that requires grad has been used in an in-place operation


改为y = x + 2

此时如果是写y+=2是可以的,也就是说torch变量带requires_grad 的不能进行+=操作

import numpy as npimport torch
from torch.autograd import Variablex = Variable(torch.ones(2,2),requires_grad=True)
y = x + 2
# print(x.creator)      # None,用户直接创建没有creater属性
# print(y.creator)      # <torch.autograd._functions.basic_ops.AddConstant object at 0x7fb9b4d4b208>z = y*y*3
out = z.mean()out.backward()print(x,y,z)
print(x.grad)          # 输出对out对x求倒结果
print(y.grad)          # y不是自动求导变量


import numpy as npimport torch
from torch.autograd import Variablex = torch.ones(2,2,requires_grad=True)y= torch.on

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