
using namespace std;#include
#include #define OTL_ODBC // Compile OTL 4.0/ODBC
// The following #define is required with MyODBC 3.51.11 and higher
#define OTL_ODBC_UNIX // uncomment this line if UnixODBC is used
#include  // include the OTL 4.0 header file
otl_connect db; // connect objectvoid insert()
// insert rows into table
{otl_stream o(1, // buffer size should be == 1 always on INSERT"insert into test_tab values "" (:f1,:f2), "" (:f12,:f22), "" (:f13,:f23), "" (:f14,:f24), "" (:f15,:f25) ",// INSERT statement. Multiple sets of values can be used// to work around the lack of the bulk interfacedb // connect object
            );// If the number of rows to be inserted is not known in advance,// another stream with the same INSERT can be openedotl_stream o2(1, // buffer size should be == 1 always on INSERT"insert into test_tab values "" (:f1,:f2)", db // connect object
            );char tmp[32];int i;for (i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {sprintf(tmp, "Name%d", i);o << i << tmp;}for (i = 101; i <= 103; ++i) {sprintf(tmp, "Name%d", i);o2 << i << tmp;}
}void update(const int af1)
// insert rows into table
{otl_stream o(1, // buffer size should be == 1 always on UPDATE"UPDATE test_tab ""   SET f2=:f2 "" WHERE f1=:f1",// UPDATE statementdb // connect object
            );o << "Name changed" << af1;o << otl_null() << af1 + 1; // set f2 to NULL

}void select(const int af1) {otl_stream i(50, // buffer size may be > 1"select * from test_tab ""where f1>=:f11 ""  and f1<=:f12*2",// SELECT statementdb // connect object
            );// create select streamint f1;char f2[31];i << af1 << af1; // :f11 = af1, :f12 = af1while (!i.eof()) { // while not end-of-datai >> f1;cout << "f1=" << f1 << ", f2=";i >> f2;if (i.is_null())cout << "NULL";elsecout << f2;cout << endl;}}int main() {otl_connect::otl_initialize(); // initialize ODBC environmenttry {// db.rlogon("UID=xuanyuan;PWD=xuanyuan;DSN=examples"); // connect to ODBC        //其中dsn是odbc连接的名字,不是数据库的名字,otl是通过odbc的名字找到数据库的,          //而这个名字对于的配置里面,已经包含了IP,端口等信息,只要你提供用户名和密码就可以访问了          //见http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/8065f87f38b31423312498e4.html           db.rlogon("xuanyuan/xuanyuan@examples"); // connect to ODBC, alternative format of connect string
otl_cursor::direct_exec(db, "use examples");  // 此行在原示例代码中没有,必须使用use xxx切换数据库otl_cursor::direct_exec(db, "drop table test_tab",otl_exception::disabled // disable OTL exceptions); // drop table
otl_cursor::direct_exec(db,"create table test_tab(f1 int, f2 varchar(30)) type=innoDB"); // create table
insert(); // insert records into the tableupdate(10); // update records in the tableselect(8); // select records from the table
}catch (otl_exception& p) { // intercept OTL exceptionscerr << p.msg << endl; // print out error messagecerr << p.stm_text << endl; // print out SQL that caused the errorcerr << p.sqlstate << endl; // print out SQLSTATE messagecerr << p.var_info << endl; // print out the variable that caused the error
    }db.logoff(); // disconnect from ODBCreturn 0;}
g++ -o"otl_test2" otl_test2.cpp -lmyodbc3
三、运行程序 otl_test
$ ./otl_test2
f1=8, f2=Name8
f1=9, f2=Name9
f1=10, f2=Name changed
f1=11, f2=NULL
f1=12, f2=Name12
f1=13, f2=Name13
f1=14, f2=Name14
f1=15, f2=Name15
f1=16, f2=Name16



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