
What's you name?

I'm Loki

Where are you from?

I'm Local, I'm Chengdu

How old are you?

thirty-two years old  # 大于一岁就用复数years old。刚好一岁及以下就用year old。

How many people are there in your family?

There are three people in my family. They are my daughter, my wife and I.

What's his/her name?

His/her name is xxx.

What are your hobbies? 你有什么爱好?

I like play PC games, Watch movies and listen to music.

What's your favorite hobby? 你最喜欢的爱好是什么?














area code

country 城市

ID card 身份证

phone number


English trip -- Review Unit1 Personal Information 个人信息相关推荐

  1. LeetCode 831. Masking Personal Information【字符串,正则表达式】中等

    本文属于「征服LeetCode」系列文章之一,这一系列正式开始于2021/08/12.由于LeetCode上部分题目有锁,本系列将至少持续到刷完所有无锁题之日为止:由于LeetCode还在不断地创建新 ...

  2. 17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth

    最近提交的一版应用,出现了 17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and ...

  3. EXCEL2013保存时提示Be careful!Parts of your document may include personal information...

    在EXCEL 2013中创建VBA宏后,保存时出现如下提示: 虽不影响保存结果,但是每次提示让人心烦,GOOGLE发现是因为有个检测功能造成的,关闭此功能路径如下: File->Options ...

  4. English trip V2-B 1 What's on the Menu? 菜单上有什么? Teacher:Tom

    In this lesson you will learn to order food in a restaurant. 课上内容(Lesson) My teacher is comes from  ...

  5. English trip V2-B 5 Apartment Living 公寓生活 Teacher:Tom

    In this lesson you will learn to say what has happened. 课上内容(Lesson) quite a lot of  #    quite   ad ...

  6. Azure Information Protection信息保护(AIP)/Azure Rights Management权限管理(RMS)

    Azure Information Protection,即Azure信息保护,简称AIP,也称之为Azure Rights Management,即Azure权限管理,简称ARM. 使用过本地Win ...

  7. English trip V1 - 6.Accidents Happen! 发生意外! Teacher:Corrine Key: 过去进行时 was or were + Ving...

    In this lesson you will learn to talk about past occurences. 过去进行时 课上内容(Lesson) C: Hi, Loki! L: Hi, ...

  8. English trip V2 - 3. A Healthy Diet Teacher:Corrine Key:各种前缀 im- un- in- re- over- under-

    In this lesson you will learn to talk about foot and drink for a healthy diet. 课上内容(Lesson) What do ...

  9. IV (information value)信息价值

    IV 全拼 information value, 即信息价值,是衡量特征对于模型预测能力的指标,常用于入模训练前的特征筛选的参考依据. IV 可由 WOE 计算得到: 整个特征的 IV 值则为每段 I ...


  1. php点选按钮ajax,php – 在单选按钮上显示div中的数据单击ajax
  2. Spring Boot下Druid连接池的使用配置分析
  3. boost::hana::list用法的测试程序
  4. .net授权获取openid_Asp.Net Core 中IdentityServer4 授权中心之自定义授权
  5. 从NeurIPS 2018看AI发展路线!
  6. Spring注入静态类型
  7. 爬虫开发python工具包介绍 (4)
  8. 十个最好的免费杀毒软件
  9. 迅雷总提示版权什么的。。
  10. Python实现文字转语音功能
  11. 新产品、新特性、新生态丨一文回顾openGauss峰会云和恩墨分论坛150分钟的精彩...
  12. 登录注册页面的示例代码
  13. Repeater的查询,添加,修改,删除
  14. DXC Technology将收购领先数字创新公司Luxoft
  15. 仿微信通讯录滑动定位ListView功能
  16. OpenLayers基础教程——要素样式的创建
  17. Android R AVB分析方法
  18. 城市公交查询算法的简单实现(原创)
  19. 环境监测中标准气体使用问题的探讨
  20. [Object-c] 通知 通告 简介


  1. 4. Brackets 前端编辑器试用
  2. 一些关于iText和iTextSharp的旧闻(some old news about iText and iTextSharp)
  3. MySQL 目录结构信息
  4. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderL,spring获取context...
  5. supermap iobect .net 7.1.2 图例的拆分
  6. 剖析云计算中的“共享型数据库”(转载)
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  8. Linux下KickStart+PXE无人值守装机服务器的配置
  9. [Android疑难杂症]动态改变Background后Padding无效的问题
  10. 移动网站开发中常用的10段JavaScript代码