
英文注释 中文释义
staticString ERROR The actionexecution was a failure. Show an error view, possibly asking theuser to retry entering data. Action执行失败。显示一个错误的视图(页面),这个页面可以要求用户再次输入相关数据。
staticString INPUT The actionexecution require more input in order to succeed. This result istypically used if a form handling action has been executed so as toprovide defaults for a form. The form associated with the handlershould be shown to the end user.This result is also used if the given input params are invalid,meaning the user should try providing input again. Action的执行成功需要更多的输入。这个结果是一个典型的结果,它表明如果一个表单通过提供默认的表单来操作一个Action。这个表单会显示给最终用户。这个结果也用于用户输入无效,意味着用户需要再次输入
static StringLOGIN The actioncould not execute, since the user most was not logged in. The loginview should be shown. Action不能执行,因为用户没有登录。已登录的画面会被关闭。
staticString NONE The actionexecution was successful but do not show a view. This is useful foractions that are handling the view in another fashion likeredirect. Action执行成功,但是不会显示一个视图。通常产生这种情况的原因是被其他视图重定向了。
staticString SUCCESS The actionexecution was successful. Show result view to the enduser. Action执行成功。显示结果视图(页面)给用户。



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