






Create/List/Remove a new Project/Repository

$ git init
$ git init project1
等价于 $ mkdir project1 && cd project1 && git init
$ git status
检查当前目录是否包含一个git repo
$ ls .git
$ rm -rf .git/

Configure git to ignore files


过滤文件夹: /build/
过滤某种类型的文件:  *.tmp
过滤某各文件: /Build/Products/test.app
!开头表示不过滤: !*.c , !/dir/subdir/
支持通配符: *.[oa] 过滤repo中所有以.o或者.a为扩展名的文件


  1. 对该repo的所有用户应用过滤:
    将 .gitignore 文件放在工作目录的跟目录,编辑.gitignore完成后提交
    git add .gitignore
  2. 仅对自己的repo备份过滤:
    添加/编辑你工作目录的$GIT_DIR/info/exclude,例如你的working copy目录是
    ~/src/project1 , 则路径为
  3. 系统全局过滤
    创建一个ignore文件,名字随意起,比如我的放在 ~/.gitglobalignore ,然后配置git:
    $ core.excludesfile = ~/.gitglobalignore


.DS_Store### build directoryiMochaApp/build/iMochaSDK/build/### Testing projects directory/Testing/

Getting the latest Code

$ git pull <remote> <branch> # fetches the code and merges it into                              # your working directory$ git fetch <remote> <branch> # fetches the code but does not merge                              # it into your working directory

$ git pull --tag <remote> <branch> # same as above but fetch tags as well$ git fetch --tag <remote> <branch> # you get the idea

Checking Out Code (clone)

$ git clone user@host.com/dir/to/repo [Target DirName]

Commit Changes


$ git commit source/main.c
上句将提交 ./source/ 目录下的 main.c 文件。

$ git commit -a
-a标识表示提交所有修改过的文件,但是不提交新增加的文件。新增加的文件需要使用$ git-add 将其添加到git的索引中。

$ git push <remote> <branch>


$ git status 可以查看当前工作与那个branch,将要提交什么,提醒你忘记了什么等等...

Undo/Revert/Reset a commit

# Revert to a previous commit by hash:
$ git-reset --hard <hash>

可使用 HEAD^ 快捷指定上一次提交hash:
# Revert to previous commit:
$ git-reset --hard HEAD^


比较命令是 $ git diff

# to compare 2 revisions of a file:
$ git diff <commit1> <commit2> <file_name>

# to compare current staged file against the repository:
$ git diff --staged <file_name>

#to compare current unstaged file against the repository:
$ git diff <file_name>

How do you see the history of revisions to a file?

$ git log -- filename

git branch (分支)

git默认分支叫 master

# create a new branch
$ git branch <branch-name>
# to see a list of all branches in the cureent repoitory
$ git branch
# if you want to switch to another branch you can use
$ git checkout <branch-name>
# to create a new branch and switch to it in one step
$ git checkout -b <branch-name>
# to delete a branch:
$ git branch -d <branch-name>
# to create a branch with the changes from the current branch,do :
$ git stash
$ git stash branch <branch-name>

How do you merge branches?

if you want to merge a branch(e.g. "master" to "release"), make sure your current branch is the target branch you'd like to merge into(use $git branch or $git status to see your current branch).

Then use
$ git merge master
(where master is the name of the branch you want to merge with the current branch).

If there are any conflicts, you can use
$ git diff
to see pending conflicts you have to resolve.


假设你已经clone了一个具有 'some_branch' 分支的远端repo.下面的命令将本地跟踪这个分支:

# list remote branchesgit branch -r

# start tracking one remote branchgit branch --track some_branch origin/some_branch

# change to the branch locallygit checkout some_branch

# make changes and commit them locally....

# push your changes to the remote repository:git push


# create a new branch locallygit branch name_of_branchgit checkout name_of_branch# edit/add/remove files    # ... # Commit your changes locallygit add fileNamegit commit -m Message# push changes and new branch to remote repository:git push origin name_of_branch:name_of_branch


git push [远程名] :[分支名]

$ git push origin :mybranchname

作者:Elf Sundae (小糊涂)
本站采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。
转载请注明:转载自 Elf Sundae's Blog(http://www.cnblogs.com/elfsundae) (小糊涂闲)


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