
java快速教程第1课 从HelloWorld到面向对象


java快速教程第2课 方法与数据成员


java快速教程第3课 构造器与方法重载


java快速教程第4课 封装与接口


public class Test
{public static void main(String[] args){Human aPerson = new Human(160);System.out.println(aPerson.getHeight());aPerson.growHeight(170);System.out.println(aPerson.getHeight());aPerson.repeatBreath(100);}}class Human
{/*** constructor*/public Human(int h){this.height = h;System.out.println("I'm born");}/*** accessor*/public int getHeight(){return this.height;}/*** mutator*/public void growHeight(int h){this.height = this.height + h;}/*** encapsulated, for internal use*/private void breath(){System.out.println("hu...hu...");}/*** call breath()*/public void repeatBreath(int rep){int i;for(i = 0; i < rep; i++) {this.breath();}}private int height; // encapsulated, for internal use

java快速教程第5课 实施接口


package text;interface Cup
{void addWater(int w);void drinkWater(int w);
}class Text implements Cup
{public void addWater(int w){this.water = this.water + w;System.out.println(water);}public void drinkWater(int w){this.water = this.water - w;System.out.println(water);}public int waterContent( ){return this.water;}public void play( ){System.out.println("la...la...");}private int water = 0;public static void main(String args[ ]){Text obj = new Text( );obj.addWater(10);obj.drinkWater(4);}



package text;public class Text
{public static void main(String[] args){Torch aTorch = new Torch( );System.out.println("Charge: 2 hours");aTorch.charge(2);System.out.println("First Turn On: 3 hours");aTorch.turnOn(3);System.out.println("Second Turn On:  3 hours");aTorch.turnOn(3);}
}class Battery
{public void chargeBattery(double p){if (this.power < 1.){this.power = this.power + p;}}public boolean useBattery(double p){if (this.power >= p){this.power = this.power - p;return true;}else{this.power = 0.0;return false;}}private double power = 0.0;
}class Torch
{/***  10% power per hour use*   warning when out of power*/public void turnOn(int hours){boolean usable;usable = this.theBattery.useBattery(hours*0.1);if ( usable != true ){System.out.println("No more usable, must charge");}}/***  20% power per hour charge*/public void charge(int hours){this.theBattery.chargeBattery(hours*0.2);        }/***  composition*/private Battery theBattery = new Battery();

java快速教程第7课 包的建立和使用


java快速教程第8课 继承


package test;public class Test
{public static void main(String[ ] args){System.out.println("hello world");Woman aWoman = new Woman();aWoman.growHeight(120);System.out.println(aWoman.getHeight());aWoman.breath();aWoman.giveBirth();}
}class Human
{/*** contructor*/public Human(int height){this.height = height;}public Human(){}/*** accessor*/public int getHeight(){return this.height;}/***    * mutator*/public void growHeight(int h){this.height = this.height + h;}/*** breath*/public void breath(){System.out.println("hu...hu...");}private int height;
}class Woman extends Human
{    /*** constructor*/public Woman(int h){super(h); //base class construtorSystem.out.println("Hello, Pandora!");}public Woman(){}/***  new method*/public Human giveBirth(){    System.out.println("Give birth");return (new Human(20));}/*** override Human.breath( )*/public  void breath(){super.breath( );System.out.println("su...");}

java快速教程第9课  类数据与类方法


package test;public class Test
{public static void main(String[ ] args){System.out.println(Human.getPopulation());Human aPerson = new Human(160);System.out.println(aPerson.getPopulation());}
}class Human
{   /*** constructor*/public Human(int h){this.height = h;Human.population = Human.population +1;}/*** accessor*/public int getHeight(){return this.height;}/*** mutator*/public void growHeight(int h){this.height = this.height + h;}/*** breath*/public void breath(){System.out.println("hu...hu...");}private int height; /** static method, access population*/public static int getPopulation(){return Human.population;}private static int population;private static boolean is_mammal = true;}

java快速教程第10课 接口的继承与抽象类


java快速教程第11课 对象引用


package test;public class Test
{public static void main(String[] args){Human aPerson = new Human(160);Human dummyPerson = aPerson;System.out.println(dummyPerson.getHeight());aPerson.growHeight(20);System.out.println(dummyPerson.getHeight());}
}class Human
{   /*** constructor*/public Human(int h){this.height = h;}/*** accessor*/public int getHeight(){return this.height;}/*** mutator*/public void growHeight(int h){this.height = this.height + h;}private int height;

java快速教程第12课 多态




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