
ClewareControl 2.4 增加对 python 的支持,可轻松开发使用该接口的相关应用。

Clewarecontrol 可让你控制通过 USB 连接的各种 Cleware GmbH 出售的传感器和开关。可通过它来获取传感器的温度或湿度信息,配置外部开关,开启开门狗等等功能。

The application "ClewareControl" displays the states and values of the found Cleware devices. The values could be stored and retrieved later. The printing of the diagrams is supported.

The device properties like the displayed name, the polling interval or the color of the curve could be modified. Every device could assigned to up to 256 actions, which will be called when a state is reached. For example if the temperature exceeds a limit a alarm tone could be played, at a higher temperature an email will be send and at a third level an USB-Switch with a connected air conditioner may be activated.

ClewareControl may be configured as a display server to control and display Cleware devices available on the LAN. In the screenshot on the right five local devices and one remote temperature device connected to a Linux system in the server room are displayed.

The devices USB-Watchdog and USB-AutoReset will receive signs of life from ClewareControl. The supervision of critical events will also be done here. The first device in the screenshot on the right is an example for this.

USB-Switches are also controlled and visualized with ClewareControl. The events are times, the switch should be turned on or off. The USB-Switch could also be turned as an action initiated by other sensors, e.g. the USB-Temp.

The ClewareControl application could be configured to run as a service in the background. In the background, data is aquired, actions are taken and values are send to display server.

A complete description of ClewareControl and the USB devices are available PDF format.

The application is available in the Download area for testing. A simulator to test the application under real conditions and some sample data could also be found here.


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