Note: This guide assumes you have a CentOS 7 minimal installation (NO GUI) with the development tools installed.

If the Development Tools are not installed they can be by simply running yum groupinstall “Development Tools” in a terminal as root user.

Sample of MATE Desktop Enviroment

1、First install the EPEL-repositories then install the X Window System

[root@45Drives ~]yuminstallepel−release[root@45Drives] yum groupinstall “X Window system”

2、Install the MATE packages. This will take a few minutes

[root@45Drives ~]$ yum groupinstall “MATE Desktop”

3、Tell your system to start the Graphical Interface

[root@45Drives ~]$ systemctl isolate

4、To have MATE boot up as the default desktop enviroment, enter the following command (the last two lines will spit out into the terminal when you run the first line).

[root@45Drives ~]$ systemctl set-default

rm ‘/etc/systemd/system/’

ln -s ‘/usr/lib/systemd/system/’ ‘/etc/systemd/system/’

5、You will most likely want the Gnome Disk Utility as it the easiest way to interface with your disks. Once installed it can be found in: Applications -> Accessories -> Disks [root@45Drives ~]$ yum install gnome-disk-utility

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