redirect 这个方法是在 CController 里定义的


redirect() 方法

public void redirect(mixed $url, boolean $terminate=true, integer $statusCode=302)
$url mixed the URL to be redirected to. If the parameter is an array, the first element must be a route to a controller action and the rest are GET parameters in name-value pairs.
$terminate boolean whether to terminate the current application after calling this method
$statusCode integer the HTTP status code. Defaults to 302. See for details about HTTP status code.

注意下红色字体, 意思就是说, 如果第一个参数是数组了的话, 那么本次就是使用get方式进行传值

(亲测) 如果第一个参数不是数组的话, 那本次就是 post 传值了


return $this->redirect(array(
 'username' => $username,
 'type' => $type,
 'date' => $date,

上面的例子会进行这样的访问 http://localhost/admin/userClientLoginLog/down/username/$username/type/$type/date/$date

return $this->redirect( '/admin/userClientLoginLog/down', array(
 'username' => $username,
 'type' => $type,
 'date' => $date,

上面的例子会进行这样的访问 http://localhost/admin/userClientLoginLog/down


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